Chapter 935 Lan Min successfully entered the office

   Lan Zhi saw this scene.

 Lin Na’s words rang in her mind.

That's right, now is her only chance. If she doesn't seize this opportunity, there will be nothing left when Li Beichen wakes up.

 She must master everything before Li Beichen wakes up.

You must know that Li Beichen recorded that video willingly before he changed his mind. She did not force him to do it.

Lan Min took a deep breath, then adjusted himself, and then said: "What do you mean? Don't forget who is behind me. Do you want to go against Beichen? Do you really Have you forgotten Beichen’s methods?”

  While saying this, Lan Min's eyes couldn't help but become sharp.

If it were Lan Min, no one would be afraid and no one would take it seriously. But when Lan Min mentioned Li Beichen, everyone's expressions immediately changed.

It is true that everyone now knows that Li Beichen does not care about Lan Min as much as before, but who can understand the grudges and grudges of such a big man.

 Judging from Li Beichen's previous attitude towards Lan Min, it can be said that he really wanted to give everything in the world to Lan Min, but he immediately changed his attitude.

 What if, what if it’s true…

When Lan Zhen saw the expressions of the people around him change, he knew that it was okay for him to do so, so he continued to speak: "If I guessed correctly, then you must think that I am being fake now, but you have to figure it out. Find out what kind of person your CEO Li Beichen is. If I didn’t get his permission, how could I be here? What are you doing? Do you want to rebel? "

Sure enough, after Lan Min said this, the person who was originally blocking her got out of the way.

Lanji walked into the office under everyone's gaze. When she walked into the office, the smell of Li Beichen entered her nose.

This caused memories of Li Beichen to appear in Lan Min's mind.

Scenes and scenes cannot be simply forgotten.

When Lan Zhen recalled this scene, his nails successfully dug into his flesh. Now Lan Zhen still can't believe it. Can he believe that the man simply wiped out all their beautiful memories?

"Mr. Lan, do you have any other instructions?" A strange and formulaic voice appeared.

When Lan Min heard the word "Mr. Lan", he felt an indescribable feeling of comfort in his body.

 She turned her head and saw a strange man: "Who are you?"

“Hello Mr. Lan, I am Mr. Li’s chief executive secretary. My surname is Yang and my name is Yang Jun. If you don’t mind, you can just call me Xiao Yang from now on.”

 Chief Executive Secretary.

Lan Min frowned when he heard this: "You are the chief executive secretary of Beichen. If I remember correctly, isn't Beichen's chief secretary Zhou Xu? Why are you now the chief executive secretary of Beichen? ",

However, when Lan Min was talking, he remembered who this man was.

This person used to be Li Beichen's external secretary. He was mainly responsible for foreign affairs and was very capable. For this reason, he has always been regarded as a rival by Zhou Xu. Previously, he had been involved in an accidental meeting. At that time, it was not easy to hear Zhou Xu complain about this person.

 (End of this chapter)

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