Chapter 940 Su Nian’s purpose

"Su Nian, do you know what you are doing?" Lan Zhen couldn't help but ask.

Su Nian nodded seriously: "Of course I know what I am doing. Hey, Lan Min, how do you want to choose? Just say something, my company is connected to my dream, but as for you, because of your behavior It delayed so many things in the company.

Lan Min, you have repeatedly questioned me and my identity, saying that if I were not born in a wealthy family and had more resources and abilities than you, I would not be so comfortable now. But what about you? Aren’t you now? Are you wasting it? "

Faced with Su Nian's pressing steps, Lan Min finally couldn't help but say: "You really plan to watch me wandering around in Li Beichen's company, what on earth are you doing."

"This is not my company. I'm in a hurry. You can do whatever you want. It's none of my business. If you can really destroy this Li Group, you can be considered great."

"If my husband really has nothing, then I will raise him as a pretty boy, so it's nothing." When Su Nian said this, he looked indifferent.

 But when he said this, Su Nian walked up to Lan Min.

And Lan Min instinctively backed away when he saw Su Nian.

But Su Nian was very quick and grabbed Lan Shi's hand: "Lan Shi, that's what I mean. As for whether I have other ideas, you can guess for yourself. But after all, we have known each other for such a long time. I I think I should do something, so I want to remind you that some decisions in life need to be made carefully. "

“If you don’t make a careful decision, it may cause irreparable consequences.”

 After saying this, Su Nian immediately let go.

 Not sloppy at all.

When Su Nian walked outside, Zhou Xu who was following her couldn't help but said: "Madam, I know that you have your own reasons for everything you do, but when you face that Lan Min, I I think you are...a little too much now..."

When Su Nian heard this, his face was full of doubts.

"I think you talk a little too much. Ma'am, haven't you ever watched TV series? Usually villains die because they talk too much. Is your behavior like this really... good?" Su Nian glared at Zhou fiercely. Xu glanced.

“Madam, I don’t mean what you mean, I mean to remind you, I mean... my heart for you is really as clear as the sun and the moon.”

“Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that relying on Lan Ren is impossible to shake the Li Group, but why would Huo Linyuan make such a move?”

 This made Zhou Xu suddenly become serious.

 That’s right, Su Nian did this on purpose, in order to attract the people behind Lan Zhi, who wanted the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind.

 Actually, Su Nian already has someone in mind.

 But Su Nian still had to make sure.

 At least lure that guy out.

 After all, if you keep that guy behind the scenes, it will look like that guy is some kind of master.

 On the contrary, she seemed to be mentally retarded.

Su Nian wanted to get that **** guy out, but when he did... Su Nian's eyes became sharp when he thought of this!

“Madam, you are smart, madam, you are smart, hey, what’s going on with me, why should I question madam.” Zhou Xu, who understood what Su Nian meant, answered with a smile on his face.

"Okay, don't try to please me like a eunuch. Just do your own thing."

 (End of this chapter)

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