Chapter 963 It is human instinct to watch the excitement

Lu Jing knew that the man speaking in front of him was Luo Qian.

 He is one of Huo Linyuan's good brothers.

 He followed Lan Yan before and had some dealings with Luo Qian, and even got on such good terms that they went out drinking.

 He did not expect that this Luo Qian would actually attack in public like this.

"You're welcome. I'm really curious. Why are you so rude to me? Please tell me why you're so polite to me. Tell me carefully. You and I have known each other for such a long time. Suddenly, I I realize that I really don't know what you are capable of, Lu Jing, please tell me today how you plan to deal with me." When Luo Qian said this, the contempt in his eyes was not concealed at all.

You must know that everyone attending the banquet can be said to be either rich or noble.

 Such a commotion naturally attracted many people's attention to them.

“Lu Jing, I don’t know what you are thinking, but you still have a chance to regret it now. We can forgive you. You must be good now and look back immediately. If you don’t look back, then the consequences will be…”

 Looking back, Lu Jing couldn't help but become confused when he heard this.

Then he touched his face with his little finger: "Qi Laosi, what do you mean by this? How do you feel that I have betrayed someone? Hey, what you said means that I have betrayed someone."

 Lu Jing thought of a possibility when he said this

It is Qi Laosi, and even Huo Linyuan, who is behind Qi Laosi, regards himself as a dog.

 Such behavior really made Lu Jing angry.

 I just liked Lan Min before, and I felt that even if a man did something for the woman he loved, it was normal, but he could not really be treated like a dog. "Aren't you betrayed? Linyuan has been so kind to you. In the end, what are you doing now? Lu Jing, you'd better be conscientious. I really didn't expect you to be such a person. You really let me Very disappointed.”

 That’s right, Luo Qian actually said that on purpose.

After all, Luo Qian has been dealing with Lu Jing for so many years. How could he not know what kind of temper Lu Jing is, so he deliberately said this in the hope that Lu Jing would be able to tell the truth.

"Be good to me, how can he be good to me? Give me an example. Come on, everyone is here to watch anyway. There is no such dillydally. Please tell me today, how much does Huo Linyuan treat me?" What did you do to enable betrayal to describe me?"

Although Lu Jing is a bit stupid, he has stayed with Su Nian for so long and learned some things.

For example, if someone likes to use this kind of moral kidnapping against themselves, then just say it openly.

After Lu Jing said this, he clearly saw Luo Qian's expression change.

Then Lu Jing began to become proud: "Luo Qian, what's your expression? Your current expression, why do you feel like you are constipated? You must know that constipation is not a good problem. I really hope you can recover soon." Click here and take a look. If you don’t take a look, it will be bad if something really goes wrong.”

Luo Qian was not polite and just punched him.

 That's right, we got together like this.

  Although the people here are all people with status, even if they have status, watching the excitement is something in the human bones. No matter what status they are, there is no way to change it.

 (End of this chapter)

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