The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 971: Li Beichen doesn’t need to speak if he can’t speak.

Chapter 971 Li Beichen doesn’t have to speak if he doesn’t know how to speak.

Lu Jing, who was gearing up at first, was stunned when he heard this.

 What does this mean? What does it mean that the matter is resolved?

After hanging up the phone, Sun Ying'er excitedly said to Lu Jing: "Lu Jing, my family's matter has been resolved. Now the Luo family is finished. It's really finished. Hahaha, things have really changed."

 Lu Jing: “It’s solved, how to solve it.”

These words made Sun Ying'er calm down immediately.

 The matter is resolved.

 But...who solved it.

When she thought of this, Sun Ying'er felt really sour in her heart.

 After all, who else could solve the problem? Of course it was Su Nian...

Sun Yinger immediately pulled Lu Jing and ran to Su Nian.

When Sun Ying'er saw Su Nian, she didn't say anything to Su Nian at all. She just said directly: "Nian Nian, you are so good. Why are you always so good? Why do you do this? I am obviously better than you. You are old, I am your sister and I am the one who should take care of you, but why are you always like this? You really make me feel useless. "

But when Sun Ying'er said this, she looked confused.

It’s really as confusing as you are.

At this moment, Lu Jing's voice rang out: "Hey, I really don't understand you women. You are so good at ordinary times, why are you so polite at the critical moment? It's better for me to be thick-skinned." , I never feel anything.”

It's better that this guy Lu Jing doesn't speak.     When Lu Jing said these words, he successfully calmed down the atmosphere.

Sun Ying'er frowned and turned to look at Lu Jing: "Lu Jing, if you really can't speak, then no one in this world will treat you as a mute."

Lu Jing, who was being bullied, felt a little aggrieved when he heard this: "Aunt Sun, I'm just telling the truth, why are you hurting me again?"

Sun Ying'er glared at this guy fiercely after hearing this.

But at this moment, Su Nian's timid voice sounded: "Sister, tell me, you may have misunderstood what happened this time..."

However, Su Nian was interrupted before she could finish her words: "Sister, we are all a family, why are you so polite? It is the right thing to resolve the matter properly."

“I just feel that it’s really useless for me as a sister to let Niannian solve everything.”

"How can you say that? You are also a sister. If you really regard Niannian as a sister, then don't say that." When Li Beichen said this, he looked at the woman beside him: "If you really If you want to thank me, then thank God for giving you such a wonderful sister.”

It's okay that Li Beichen didn't say this. After he said this, Sun Ying'er's face really looked a little helpless.

Then Sun Ying'er couldn't help but said: "Hey, I'm here to thank Niannian, not to eat dog food. Beichen, you really need to think about me as a single person."

When Li Beichen heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Since you are here to express your gratitude, I think it is okay to eat a little dog food. After all, it is just a little dog food. If you can't even eat this, Then sister, your sincerity is really compromised."

Sun Ying'er: ...If Li Beichen really can't speak, then he really doesn't have to speak.

 (End of this chapter)

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