The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 976: Su Nian and Sun Yinger both gave thumbs up at the same time

Chapter 976 Su Nian and Sun Yinger both gave thumbs up at the same time

But this matter is really a bit troublesome.

 The reason why it was troublesome was that Su Nian had to worry about Sun Ying'er.

With scruples, it will be inconvenient to do things.

Su Nian needs to think carefully about what to do so as not to affect Sun Ying'er.

 This really needs to be thought about carefully.

But the next day, Sun Ying'er took the initiative to come to the door.

This time, Sun Yinger said directly the moment she saw Su Nian: "Nian Nian, I know you must have concerns about this matter. I really have nothing to do. Don't worry too much. If you have If you worry, it will only allow our enemies to succeed. Nian Nian, we must not let this happen. "

"I know what you are struggling with. You must feel that if you are too harsh, what will happen if it involves me or hurts me? Don't think like that, you know? The more you think like this , then the more we let our enemies succeed.”

“Sister.” Su Nian did have a solution.

 So Su Nian was struggling with how to avoid this method.

 After all, she really didn’t want to throw dirty water on Sun Ying’er.

 The reason why I say this is because Luo Qian has always been talking about personal affairs.

But you must know that Sun Ying'er was with Huo Linyuan before, and they even reached the point of discussing marriage.

If you use this point to refute, then you can say that Luo Qian had bad intentions at the beginning.

 But this one is threatening.

 If it really doesn’t work well... then...

"Sister, please stop talking. Leave this matter to me. I will definitely think of a good way. Your sister, if you come to me and say this now, you are not helping me, but looking down on me. What you are saying is What do you mean, I can't solve this problem? You really underestimate me, I hope you don't underestimate me." Sun Ying'er laughed when she heard this.

  She has always been a **** in the so-called family, and she is the kind that can be abandoned at any time.

 She has really never been cared for like this.

 That's why she is so determined.

“Nian Nian, I understand what you mean, but as long as we understand it ourselves and who we are, there is no difference between what other outsiders think.”


Just when Su Nian and Sun Ying'er were arguing here, Lu Jing's voice sounded: "Actually, there is another way to this matter, but..."

Sun Ying'er frowned subconsciously when she heard this voice: "Lu Jing, now is not the time to play. Don't make trouble at this time. If you make trouble at this time, then I will really be rude to you."

But after Sun Ying'er said this, Lu Jing's voice didn't stop at all: "If you just want Luo Qian's words to be self-defeating, there is actually another way. For example, Luo Qian and I..."

These words successfully made the two women look at Lu Jing.

 I saw Lu Jing gritting his teeth, as if he was making a very difficult decision.

Sun Ying'er can risk everything as a woman, so as a man, he still lingers like this, which is really shameful.

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm by your side. We can just say that Luo Qian is pestering me."

Su Nian and Sun Yinger immediately gave Lu Jing a thumbs up.

This is awesome.

 (End of this chapter)

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