Chapter 978 A breaking news

 Facts have proved that if Lu Jing is really reliable, then it is still possible.

 The reason why I say this is because Lu Jing not only came up with this idea, but also took out his and Luo Qian’s

 —Bed photo

 Although it was just two men sleeping naked together.

 Nothing special happened.

 But it’s really explosive.

Su Nian and Sun Ying'er couldn't help but look at him.

Lu Jing coughed a few times after feeling the looks in the two women's eyes: "Ahem, don't think wrongly. He and I really have nothing to do with each other. My hobby is really women. I promise it's genuine. This The photo was taken by a friend who was traveling with us because we liked drinking together before.”

Even though Lu Jing said so, the looks in Su Nian and Sun Ying'er's eyes were still...,

This really made Lu Jing go crazy: "Hey, hey, hey, I've paid such a big price, and you guys are like this, don't you think you're a little too much?"

 Sure enough, when they finished saying this, both women looked away.


 That evening

 One piece of news spreads across the world.

Luo Qian couldn't help but love Lu Jing. Since Lu Jing had been by Sun Ying'er's side during this period, he launched an attack on the Sun family.

This news is really shocking.

 Almost all propagates at the speed of light.

Some people also question the authenticity of this news.

There was a rebuttal immediately.

 Otherwise, why did the Luo family suddenly attack the Sun family?

Does Sun Ying'er and Luo Qian have anything to do with each other? If that's the case, then Huo Linyuan is not a vegetarian.

How could Huo Linyuan not see this? After all, Sun Ying'er had been Huo Linyuan's fiancée for many years.

 Furthermore...compared to Luo Qian and Sun Ying'er...the public still believes in Lu Jing and Luo Qian more. After all, the latter is more explosive than the former, and it is still quite explosive.

 As time went by, a bed photo actually leaked out.    When bed photos appear…

This news…

 You must know that curiosity is everyone's nature. Gradually, some people began to test Luo Qian...

  After all, the Luo family is also a leading family.

If it is really reported that Luo Qian... it will really explode.

 And Luo Qian himself... almost exploded...

 That’s right, Luo Qian knows very well that being a man does require him to sacrifice something in the face of major events.

 But sacrifice is sacrifice, it is really not such a sacrifice.

Lin Na comforted her at the side: "Master Luo, I understand how you feel now, but the more you act like this, the more you have to be patient. If you can't be patient, then we will lose."

"This brainless guy Lu Jing is just too much! Does he really not know how to save face? Doesn't he know how much impact this matter will have?" Now Luo Qian really wants to kill someone.

Lu Jing, that guy with a bad mind.

Lina was also shocked when she heard the news.

 She originally thought that she could win without any lower limit, but she really didn't expect that the opponent would have such no lower limit.

Even the way Lin Na looked at Lu Jing when she was comforting him was a bit searching.

Luo Qian can now be said to be a powder keg. He immediately felt Lin Na's eyes, and immediately said: "What do you mean by this look? What do you mean! You!"

"I don't mean anything. I really don't mean anything. I just feel that if we retreat now, then everything we have done before will be in vain. Mr. Luo, you are a smart person. Do you really want the other party to Are people happy?"

Luo Qian subconsciously clenched his hands into fists when he thought of Sun Ying'er's arrogant look.

 No, we cannot retreat.

 (End of this chapter)

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