The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 982: Don't you feel uncomfortable when you speak against your conscience?

Chapter 982: Don’t you feel uncomfortable when you speak without conscience?

"Okay, okay, you're right. Everything you say now is right. You're smart because I didn't understand anything before. It's because my vision was too low. It's my fault that I didn't notice your smartness before. It's all my fault." It was my fault."

 But even if Sun Ying'er said this, Lu Jing was still very dissatisfied.

 After all, this tone really needs to be as perfunctory as possible.

Lu Jing took a few steps towards Sun Ying'er and reached out to pinch her chin: "Aunt Sun, are you just trying to deal with me like this? Is it really difficult for you to admit that I am smart?"

 “Don’t you feel uncomfortable when you speak without conscience?”

 Lu Jing:…

"I think people who don't find it difficult are almost the kind of people who have no conscience. Do you think you are that kind of person?"

This sentence really confused Lu Jing.

"You, you, Aunt Sun, you are trying to make excuses. How could you do this? You are really going too far to bully me for not being able to speak. Humph, you are still an elder. How can any elder bully others like this?"

Sun Ying'er raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this. This guy always mentioned elders.

  Why is it like a moral kidnapping?


That’s right, that’s what Lu Jing thinks.

The thing is like this. One day, when Lu Jing was on the street, he saw a child telling his parents that he was bullying him just because he was a parent.

 When Lu Jing saw this, he suddenly became enlightened.

Yes, both Su Nian and Sun Ying'er want to save face. After all, they are not like themselves. It doesn't matter how stupid others think they are.


"Why didn't you speak? Are you feeling guilty after what I said? Oh, you are just bullying me. Bullying an honest person like me is really a bit too much."

"Stop, stop, stop, you're being moaned, don't forget, you are a man about 1.8 meters tall. For a man as big as you, what are you saying at this time, such as moaning, moaning, moaning? , do you really think it’s okay? If you’re whining, then I’m really not polite to you.”    But it’s okay if Sun Ying’er doesn’t say this.

When Sun Ying'er said this, Lu Jing became even more arrogant and got closer: "Aunt Sun, you are rude to me, and you are still threatening me like this. Do you really act like an elder now?"

Sun Ying'er: ...Okay, now Sun Ying'er really regrets it.

I regret why I have to be so confused and why I feel sorry for this guy.

It seems like every time I feel sorry for this guy, nothing good comes out of it.

Just when Sun Ying'er spoke again, scolding Lu Jing, a stranger's voice sounded.

"When I heard Lu Jing say that Luo Qian was pestering him, I thought there was something going on between them. After all, there is a saying that a slap can't make a difference, especially for such a thing. I didn't expect Lu Jing to really like women."

“And he and that Sun Ying’er seem to be very close.”

Sun Ying'er:! !

At this moment, Sun Ying'er suddenly had a bad premonition.

He immediately pushed Lu Jing away with his hands and quickly looked for the person who spoke.

 But I didn’t see anyone.

 “Did you hear a sound just now?” Sun Yinger scanned the surroundings very vigilantly.

Lu Jing saw Sun Ying'er like this and asked in confusion: "Aunt Sun, what's wrong? What's the sound? I didn't hear anything just now. What's wrong with you? Did you hear it wrong?"

 “No, I really heard someone talking.”

When Lu Jing heard this, he looked around, but he didn't see even a hair: "Aunt Sun, who is here, and we didn't say anything or do anything outrageous just now. Even if there is someone, why are you so afraid?”

Sun Ying'er heard this and felt it made sense, so she immediately stopped searching.

 That’s right, it doesn’t matter even if there is someone.

 (End of this chapter)

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