Chapter 988 It’s really Lan Min

"It's actually very simple to know the answer. You find someone to come over now, and then attack the car from the front and rear. If the car disappears before the person you are looking for comes, then it proves that the person driving this car, or the person driving this car, The people behind the scenes are smart and we need to take them seriously.”

Zhou Xu felt it made sense when he heard this and started making phone calls immediately.

 After giving orders to the good people, Zhou Xu drove in a circle.

Su Nian turned his head and looked behind him.

 Gradually, she discovered that the driver’s skills were not very good.

  She felt as if she had guessed correctly.

But Su Nian really didn’t know what to say. What was Lan Min thinking about now.

 What should I do if I come here to attack myself and really force Li Beichen out?

You must know that in the current situation, Lan Min is probably the person in the world who least expects Li Beichen to appear. If she were Lan Min, why did Li Beichen not show up? What she needs to do now is to gather power.

As long as the right is obtained, no matter what the reason is, Li Beichen will eventually swallow his breath because of the reasons that did not appear during this period.

Well, if Lan Zhen can really think of this matter, then she is not the heroine of Mary Sue.

 Soon, the person Zhou Xu called arrived.

 He just surrounded the people.

Su Nian got out of the car and saw Lan Min holding his stomach.

Well, even though Su Nian had received so-called professional training, he still couldn't help laughing.

After Lan Zhen heard Su Nian's laughter, her face turned pale: "Su Nian, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? I want to know what you want to do. Don't tell me. Are you here just for prenatal education?" When Su Nian heard this, he couldn't help but clapped his hands a few times: "If it's true, If this is the case, then I can only say that Miss Lan, you are awesome, your child is ahead of many others in terms of prenatal education, you are really awesome. "

How could Lan Min not understand this truth? She also knew that her child was her only bargaining chip at the moment. Lan Min's appearance here was not her intention, but Lin Na's intention.

 According to Lin Na’s words.

Now that she is pregnant, in some respects she has the moral high ground, and it is indeed easier to do some things.

 So Lan Min also came.

 While driving, Lan Min was really scared.

 Afraid that something would go wrong while driving. If something went wrong with the child, and it was her own fault, Huo Linyuan would definitely get angry.

My own situation is certainly not good.

But there is no other way. If Lan Min wants to become Mrs. Huo and become Huo Linyuan's legitimate wife, he must do something.

"Su Nian, this is my business. How do I provide prenatal education for my son? You are not qualified to take care of it. You must know that we are on the road now. Could it be that you, Su Nian, are so powerful that you can take care of it on the road? "

Su Nian raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

what is it today.

 Why is Lan Min so stubborn?

 Does the sun come out from the west?

For this reason, Su Nian also looked specifically in the direction of the sun to make sure that there was no problem in the direction in which the sun came out.

“Su Nian, are you listening to me?”

"Yes, yes, of course. I'm not deaf. How could I not hear you? Lan Min, if you have anything to say, just say it."

 (End of this chapter)

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