Chapter 993: Guess it

Lin Na's sudden change really caught Lan Min off guard.

Isn’t this Lin Na on her side? Why did Lin Na say that.

Lin Na also saw Lan Min's incredible look, but this look really gave Lin Na a headache. After all, she had been in contact with Lan Min for so long, and she still had a tacit understanding. Even if there was no tacit understanding, she still had some brains.

Su Nian said something that Lin Na now thinks is right.

The lower limit of this Lan's IQ is really constantly being refreshed. In order not to ruin her plan, Lin Na quickly spoke again: "Miss Lan, I can see from your expression that you must feel uncomfortable now. Since you are uncomfortable, , then I really suggest that you have a good rest now. I see that there is no driver in your car, so you should drive here by yourself.

I think it’s a bit bad for you to drive by yourself. How about I arrange for someone to take you home? After all, there is a saying that says, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. "After Lin Na said this, someone immediately appeared behind Lan Min.

 Looking like Lan Min had to leave.

What else can Lan Min do? He can only be obedient.

But just when Lan Shi was about to follow him obediently, Su Nian's voice rang out: "Miss Lan, please wait a moment. I haven't said anything to you yet. After all, I'm very busy now and we don't have the chance to meet." So much, I don’t even know when our next meeting will be, so I still feel like I have to finish my words.”

When Su Nian said this, he walked to Lan Min's side and hugged Lan Min very diligently.

 Such an operation made the two women present dumbfounded.

 After all, Su Nian's attitude changed too quickly.

 Such an attitude really catches people off guard. The next moment, Lan Min's face became ugly.

The reason why Lan Min's face looked like this was because Su Nian was in her ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Lan Min, don't you really feel that you are a failure? I just said something casually, and Lin Na would just give up on you.

I understand why you are doing this recently. You are just unwilling to be a lover, so you just want to be on the big stage. But after such a long time, haven't you really discovered that you Not worthy at all? "

When Su Nian said this, his face was as close as possible.

Even after saying this, he patted her with great concern and said loudly: "Lan Min, you didn't keep saying before that Beichen just treats you as a sister, so on behalf of Beichen, I really hope Don't let anything happen to you. After all, if you really talk about it, your child will be called my aunt when she is born."

Su Nian originally wanted to back away after saying this.

But unexpectedly, Lan Min directly held her wrist at this moment: "Do you really think I don't know what you mean? You are just deliberately irritating me. You just think that I can't control my emotions. What can I do? Su Nian, do you really think I'm so stupid and haven't made any progress?"

When Lan Min said this, he laughed wildly.

But Su Nian sighed deeply at this moment: "What about you? You also think that I would do such a stupid thing. If you can guess my thoughts so easily, then you won't be My opponent."

These words made Lan Min's expression change instantly.

 (End of this chapter)

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