Chapter 999 Speechless

Lina didn’t want to say such speechless words.

  But I really can’t help it.

  I can’t help it.

She now really feels that she might be tired of stupidity.

Huo Linyuan seems to be quite smart, but how can he be so stupid when it comes to this emotional issue? It can be said that he is hopelessly stupid.

"By the way, how are you sure something happened in Beichen? Why don't I know? Did Su Nian just say it?"


 This question can still be asked.


Lin Na didn't know what to say, but when she saw Lan Min like this, she walked to her side: "Hey, Lan Min, I can understand that people are greedy, but you can't be too greedy, especially But when it comes to certain things, if you are too greedy, is very likely...that you will not get good results."

No matter how stupid Lan Min is, he still knows what this means.

However, Lan Min's eyes became sharp subconsciously: "I understand what you mean, but there is something that is obviously yours, but it was taken away. Can you be willing to accept this situation?"

Lina immediately tensed up when she heard this.

She did not speak immediately, but looked at Lan Shi seriously again. At this moment, Lin Na's eyes were like X-rays, constantly scanning Lan Shi's body.

Such a look made Lan Min feel really uncomfortable.

Lanji also wants to say something.

But Lin Na raised her hand: "Yes, yes, what you said is right. Just follow your heart. Since your things have been taken away, you must **** them back. After all, they were things that once belonged to you." , taking away what once belonged to you is really too much.

  This is simply a situation that cannot be tolerated by nature. Well, I won’t bother you anymore. Just think about it carefully. You must think about it carefully and figure out how to get back everything you have. "

Lin Na turned around and left immediately after saying this.

At this moment, Lin Na was really a little lucky, glad that her original decision was the right one and she did not continue to stand behind Lan Min. If she continues to stand behind Lan Min, then... Su Nian doesn't know what to think of herself... Although now Lin Na feels that in Su Nian's heart, she must not be very good.

Lan Min wanted to say something when he saw Lin Na leaving in such a hurry.

 But before Lan Ren could say anything, Lin Na disappeared directly.

No matter how stupid Lan Min is, he understands what Lin Na means, and at the same time he is really angry.

 Lina What does this mean?

 Is there anything wrong with what you said?

Li Beichen kept saying that he would stay by her side for the rest of his life.

 But it was snatched away by Su Nian.

 Why can’t I take back the person I care about from Su Nian?

The more this happened, the more Lan Min felt that he had to let Li Beichen return to his side, and yes, Lu Jing.

 Lan Min must let the whole world understand that she, Lan Min, is much better than Su Nian.

This is Lan Zhi’s goal

If Su Nian... well, not to mention Su Nian, even Lin Na would feel that she was a little too incompetent if she knew what Lan Min thought like this.

 At this moment, Lan Yan suddenly felt a little pain in his stomach.

It was also this kind of pain that brought Lan Min's spirit back to reality.

 Children, yes, she must take good care of her children. Children are the biggest bargaining chip in her hand.

 If this bargaining chip is gone, then her situation will be even more difficult.

 (End of this chapter)

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