The Vicious Princess Overturns the World

Chapter 114: The Third Prince intends

The third prince smiled and leaned on the back of the chair, and did not go out to continue the banquet. People said that he was a little too high and needed a rest. In fact, he only slowly drank tea here, he thought, I and I A future prince, although she didn't talk much, she kept fighting secretly. (((Kartino Novel Network

I didn't think about her before, but when Li Xiangcheng married, when she saw Li Wanrou, she became so beautiful, and it was amazing. When did she become? I didn't even notice it. What a pity, such an oily thing, even cheaper that sick seedling! At the thought of the prince, Nongong Rongji, the third prince, rushed into a heart of irritability and anger. According to his own report, his illness is so serious that he should have been killed a month ago, but who knows that not only is it okay, but there is an increasingly healthy trend, what is this!

Seeing that the night outside gradually came, he said, "Little Songzi!"

The people outside agreed to come in with a cry, and Xiao Songzi was his personal **** and hurriedly saluted: "What did your highness tell you?"

"Is the Prince coming?"

"Yes, I came, but I went back after sitting for less than half an hour. It was said that it was unwell. The rest of the princes, except the nine princes, all sat and walked. The eleventh prince did not come and said yes The wind chills, and the concubine Xiangxi sent some gifts."

The three princes sneered, and Xiang Fei was so big! Really think you are favored, your son can become a prince? It is this nine princes, who really is not guilty! The rest of the prince, no matter who is married, will come to fill the audience. He really did not expect to be the prince?

Xiao Songzi smiled and said, "The minions asked me for a moment. When I chose the right concubine, De Fei and the nine princes had a quarrel. Although they didn't know what to say, the insider said that the nine princes repeatedly said , Not interested in the throne, don't let his mother help him fight for anything."

Nangong Rongji nodded: "He's a good man. In fact, his temperament is really not good. Fenghuaxueyue will not matter. But stare at it. Who knows if it is true, or is it acting?"

"Yes, the minion has arranged for a concubine and waited until he was married. The nine princes did not know."

The three princes nodded. They weren't the first time they did these things, so Xiao Songzi didn't have to give any hint. Various princes have secret agents he sent in, some are concubines, girls, some are concubines, and one is even a side concubine. Only the prince can't get in because he doesn't like women, and no woman should wait.

There is only one **** who is still waiting close by, listening for a lot of news. But the last time things were exposed, now the Prince's House can be said to be watertight, and it is really a problem to not be able to enter people for surveillance.

The three princes said, "Little Songzi, if you want to find some girls and eunuchs from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you must get into the prince's palace. You don't need them to wait in person, just go in."

"Yes, the minions will do it now." Xiao Songzi glanced at the three princes: "I don't tonight... Which side concubine is summoned? It's not too early, they haven't yet What about meals." He wanted to say this long ago, but he didn't dare. Now that he had just come in, he simply asked boldly.

The three princes narrowed their eyes and thought for a while, then said: "Tell the two concubines, I will go to Li Shifu tonight. Let Lin Xue rest early."

"Yes." Xiao Songzi went out and thought, still seems to prefer that one? Also, another one who had been married before marriage was not interesting, or Li Shifu, beautiful, and the daughter of Xiang Ye! It's really a good time to stammer. He hummed Xiaoqu and went out, no matter which side concubine he went to Announcement, he would be rewarded, and not less, so he was full of expectations in his heart.

The two side concubines are waiting, they don’t need to attend the front banquet, so they just wear a red kimono with a red hijab on their heads, and the red candle shines. The two concubines were very nervous. After all, the three princes would come at any time, and they didn't know which one to go first.

Li Shifu was so nervous that when he heard the sound of the door opening, he hurriedly said, "Come?"

The girl said: "No, it's the third eunuch's personal eunuch."

"Oh, let him in." Li Shifu was disappointed. Isn't it coming?

Little Songzi came in to salute: "The minions please the side concubine."

"Get up." Li Shifu said: "What does Your Highness say?"

"Your Highness said to be here soon, so you are ready."

Li Shifu was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Yes, I know, reward."

A girl gave Xiao Songzi a purse, Xiao Songzi smiled and thanked to go out, and then his face fell down, even gave only one or two! The old concubine gave back ten or fifty two! Just give me one or two!

He didn’t know that Li Shifu was a bit mean by himself, and with different affairs, there was no obedient person beside him, that was a very humanistic woman, and before the marriage Li Wanrou deliberately passed on the message, calling several raising grandma to money, Give the money a bribe: "You don't have to bother to teach anyway. Anyway, my sister has a big heart. If you say something she doesn't like to listen to, you will be beaten and scolded. When she enters the palace of the third prince, she suffers. Enough."

Several of the grandmothers themselves could not be scolded by Li Shifu, because during that time Mrs. Madam banned her, she still held her breath every day, she felt that she was not a minion! Even if you are the educated grandma, it is my servant. It would be nice to play without it.

It is also that the Zhao family is dead. If the Zhao family is alive, Duan Duan will not make his daughter so confused.

Grandma got the money and hated Li Shifu herself, so she was also confused when teaching the rules. There is no system at all. Li Shifu is satisfied. She thinks that I am a side concubine. Now that the three princes do not have a concubine, I am the biggest. Not all the minions in the house are mine? You can do whatever you want! So it is even more unscrupulous.

I gave the little Songzi a silver or two just now, but I still think it’s a happy one. If she’s not happy, it’s probably a mouth. Anyway, she wouldn’t think that this man is the close **** of the three princes. What. After offending him, there will be no good. Xiao Songzi sneered and threw the money to the **** behind him.

"This little money laozi is not rare. If this swordsman can be favored, we will not have a good life."

"It's not. One day we will clean up."

"Do not worry, just take it slowly." Xiao Songzi sneered and walked away.

Li Shifu knew that the third prince was coming, and naturally began to prepare, but in a yard not far away, Lin Xue took the hairpin ring down. Someone told that the third prince was not coming today, and she sighed. Unmounted, the hijab on his head was taken off by himself, and his face was calm. The girls behind felt sad.


"I want to be the concubine in the future, I can't call the lady." She whispered: "Serve me to wash."

"It's the master, don't be sad. After all, Li Fangfei is the treasure of Xiangye, and you have to give this face. You are now the county master and you are not an unknown person."

Lin Xue sneered. The county chief was just the royal family who didn't want to be embarrassing, so she reluctantly blocked herself. Why didn't she understand? But now it's useless to say anything. Is it better than yourself? Li Shifu, Li Wanrou, there is nothing good!

But I won't lose, the three princes can't not come forever! I'm a side concubine!

She didn't want to think about it. If it weren't for Li Wanrou, she wouldn't be able to marry the third prince, but now she hates it all.

Li Shifu waited for a long time, and finally the three princes came and picked up her hijab with a pole. Li Shifu's flowery branches were very beautiful. The three princes nodded, and they were very good, and they were also very satisfied.

Li Shifu smiled and got up to salute: "His Royal Highness!"

"Well, it's hard for you today too, eat it."

"Yes, your concubine serves your Highness." Since you are married, you have to get along well, no matter what the purpose of the two people is, and why they are combined, they cannot be separated anyway.

Li Shifu gave the three princes a dish and was very considerate. The third prince glanced at Li Shifu: "Are you sorry in your heart?"

"Why regret?"

"You are the daughter-in-law from the main room, you should have been a concubine, but you have become a side concubine, but your sister has become a concubine, must you be angry in your heart?" The third prince knew Li Shifu's Where is the heart knot, poked hard, and the future made Li Shifu very angry, Li Wanrou that swordman!

"Although Li Wanrou is now a prince, the concubine still believes you. In the future, the one who will dominate the world may not be the prince. If the prince cannot become the emperor, then the prince is only an abandoned woman. It didn't start, the concubine was not in a hurry. And Li Wanrou and I have been fighting for many years, and I have always been in the upper hand. She has only had a tendency to look up these times. I have not been trampled by me before. Deadly?"

The three princes laughed: "Very good! You are the same as I thought, worthy of being a husband and wife. But you can deal with Li Wanrou?"

"The concubine is confident, and the concubine still has you." Li Shifu smiled: "We are a husband and wife, is it easier to deal with Li Wanrou?"

The three princes nodded: "You are smart, okay, the main hall will promise you, and you will pull the two people off the horse!"

Li Shifu sighed: "It's a pity that such a good resource as Yu Chongyi was wasted in vain. She won't be able to help me in the future."

"Not necessarily." The three princes said: "Yu Chongyi is stupid and still valuable."

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