The Vicious Princess Overturns the World

Chapter 116: Compete for power

Liu Huan knew that there was a dark tide between Madam Tai and Li Wanrou, so she needed to choose someone to stand in line. She thought about it and decided to stand by Li Wanrou. First of all, she had a life-saving grace for herself. (((Catino Novel Network If it weren’t for Li Wanrou, he wouldn’t be able to come to the prime minister’s house as a wife, only to be killed by Mrs. Liu.

She has just been married now and there is no way to avenge the bitch, but how can there be less hatred in her heart? Of course, I hate Mrs. Liu very much, who do you expect? Can the old lady help?

Will not! The old lady was thinking about the interests of herself and the entire Li family. She was just a lady, a child-bearing machine. Even if she died, she wouldn't feel any more, just marry one. The old lady is nothing more than her own granddaughter. How could she be good to my daughter-in-law?

Secondly, because Li Wanrou is the crown prince, she has a lot of power, and she should be under the control of the entire Xiangfu in the future. The old lady is old. Who can guarantee a few days? Of course, it is necessary to choose a better mountain.

As soon as this remark came out, Mrs. Tai was very angry: "Huan'er! You are Mrs. Xiangfu, do you care about these things? Is it right? Passed out, and made our Xiangfu criticized, saying that it does not give you rights. Willing to do this? Wan Rou, are you unwilling to decentralize?"

Li Wanrou laughed: "Grandmother, Wan Rou never had power. How can you let go of power? You can rest assured, since what you said makes sense, I will naturally take care of it. As for your fear of your wife being criticized, it would be better Let Mrs. Qing and her mother take care of it? What do you think?"

The Qings have been sitting here and heard Li Wanrou’s words and smiled and said, “I am also powerless, but if I get my words, I will naturally work hard, the old lady is at ease.”

Mrs. Tai gritted her teeth and looked at Li Wanrou: "No need! I think I'll take care of it first! Xiangye, you are my son. If you don't understand anything, you still have to ask me."

Li Xiang smiled: "The son naturally wants to ask you, but things in the house are so complicated, let the Qings and Huan'er come together, so that no one will be criticized, and no one will talk about it. , What does the mother think?"

Of course he could see that there was a discord between his mother and his daughter. Mother's hand stretched out too long during this time! It's so ridiculous! But I can't say anything! Who made herself born to her? Even want to take back the right to be the owner?

Mrs. Tai was full of anger. She used to give Mrs. Qing the rights because she was obedient, but now she is obviously on Li Wanrou’s side. Butler’s rights Although Li Wanrou doesn’t care about anything, she will respect her. What is your say? She looked at the small fish that had been shrinking aside.

"Yu'er, what is your opinion? You are also the aunt in your family. You can be your mother. You can also express your opinion."

Xiaoyu hurriedly stood up and said, "Slave maid... No, it is the concubine who feels that the old lady can also take care of it. Madam and Madam Qing are in charge of some delicate things, but some big things still need to ask Mrs. Tai's opinion What does it mean?"

After she finished speaking, there was a smile on Mrs. Madame's face, and she was very satisfied. This is the best result. No matter what big things go through my hands!

But Li Wanrou glanced coldly at the little fish, but she didn't think that the girl's heart was very high. She even thought of doing right with me!

Xiaoyu thought very well that it is no use surrendering to Li Wanrou now. Many people are pressing on him. There is no use value for Li Wanrou. It is better to surrender to the old lady. As long as she is happy, she always has a good life. In the future... as long as you have a child, you will be fine. As long as you have a child, even if Li Wanrou wants to deal with me, it will be on the face of the child. So she is not afraid of Li Wanrou being angry.

What's more, what she said makes sense, don't you call yourself filial piety and sensible? You don’t know that Mrs. Madam wants rights, anyway, I’m just like that. Can you teach me something? I am an aunt now.

Liu Huan said lightly: "I didn't know how small fish was sensible before."

"Yes, ma'am, I will be more sensible in the future." Xiaoyu smiled. Blame you for scorning me too much! I didn't think I would be your biggest enemy?

Liu Huan said: "Yes, I hope you are more sensible."

Li didn't care about the house's affairs, besides, it was not a serious event, and said with a smile; "Since this is the case, the matter is settled, you all go back and let the old lady take a good rest!"

All of these female dependents stood up and gave him away. Nuan Yu didn't know what to say, so he just looked at Li Wanrou.

Li Wanrou smiled: "It's okay, let's go."

"Wait a minute!" The old lady suddenly stopped them: "I have something to say."

"What should the old woman say? We must do something in spite of the orders." Mrs. Qing laughed.

Mrs. Tai said with a smile: "Isn't it Yuen Yu's marriage?"

Everyone was stunned, looking at Nuanyu's direction together. Nuanyu blushed and ran away quickly. She shouldn't have listened to such a thing, so she ran away and said nothing, and everyone went back to the top.

Mrs. Tai said lightly: "Wan Rou, you can go back. You are the elder sister, it is not convenient to take care of this matter."

Li Wanrou said with a smile: "Although I am an elder sister, I am also the future prince. If the person you said, the prince knew? If I want to promote it in the future? I also hope that I can help my sister, Mrs. Let me listen, this is good for our Li family."

In fact, Li Wanrou had a bad hunch in her heart, I was afraid that it would be a good marriage.

Li Wanrou's words made the wife's heart panic, always holding the position of the crown prince! But it's not easy to say anything.

Xiaoyu said: "Miss Er makes sense, but after all, you are a girl who has not been out of the cabinet, it is not very good to listen to it, it is better, if you want to know, Miss, we will discuss it, and then tell you how ?"

The things that have been decided are only to inform you that you are not qualified.

Liu Huan said lightly, "Xiaoyu, you are just a concubine. You are not qualified to listen to the things in your family, especially the marriage of your children. Go out, I want to eat fried **** at lunch for lunch. The room said."

"Sister..." Xiaoyu stood up in a panic. She felt that she was qualified, no matter how she was an aunt! But Liu Huan ignored her at all and said coldly, "Go out!"

I have never seen such a big fire in Liu Huan, and what she said does make sense. Auntie is only half a slave in such a big family. What are the qualifications to discuss big things and want to intervene? If it hadn't been before, but since she was already on the old lady's side just now, she couldn't let her talk casually.

Xiaoyu looked humiliatingly at Mrs. Tai, so he was kicked out, and spread it. Is there a good life in the middle school?

But Mrs. Madam is not easy to say anything. After all, the rules are such that if the Madam doesn’t care, you will keep it, but once Mrs. Madam gets involved, you can only go out. It’s not impossible, just said that the housekeeper’s rights are all in accordance with the rules. This time, he didn’t follow the rules. It’s not easy to talk, so he nodded and signaled her to go out.

Little fish can only salute to go outside.

Liu Huan added another sentence behind her; "You don't need to please the old lady in the future. It's just in the room."

"Yes, the concubine knows." She went out after she finished, crying all the way. So humiliating! I am still a minion, even if I am an aunt or a minion! And the old lady doesn't care about me!

The girl next to him persuaded: "Auntie, don't be angry. Don't be nervous. Madam is not good to support you now, but you helped speak out today. Madam is in your eyes and won't make you wrong!"

"Really? Really?" She took the girl by the wrist: "If the wife doesn't care about me, the lady doesn't like me, and the second lady doesn't want to see me, the master doesn't care."

Who is Li Xiang, she is also very clear now, her ears are soft, her heart is also vicious, and she will forget what she said.

No matter what sweet words were said to himself, he turned around and forgot. He cares more about his status. Li Wanrou is the crown prince. You can control everything with just one word. How can I fight?

"Relax, auntie, Mrs. Madam will protect you comprehensively, Li Wanrou... No matter how powerful Miss Two is, it is just a girl who wants to marry. You only need to insist for one year."

Xiaoyu thought, but no, Li Wanrou was about to get married a year later. When the time came... Liuhuan was the first person I wanted to clean up! She made up her mind not to be bullied in vain, so she took the people away.

Here, Li Wanrou sat down and listened to Mrs. Tai’s plan. She and Mrs. Qing both wanted An Xingfeng and Nuan Yu to get married. Although the Anjia family did not hire them, they already had that meaning, which was a good thing. I don't know what to do Mrs. Tai?

Mrs. Tai said: "My mother-in-law has a cousin's son, 20-year-old this year, called Tao Xing. He is currently a fifth-grade official in the Beijing courtesy."

"No!" Mrs. Qing said quickly: "Absolutely not!"

She is rarely so rude, so it is really anxious.

Mrs. Tai lowered her face and said, "What's the point? Tao Xingren is valuable, and it's said that there is no room in the house!"

Li Wanrou said: "He didn't have a room, because he was so masculine and didn't like women. Otherwise, how could Mrs. Qing be so opposed? Such things are all known in Beijing, and grandmother doesn't know?"

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