But she did not expect that Xiaoyu told Xiangye this time: "Mrs. Tai is also due to Miss Nuan Yu's marriage. She is sad, and there is some discord with Miss Er. She is dedicated to marry Nuan Yu to Tao Yes, it was said that it was good for Miss Nuanyu, but Miss Wanrou felt that Tao Xing was not good. ((((Catineau Novel Net www.readwn.com))) Thinking about it, Mrs. Wong was always the mother of Miss Nuanyu Grandma, won't it hurt?"

Xiangye is a person who has struggled with his rights all his life. He doesn’t know what Mrs. Tai meant. He was a little unhappy about Mrs. Madam’s thoughts about his mother’s family, but thinking that this sister of Tao Xing is indeed a palace concubine, And quite favored, if the relationship is not bad, let alone Nuanyu is her own daughter.

Nor is it a biological child, what is it? It would be nice if a warm jade could be sacrificed for good prospects, so Xiangye was ready to agree to the collision, and when Madam Tai was sober, she directly exchanged her birthday with the Taos. The Tao family is naturally happy, and Tao Xing is not good. It is also good if it can be related to Xiangfu. As for the problem of having children, it is good if Tao Xing is willing to enter her house to have a child. Directly adopt one.

As for whether Nuanyu will be favored, they don't care how they spend their lives. Just let her starve to death.

Nuan Yu heard the news and hugged his mother and cried: "What should I do! Mother, I don't want to marry that man, saying that Tao Xing is a rough-hearted person, and he likes men and is sick!" I do not want!"

The Qings also cried with their daughters in their arms, and urgently went to Li Wanrou, no matter it was dark now.

Li Wanrou was about to wash. When he saw the Qings rushing in, he was also surprised: "What's wrong?"

"You help my daughter! Xiangfu is about to kiss Nuan Yu, I can't let her marry that person!"

Li Wanrou frowned; "What's the matter? Didn't Madam never wake up?"

"It's all that little fish..." Mrs. Qing also put some nails in the front yard. Although the little fish felt that it was clean, no one would know, but it was still heard by the Qings.

Li Wanrou slapped the table: "Swordman! It's really a biting dog that doesn't show its teeth. I didn't expect to tell the master! I wanted to sell it in front of Mrs. Madam, wouldn't it be more pampered in the future? The fish is rampant like this."

"I will talk about this later, how is my daughter good now?"

Li Wanrou thought for a while and then whispered a few words to her. Mrs. Qing hesitated Dong An: "Can I do this?"

"It's okay, naturally." She took out her injured waist card: "You find a confidante and say to the prince, I can't go out, once I go out, the news will spread, maybe I will exchange my birthday tomorrow. , So you can’t beat the grass and startle the snake, you go, I will find a way to make the old lady wake up."

You can't wake up from the old lady. Are you still anxious to get married, what is this filial son?

"I know, thank you Wanrou." Mrs. Qing had a deep heart and wiped her tears.

"You're welcome, Nuanyu is my sister, I will protect her comprehensively." Li Wanrou said.

Mrs. Qing hurried out after a few words. Li Wanrou took a rest without washing, and fell asleep directly.

The person sent by Xiaoyu to spy back said, "Mrs. Qing went out crying, Li Wanrou didn't move and went to sleep. It seems there is no way."

Xiaoyu smiled: "This woman has a lot of calculation ideas. I think she is thinking about how to deal with Mrs. Tai. Tomorrow when Mrs. Madam is better, let them quickly settle the marriage. Mrs. Qing naturally has no choice. Yes, I have some rights in Fuchu in the future."

"Ma'am, you're such a brilliant man!"

"It can't be called Madam now." Xiaoyu smiled: "I'm just an aunt."

The girl smiled flatteringly, "You can get the heirs when you get the wife's and the master's weight, and you will be like a wife at that time."

Xiaoyu was very happy, and she fell asleep after talking to the girl.

That night, the old man slept in the study by himself, Liu Huan was resting, and the girl came over quietly: "Miss Tingting has something to do with you. I don't know if I can see you or not?" The girl was very embarrassed. She came back so late. The ladies are asleep. But that was the girl next to the crown prince who didn't say hello, so it was very difficult.

"See you." Liu Huan knew that this man was the first favorite girl beside Li Wanrou.

"I don't know what happened to Miss II, what happened? Have something to say?"

Tingting said: "Please ask Mrs. Ming to take this pill during breakfast in the morning."

"Ah?" Liu Huan was surprised. "What is this?"

Tingting said: "My Miss Jia said that this pill is actually a big tonic pill made from ginseng, but because of the addition of an herbal medicine, it will make people feel painful, giving people a very terrible feeling, and if the pulse is made, it will make People feel the safflower."

"What are you talking about?" Liu Huan stood up in shock. Safflower is a medicine that can't be left! Why is this so?

Tingting said: "Miss said, this pill, if you don't take it today, you will be eaten by the little fish one day. If you don't leave this woman, what do you think about it? Little fish are everywhere. Tell others that you are like a wife."

How did Liuhuan not know what Xiaoyu thought? It was shameless myself. I looked at her life and helped her kindly, but who knows that this sword man has been lagging behind, and now he still gives out the wind what to do like a lady, and my room!

Will you fall out of favor just after crossing the door? She couldn't swallow this breath. She took the pill and nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will eat it tomorrow."

"Don't worry, this will do no harm to the body. If you don't believe it, you can let the doctor come and see it."

"No need! My life was originally given by Miss II. I can live to be a gift. How can I not believe Miss II." Another point is that Miss II needs someone to fight against Mrs. Madam, she is The best candidate, she also has a valuable value to Li Wanrou, she will not treat herself for no reason, her grandfather is a deserted person, if she can give birth to a son-in-law, it will be very dangling, if something happens to herself, no longer There is no benefit to the Li family if there is no child.

Seeing Liu Huan like this, Ting Ting was also relieved and directly returned to his life.

After hearing this, Li Wanrou said, "You have worked hard. I'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Good lady, it's just that Xiaoyu is really..."

"Relax, after tomorrow, she will stop talking nonsense." Li Wanrou sneered and lay down.

Early the next morning, everyone went to breakfast together. Of course, they had first seen Mrs. Madame. Mrs. Madame was infused with the powder of belladonna that Li Wanrou had configured. Everything was normal but she couldn’t wake up. Her complexion was ruddy. The doctor couldn't determine the condition, just laughed; "It seems that Mrs. Madam has worked hard recently, so she is a little sleepy. There is nothing wrong with other things. It is estimated that she will wake up tomorrow."

"That's good." The people were relieved.

Xiaoyu smiled; "If you wake up, you can do happy things in Fuchu?" After she finished, she also glanced at the direction of Li Wanren Qingqing. Both of them looked calm, and Nuan Yu knew the news yesterday. Chilled all over, sick, and did not come out, but the mother had already said that she would not let her marry that **** even if she fought her life.

Xiang Ye said: "This time my mother worked hard because of Nuan Yu's work, but also worked hard for her. Don't you feel sad because of this incident."

Mrs. Qing hated her heart, but she still laughed; "Thank you, brother."

"Let's have breakfast together. There is chicken porridge in the kitchen that I've ordered to make." Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Try it for everyone."

Everyone looked at the fish with contempt. The breakfast was supposed to be arranged by his wife, but she took the lead. Li Xiang didn't think much about it, but it didn't matter much for a breakfast, so they went together.

After everyone sat down, someone brought the bowl of porridge. Li Wanrou nodded slightly to Liu Huan.

Liu Huan then quietly ate the medicine hidden in the cuff after drinking tea, and then began to drink porridge.

Xiaoyu smiled and said, "How does your sister think about this porridge? I know the taste of the old man, so I made it last night. Is it delicious?"

"Thank you, I am a lady, but the person who really understands the master is you, which makes me ashamed." Liu Huan said lightly. But Xiaoyu is a villain who is very proud and can't hear the irony of others.

"Don't be mad." She smiled: "How about we take care of one day alone? The master will also think that it's fair to be fair?" She looked in the direction of Li Xiang.

Li Xiang smiled; "It's just a trifle, don't ask me."

Li Wan Judo said: "Concubine is concubine, and you want to be a lady?"

The little fish froze for a moment, then came down with his face: "Don't dare."

"Don't you dare, you still have a lot of things to do, talkative, nonsense, be careful that one day your tongue is pulled out!" Li Wanrou rarely scared such words, and at that time scared Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu looked at Xiangye in surprise: "Master..."

Li Xiang uncomfortably put down the chopsticks just to teach a few words, and suddenly saw Liu Huan painfully supported his stomach: "Master, my stomach hurts!" She finished and fell directly to the ground, Li Wanrou took advantage of everyone to help While reaching for his wife, a hand reached and a handful of powder fell into the porridge pot.

Only Mrs. Qing saw it, and of course she would not talk much, holding Liuhuan together.

"What's the matter? Madam!"

Liu Huan hugged his stomach in pain: "It hurts! What's in the porridge!"

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