Li Wanrou frowned slightly: "This is a very strange thing. ((((Cartino Novels What is it that made the emperor such an idea Li Fu?" This is not a good thing, the emperor I have always disliked Xiangfu, and have long been afraid of Li Xiang, but the emperor of the previous life has not moved Li Xiang. After Nangong Rongji took office, Li Xiang was also liquidated, but because of his relationship with Li Shifu, it was not too miserable. So in this life, did the emperor want to close the net in advance?

But Li Fu is now honest and honest, and there is no one who can stand up! There is no son or grandson to make trouble, even if the emperor wants to grasp the handle is impossible, so what does the emperor do?

Hua'erdao said: "The slave-servant is just a minion, he is only obliged to act. The master wants what he wants, and he does what he wants. The slave really doesn't know, but the slave and the thing about you, the slave did not tell the emperor."

"Do you want to help me like this? Do you want to ask me? You can rest assured that whatever you want, I can help you."

"Slave slave...Slave slave wants to leave, please master master!" she said, kneeling down directly.

Li Wanrou took a few steps backwards: "Do you want to leave Xiangfu?"

"Not just the prime minister, but the palace, and the slave-servants don't want to do it. Please ask the master to help."

Hua'er's worries are not superfluous. The companion is like a companion tiger. Now he is a stall to help spread the news, which is considered to be reused, but one day, it is worthless, just a death! After all, the emperor didn’t want people to know that he had sent someone to monitor it, which was too ugly, so Huaer knew that he would die sooner or later, it’s better to ask Li Wanrou to help, and let him leave this right and wrong. The place.

Li Wanrou said with a smile: "Did you confess your identity in front of me, did you also have this consideration?"

Hua'erdao: "Yes, the slave-maid thinks, you are the best and the kindest master. If the slave-maid helps you and tells the truth, can you survive? The slave-maid is gamble again."

Li Wanrou nodded: "Okay, I will promise you to let you survive."

"Thank you Master!" Hua'er was so excited that Li Wanrou was not capable now, but there was a prince. The marriage of Nuan Yu had already been nailed down, but Li Wanrou was still distracted by it. The emperor also listened to the prince's words, of course, to make good use of it. Now that he has been guaranteed by Li Wanrou, it's really a bit of worries!

Li Wanjuo said: "Since you are asking me, I can help, but you should not serve me half-heartedly, if I know, I will not control."

"The slave-servant knows! It is not appropriate for the slave-servant to serve two masters now. So the slave-servant will not do stupid things, and his life is in the hands of the concubine!"

Li Wanrou nodded and took a hairpin from her head and stabbed it into her curly hair: "You take it. This is a sapphire and is worth the price. In the future, there will also be a trust in the palace. There is no silver. No."

Huaerdao said: "The slave maid would like to thank the princess, but this hairpin should wait until the slave maid goes out." She is very alert, and the old lady is not a simple character. If she finds that she carries the princess, she understands the two Personal collusion, but it was not good, Li Wanrou was very satisfied, nodded and went out.

This woman is really smart enough. It doesn't matter if you have a small abacus in your heart. Anyway, I can use it for me without any trouble. If I really have an abacus, I can help.

Li Wanrou went back to her own. Mrs. Tai had already used her morning meal and was rinsing and drinking tea. When she saw Li Wanrou, she didn't have a smile on her face. She just said lightly, "Sit down, I didn't mean it just now, is it all right?"

"It's okay, thank you grandma for your care." Li Wanrou really didn't care. The old lady just wanted to contain me, manage me, and didn't dare to treat me. Once I died, I was injured, and I told him not In the past, it's just that such things can be used to rectify me, and it's nothing remarkable.

Mrs. Madam was angry when she saw her docile appearance: "You look extra caring to me, and she is also sensible and obedient. Why do you have to be right with me?"

"What does grandmother mean?" Li Wanrou looked up at her and asked, "I don't know what happened, please ask my grandmother to make it clear that if I make a mistake, I must correct it."

"Okay!" The old lady patted the table: "I'll ask you, is the matter of Nuanyu arranged by you? You don't have to deny it! I know it, otherwise, why is Tao Xing's close relative, dear? All agreed, and suddenly I waited for the above purpose. My sudden coma, and the little fish, who did it!"

Li Wanrou took a teacup and gasped lightly, smiling and said, "Does grandmother want to listen to the truth or false words?"

"What do you mean?" The old lady looked at her unclearly.

Li Wan Judao said: "If it is a lie, it is because I have no knowledge of these things. Don't blame the good people and give marriage. That is the order of the emperor and the prince outside. How do we know as we are women in the house? What? The truth is that these are my handiwork, and I asked the crown prince to plead with the emperor."

The emperor was originally indispensable to these things. He didn't know any warm jade. It didn't matter who married him. He said that since it was Li Xiang who was willing to make her and Tao Xing become relatives, why should they be in trouble.

But the Prince's words made him pay attention.

The prince said: "Several young ladies in the Prime Minister's Palace are now involved in the imperial palace. If the warm jade is given to the palace's relatives, it will be very troublesome. Please ask the emperor to investigate."

The emperor said: "Since this is the case, the family is still brilliant, why should we increase this momentum!"

Li Wanrou said: "Do you understand the meaning of the emperor?"

Mrs. Madame's face changed greatly, her lips trembling, and she didn't speak for a long time: "This means that the emperor is afraid of us..."

"That's the case. Both the eldest sister and I gave the prince, and even the cousin Lin Xue also gave the prince a side concubine. Now if he continues to have a relationship with the royal family, what's the matter? The emperor himself felt the father's rights It’s too big. Isn’t it even more cooking oil? Isn’t it ugly once the emperor stares at it?”

"We are not inflamed!" Although I was thinking about how to consolidate power, I cannot speculate on it!

Li Wanjuo said: "Grandmother only thought I disobeyed your thoughts, but I never thought that once the marriage with Tao Xing, Tao Xing's sister may be jealous of the emperor, and it may not necessarily break into the cold palace. You are like a tiger!"

Mrs. Tai clenched her fists: "But you shouldn't be too kind to us!"

"Grandmother. I am the future prince, how many things are waiting for me to deal with, aren't you hurting me like this? The granddaughter doesn't mean or care about things in the government, you are the most honorable master in the government, We want to do whatever we want, and we won’t say too much, but because of the suppression of me, we have completely ignored the hundreds of people in the house, which is really not too good.”

Needless to say, Xiaoyu, a confused egg, but if you want to support this woman, what is the good of being accused by the emperor of being a spoiled wife? Li Wanrou had reason and evidence and said that Mrs. Madam couldn't come or go.

"You're too presumptuous!"

Li Wanrou said with a smile: "Anyway, there is not much time for my granddaughter to do her filial piety. You can let me take it easy. Grandma, you forgive the granddaughter." She said and knelt down.

Mrs. Madam saw Li Wanrou like this, and she would not be angry anymore. She was sincere, but also for the purpose of the government, and she was too confused. Now she is also sincerely apologizing, and it can only be ignored. Not to mention the prince, who can bear this kneeling?

Mrs. Tai glanced at Li Wanrou: "You used to help the princess up." She pointed to a girl.

The girl hurried over and helped Li Wanrou stand up.

"That's it! I shouldn't care about these things anymore. Now my mental health is getting worse. This is a surveillance. I want to tell you that Lin Xueping, Lin Xue's cousin, is coming. You can take care of it."

Li Wanrou said, take care? Does this continue to allow her to enter the Prince's Mansion, or the Prince's Mansion?

Mrs. Tai sighed: "This girl died at a young age, and her father treated her like this. You also know that you have been aggrieved. It's similar to Liu Huan. If you can help your wife, you can help her naturally. There are more demands, you take it back to the Prince's Mansion, and it would be good to seal a Liangdi."

Liangdi is the highest-ranking harem under the crown prince, similar to the position of the side concubine, but more honorable than the side concubine. After all, it is the concubine of the prince. After the crown prince takes the throne in the future, it is less a concubine position. .

Li Wanrou was irritated, but she could only sigh when she saw that the old lady had begged her eyes.

"I'll discuss it with the prince. Don't worry."

Mrs. Tai said: "You don't have to blame me, the person you want to marry is a prince, who is it? The future Emperor Chu Jun! Could there be only one woman failing? Use all the people around you as high as possible, and later Any Hu Meizi can only come from a position, and I’m doing it for you."

Li Wanrou didn't speak, of course she knew that Mrs. Tai's words were half-truths.

It does make sense, but how many of these people are close to me sincerely for me? Do you still want your own pampering?

It's ridiculous. It's a pity that even if I wanted someone to come in, the prince might not agree.

The prince once promised me that I would not find anyone, so I believed he was fine.

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