Lin Weixin naturally understood in his heart that the Royal Palace is the most hypocritical and ruthless place in the world. If he is desperate, he must go in. It is the most impersonal place. After entering, he may fly to the branch and become a man. It may be a footless, there is no hope anymore. ---End of the beauty of the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance It may not be as good as some concubine's minions in the palace.

Who the emperor loves and likes is not a princess who can interfere. All she can do is give Lin Weiping a chance to meet with the emperor. Whether she can get into the eyes of the emperor or not depends on Lin Weiying's ability.

Li Wanrou said: "If the emperor doesn't like you, I can't force him to marry you. After all, we are all juniors."

Only the Queen and the Queen Mother can take care of things that the Emperor favors, but today the Queen Mother is a cold and deserted woman who only cares about the young woman worshipping Buddha, and the Queen is a sick seedling. Therefore, it is impossible to interfere with the emperor. This matter must be clearly explained to Lin Weiping in advance, and Li Wanrou also sees it. Lin Weiping is highly qualified and clever. If you can use it, you can do more with less. If you can’t do it, it may be the biggest... Stumbling block.

Fortunately, the prince once said that the emperor had a year or two of Yuanshou. Even if Lin Weiping can succeed, it may not be possible to turn up big waves in a year or two?

Lin Weixin struck Li Wanrou's pledge, he was naturally very happy, and hurriedly retreated. Behind her going out, the only girl next to her, Xiaoyan, whispered, "This princess concubine is so beautiful!"

Lin Weixing kept walking: "She is beautiful, or am I beautiful?"

Xiaoyan smiled and said: "Naturally, you are the most beautiful, Miss. It's a pity that the emperor is older, otherwise, if..."

Such a look like a lady is matched with an old emperor, and it is really a shame! However, she was given the opportunity to get close to the prince. Lin Weixin was really unwilling, which is really a pity.

"What are these words?" Lin Weixin sneered; "I never want to be a husband and wife. I raise my eyebrows. I want rights, and only the emperor can make me fall in love. You follow me, faithful I believe, but your mouth Be strict, and you should understand what you should say and what you shouldn’t say. Otherwise I won’t be able to protect you.”

Xiaoyan nodded and stopped talking. Miss II is smart and beautiful, and naturally has a bright future.

Lin Weixin said the important things here, just waiting for Li Wanrou to give her a chance.

On that day, Madam didn't call Lin Weiping over. She hated Lin Weixing's face at the critical moment. Do you not know why I was looking for you? Li Wanrou was so blatantly brazen that the dog who really bites would not bark!

In the evening, Mrs. Madam had to spread the word and ask the Lin family to come over and take Lin Weiping back!

I used to think about Lin Weixin’s appearance, and it would be good if I could stay and marry the prince or the three princes. Who knows how to be so ignorant and don’t know how to lift it, let’s send it back. do not care!

But Huaer discouraged the old lady and said with a smile: "Madam, Miss Lin Weixin is here to help the sick, so you will stay for two more days."

This is Li Wanrou stealing the news that Furong came over. Li Wanrou knew that the old lady would definitely anger Lin Weiping and let her leave. Once Lin Weixing went back, she would be tortured to death by Mrs. Lin. When Master Lin saw that her daughter had no use value, she Don't care, why should she die?

Li Wanrou did not want to see people die, so Huaer dissuaded him. Hua'er naturally knew what Li Wanrou meant, and of course she had to help to speak, so that the old lady would not be allowed to do so.

The old lady said: "What to stay? What is the need! She is so ignorant and unfilial, I want to fulfill her reputation for filial piety? Is this justified!"

"Old lady, you forgot, the day after tomorrow is the 14th birthday of Miss Li Wanrou." Huaer smiled.

The old woman froze, then frowned: "This has something to do with Lin Weixin? Could you still let her and Li Wanrou fail to cooperate? I can't agree!" Both girls did not listen to themselves, if they really got together, I have a better life? Absolutely not! But Hua'er was not in a hurry, and came together with Li Wanrou's words.

"Miss Prince II's birthday, Prince Edward must come."

The old lady froze for a moment, then understood, and said with a smile: "It's my big-hearted girl!" I understand, just keep it! If it's birthday, it's not too late to get out!"

Since it was Prince Edward who wanted to come, let Lin Weixin attend together. She said that she did not like the prince and did not like the rights, but who knows what the real people think? The crown prince is handsome and handsome, the future Chu Jun, young and promising, how could not be bothered! Even if she didn't care, the crown prince would see a beautiful woman, and she wouldn't be disturbed by the beauty that was similar to Li Wanrou? With a little emotional change, I can give her to the prince.

Don't you want to go? Who are you cheating? Even if you really don't want to go, Prince Edward wants you, if you don't go, do you want to bully the king in advance, she doesn't dare to do this! That's it, and Lin Weixin and Li Wanrou will be opponents at that time. If the two fight with each other, it is inevitable that my grandmother will help me. No matter who wins or loses, it's all good for me! This is a great idea!

Mrs. Tai was more satisfied with Hua'er and said with a smile: "You are smart."

"Thank you Mrs. Madam for complimenting. The slave-servant just wanted to share the worry for Mrs. Madam. How about preparing some beautiful jewelry rings and skirts for Miss Lin? Let Miss Lin be more attractive."

"Well, I get it, you opened my storeroom, found some pieces of satin, and took a set of pearl agate jewelry to send it over, and said I gave it to her."

"Yes, your ancestors love your granddaughter. If you pass it, you will be praised by people."

"No, what is my identity and I need to be praised?" Mrs. Tai didn't care, and fell asleep with peace of mind.

Here I got things done and said I wanted a flowery look, so I went to Li Wanrou's side.

Li Wanrou was reading a book. When he saw Hua'er coming in, he smiled and said, "Look at your expression to know that it's done."

"Yes, Miss II is a good plan! Madam not only agreed, but also very happy."

"That's it. Madam can't let go of her hand. Naturally, someone needs to fight me. You have been with the emperor for so long. Do you know the emperor's hobbies? Tell me what taboos are there. I tell Lin Weiping."

"Yes." Hua'er smiled: "The emperor likes pink blue the most, and lake blue and light blue are very favorite colors. The emperor dislikes goose yellow and pale pink the least."

Li Wanrou thought about it for a while. Indeed, Song Waner was wearing a lake blue dress. Although she was fortunate at the time, there were other reasons. But if you wear this dress correctly, you can add points.

"What else?"

"Well, there is also that the emperor doesn't like very dignified spices, and also doesn't like someone with golden yellow hairpin."

"This is strange, why?"

Hua'erdao said: "Before a prince-in-law was favored by the emperor, she came back to her mother's house once and passed by a jewelry store to squeeze in. Because of a gold hairpin, all the people in a jewelry store beat Dead. The emperor was so angry that she was sent to the cold palace to die, and she no longer likes gold jewelry."

At that time, Guipin loved gold hairpin. The gold hairpin in this jewelry store was very unique. She played with it, but there was a gold hairpin, but it was broken, and the front Phoenix head was on the ground. Pang was furious and gave the other party a slap, but the man accidentally stumbled, and even grasped her body with both hands. Annoying Guipin, she is also young, and regardless of the consequences, directly killed all the people in a jewelry store.

Everyone in the capital said that the emperor's concubine was a demon concubine, wrecked the country's victims, the wrecked people and the like, and the emperor took away her princess. The emperor she liked didn't like it, although he didn't say it clearly, but no one dared to wear a gold jewelry ring, which was considered a taboo.

Li Wanrou thought about it for a while. Sure enough, Xiang Fei, De Fei, and Xian Fei were all very honest, and they didn't carry the golden Phoenix hairpins one by one. These women are also cautious, but this emperor is different from the third prince. The third prince saw someone who brought pearl jewelry to kill him, but the emperor didn’t say anything, so they didn’t dare to rush . Or is the emperor more deterrent? Ha ha.

"Miss Two, what do you think?" Hua'er found Li Wanrou's absence.

Li Wanrou waved his hand; "Nothing, you tell Lin Weixin, make some nice clothes for her, avoiding what the emperor doesn't like."

"Yes, I know. It's just that she didn't have a chance to meet the emperor?"

"No. If the emperor attaches importance to this prince, I will definitely come over the day of my birthday. Let Lin Weixin be cautious and wait for the opportunity." Li Wanrou finished and picked up the book and looked.

Hua'er was naturally curious, but the master didn't say it, and he couldn't ask. He could only go on with a stomach problem.

Lin Weixin looked at the silk satin on the table and the hairpin ring, and smiled. Is it the day after tomorrow? I can see the emperor as long as the day after tomorrow? We must seize the opportunity!

She has a lot of thoughts in her heart, and the opportunity is never lost. This time the chance is the last chance in her life. If you can't fight hard, you can only wait for death!

She instructed to go and take a bath with petals, there are two days left, there is no need to dress up her beautiful beauty, it must be the heart of the emperor!

The girl didn't dare to neglect to wait for the master to take a bath. Seeing her face also followed her nervously, can she really be favored?

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