How did the three princes Bo Qing not know? She was already discouraged, but Li Shifu fired her instead. (((Kartino Novel Network

Li Shifu said: "Tomorrow is my sister's birthday. My father is going to have a big banquet and give her a birthday. Should we give her a birthday gift? Let her have a good luck. Ha ha."

Lin Xue glanced at her direction: "Would you like to use your strength to trouble Li Wanrou? I don't care."

She has always been like this, what is the result? Liu Yurong and Mrs. Hou were all so miserable by her, she would not be so stupid. I just hate it in my heart.

Li Shifu said: "Coward! You just look at it. I will let Li Wanrou lose face."

"Just losing face?"

"Otherwise?" Li Shifu said with a smile: "You are so timid, even if you have been slandered for all your reputation, it can only be a promise. I really can't look down. I will go back and see for myself tomorrow, you are honestly here Stayed." She used the act of aggression.

Lin Xuedao: "What the **** is going on? What are you going to do?"

"Why tell you? You either cooperate with me, we see her ugly together, or just stay honest, I will never cooperate with you again." Li Shifu turned to leave.

Lin Xue hurried to catch up; "You must not leave. We will discuss."

She really wanted to see Li Wanrou unlucky! Even if she couldn't shake her present position, even if she was ridiculed for a while, she was the laughing stock of the whole Beijing city. The sense of shame made Lin Xue no longer able to get better.

Her heart is very complicated. On the one hand, she wants to have the present life, luxury and luxury, but on the other hand, it is a bit regretful. She is typical of this mountain looking at the mountain high. Li Shifu glanced at Lin Xue and thought, such a fool would use it in vain if he didn't use it. She said, "Since this is the case, come with me. Let's talk."

Lin Xue's eyes flickered. She knew that Li Shifu was not easy to deal with. I could watch the excitement, but if I were to get me back, it would not work. But on the surface, he smiled and said: "Yes, I know, let's go." The two side concubines went to Li Shifu to discuss.

After the three princes knew it, they knew it was Li Wanrou’s birthday. The two of them wanted to go back, they just nodded, and they just made troubles. If something dared to happen, I would leave you. The concubine’s ability is good. It’s a pity. The side concubine didn't have any help. It would be nice if she could find a powerful one. The former Miss Zhao was good, but unfortunately she was a sick seedling, and was discovered by her father because of her and Lin Xue's affairs. So I had to go with Lin Xue's, and put a side concubine's position again, which was really depressing. It would be great if both people could take a break.

The third prince thought, if it succeeded, it would have to be used. I will stay for a while.

Li Shifu's husband who couldn't dream of himself was thinking about taking a break from himself.

Of course, if the concubine such as the side concubine gave marriage, there is no particularly serious mistake. It is impossible to divorce his wife. If he wants to divorce, it is still very difficult, and he can only wait for the opportunity.

Starting the next morning, many guests from various families came to the prime minister's government to celebrate their birthdays.

Most of them are all kinds of officials and eunuchs. They seem to celebrate Li Wanrou’s birthday, but in fact everyone understands that they are giving face to Li Xiang and Crown Prince, and they want to have a good exchange. Evening came over endlessly, Li Wanrou also got up early, put on a red skirt, with plum blossom makeup on her face, and wobbled with two begonias. She rarely dresses like that, Furong and Tingting are amazing , Unbelievable with his mouth wide open.

Li Wanrou in front of her is like a blooming flower, wearing a veil and walking slowly, like a fairy.

"Miss! You are so beautiful, like the goddess."

"Yes, it's not complimenting you, it's really charming!" Tingting kept nodding.

Li Wanrou smiled; "beauty is only skin, and the two of you have also entered the palace? Have you met those beautiful women? Too beautiful women, but do not understand that being a person will not have a good result."

The two nodded together: "No, just like Missy."

Li Wanrou nodded: "Yeah, Li Shifu is the top beauty in the family. But she... she will definitely come to trouble today. You have to watch her and his forehead. If there is something wrong, I will immediately say come out."

"Miss, don't worry." The two nodded very seriously after receiving the task. How could the good day of the lady today be disrupted by this vicious woman.

As I was talking, I saw Nuanyu and Lin Weiping coming together. Both of them came to greet Shou Xing to go to the old lady in front of them. They also know that there are guests today, so they dressed up carefully, Nuanyu I like the pink and white dress. The skirt is embroidered with large and small plum blossoms, which is very realistic and gives a soft fragrance. Wearing purple gold hairpin on his head, and shaking with Cuiyu, because he knew that he was engaged with An Xingfeng, he was in a good mood, so his face was much better, and a pair of jade earrings were very crystal clear. It should be the marriage of Mrs. Qing, the best jadeite.

There is no need to hide her beauty anymore, giving a refreshing feeling.

Lin Weixin wanted to hook up with the emperor today, so she was very carefully dressed, a long pink-blue dress, the bracelet on her hand was sent by Li Wanrou, and the red coral bracelet, which made her white little hands more beautiful. Lin Weixin knows what kind of beauties in the palace are there, so there is no gold and silver hairpin and so on, only a hundred jade hairpins, and a circle of small red glaze, are not the most precious jewelry, but for The person's feeling is quite rich and gorgeous. The two of them are rich and the other is elegant, but they are also very chic. The two of them looked at Li Wanrou and were also amazed.

What a beauty! Especially Lin Weixin, it is better to sigh. It's not that beauty is not good, but Li Wanrou gives people an extraordinarily noble and elegant feeling between raising their hands and throwing their feet. And I can only say that I am a little girl. The three met together and walked towards the front hall.

Li Wanrou consciously fell a few steps behind and talked to Lin Weixin. She had already let Huaer pass the news before, and also told the prince, hoping to see the emperor.

There was no news in Hua'er, but the prince said that he would let his father and the emperor come, but only for a while, but the time for a tea, which is already exceptional grace for ordinary courtiers.

Li Wanrou said: "The opportunity is for you. How you want to use it depends on you."

Lin Weixin nodded: "I understand that no matter whether it succeeds or not, I will be grateful to you. After entering the palace, I will not forget your great kindness to me."

Li Wanrou smiled and said nothing. She didn't believe it. There was no permanent enemy and no permanent friend. Moreover, Lin Weixin was a bit too venomous, and his eyes were not pure. It was better to be a friend of Gong Fei and Yu Chongyi.

Nuan Yu didn't know this and smiled back: "What are you two talking about?"

"Let's talk about how you really look today." Li Wanrou laughed.

Nuan Yu blushed: "The two sisters are beautiful and moving, so they know bullying me!" She said, carrying the skirt and walking forward.

The two girls behind him followed with a smile, and this was how easy it was for her lady to be shy.

Li Wanrou looked at Nuan Yu's face, he said, so dang! If married to someone like Tao Xing, can Nuan Yu still live? It must be that Anxing Wind Energy is considerate.

In the front hall, Li Xiang, Madam, and Madam Tai were all in front. Yu Yu-niang didn't show up because she was locked up. I'm afraid she won't be able to see her except for anything in this life.

Li Wanrou stepped forward to salute, and the wife said with a smile: "Get up, you come together today, it's complete."

"Yes, we went to the garden together, and today the flowers in the garden are particularly beautiful, like celebrating the birthday of my sister." Nuan Yu smiled. She looks pretty and cute. Mrs. Tai thought of Tao Xing when she saw her. She was not happy in her heart. She always smiled faintly. Nuan Yu didn't care. Before that, Mrs. Qing said, she was not happy in her heart. , You just pretend not to know. Nuan Yu also knew that he wouldn't grow up inside, why should he make trouble? His father died, and no one supported him, so he was extraordinarily clever.

Lin Weiping gave the wife a good bow, but the wife was only a little faint: "Is the Prince coming?"

"Yes, the prince will come." Li Xiangdao said.

Mrs. Nod nodded, glanced at Lin Weixin, and said with heart, the opportunity is for you. This is the last time I gave you the opportunity.

Lin Weixin said, I won't do it, even if you force me and my prince, I won't go either.

At this time Mrs. Qing came in a hurry, but she has been very busy today.

"There are many people coming today. Where is our lunch?"

"Just at the pavilion. There are water features over there." Madam Tai thought about it.

"Yes, I understand."

As he was talking, he saw the big housekeeper of Fuchu hurried over, all with a panic look on his face.

Mrs. Tai said: "What's wrong with this?"

"Yes, it's the Emperor! It's in front!"

Like a thunder, these people all shouted in shock, the girl and the servants in the house were so scared that they didn't know what to do!

The lady of Xiangfu has a birthday.

Even the crown prince, this specification is too big!

Li Wanrou said: "Don't be nervous, it should be the Prince's face. Father, hurry up and pick you up! Lin Weixing, please go ahead and tell the minions, don't make white tea! The emperor doesn't like it!"

"Oh, I see!" Li Xiang was a little flustered, or his daughter was capable.

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