Li Wanrou's words made Liu Huan's tears come out at once: "Miss Two, I'm's too bitter!"

"You still have a face to say!" Mrs. Liu did not wait for Li Wanrou to speak, raising her hand and slapping Liu Huan's face. (((Catino Novel Network Liu Huan snorted and fell to the ground. The girl behind him lifted up in a panic. One of the girls was Feng'er and she shouted in horror. Sound, the tone is particularly scary: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

It turned out that there were blood stains on her face, which were the marks of Mrs. Liu's nail slips, and the long one was particularly scary!

Everyone stood up, including a few death orders: "Mrs. Liu, you are too much! Even if you are educating your daughter, you should not do this. Does this mean ruining people's looks?"

"Yes, you used to be a mother and daughter. Now that your daughter is married, it should be disciplined by her mother-in-law. How can you get started and beat someone?

"Today is still the birthday of the crown prince. You are so ugly, what is your intention?"

Li Wanrou waved his hand: "I'm not a prince, just call the second lady."

The woman hurriedly said, "Yes, I know it myself. I also thanked Miss Er for Yaoyao's affairs. I made a mistake at the time, and hope Miss forgive me. I was so happy to see Miss Er. You say a few more words." The attitude is very humble. I looked down,

Li Wanrou nodded, thinking, could this woman be Liu Yuyao's aunt, and there are words in her words, is this interesting to talk to me? Let's talk about it for a while.

Mrs. Liu sitting here was hurt by the accusations of those dead women, and her eyelids jumped and pointed at Liu Huan.

"You only know that I'm too vicious, but I don't want to think about what I said to this unfilial daughter. If I'm angry, I won't be able to make trouble in other people's houses." At one point, she could only rise up to salute Mrs. Tai, which was an apology. There were reluctant to salute Li Wanrou. She didn't care about the princess, but she was just a sick seedling! Whether it is possible to assume the position is not necessarily the case.

Li Wanrou said, "Mother, let's talk about it. What happened?"

"Yes, I just told my mother several kinds of sweets and snacks. I don't know why my mother was angry." She choked back a few times and continued; "The ladies around me are all here. Is it true? , I'll know when I ask."

Feng'er also said: "Yes! Miss knows that his wife likes to eat sweets. Before coming, she specifically told her to prepare some other kinds of sweets for her. Anyone who knows how to put some pains into it will be thrown away. He was beaten!"

"Shut up! How can you talk about it as a cheap maid! Dongmei beat me!" Mrs. Liu ordered a girl behind her.

The girl was also an unaware of the number of gifts, and she rushed over to fight, but Li Wanrou passed behind a figure, it was Ting Ting, her skills were good, she was so good at dealing with a girl, she slapped this Dongmei with a few slaps. On the ground, Mrs. Liu didn't react for a while, staring madly at Liu, stood up and looked at Li Wanrou.

Dongmei's face is now swollen like a pig's head, and there is no sound.

"Miss II! Why is this! I have taught my slave-servant that you also want to fight?"

Furong said behind him: "It's just unpretentious! What is this place? This is Li Mansion, your girl in the house? This is the wife of our wife. In addition to the old lady's girl, the position of the girl in the house is high. After all, even the dining room, and the girl next to the ladies, you should call your sister! What is your girl, even arrogant and arrogant came to our house? I don’t know what it means!"

"But Feng'er is..."

"No matter what identity Feng Feng used to be, it is now the girl next to my mother. You beat her and beat my mother. What's your dissatisfaction with our prime minister's office?" Li Wanrou said coldly.

Although she was young, she was dressed in an extraordinarily glamorous style today, but now she looks at it with a chill, which makes her dare not look straight. Mrs. Liu shuddered, biting her lip and speechless.

Li Wanrou said: "Okay, now that I am not shouting, killing, let me talk about it, why did my wife shoot."

"I...I just thought about the past..."

"whats the matter?"

"No, nothing."

"Indiscriminate!" Tingting said: "Since it's nothing, you are killing and killing, and you are so disrespectful to our government, what do you want to do? The emperor is here now, you want it Let the emperor know how tough you are?"

Mrs. Liu was wronged, but she couldn't tell! The kinds of snacks on Liuhuan today are the favorite of Liuhuan’s mother during her lifetime. When Master Liu still thought about her mother, she put it there to let Liuhuan eat and say that her mother What kind of person is Mrs. Liu with a smile on her face, but there is no reason to hate death in her heart. Later, Master Liu gradually forgot that woman, and people in Fufu no longer dared to bring up these kinds of snacks. Too.

Now Liu Huan took it out to receive Mrs. Liu, and clearly gave her a slap, which made her very annoyed, but how to explain Li Wanrou? Said that she was jealous of her concubine and was unwilling to eat her favorite snacks? Isn't this totally incompatible with the reputation of being virtuous outside? And if it spreads, it will only make her husband angry.

She now understands that Liu Huan is intentional! It's about trying to kill herself in such an angry day and let her reputation be wiped out. She really regrets it now!

She could only apologize unwillingly: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have been that way, I was a little nervous for a while, Huan'er, the mother was wrong, please forgive me." She said to reach out and touch Liuhuan Cheeks.

Liu Huan hid and screamed: "Don't hit me, please mother, I will never dare, don't hit me!"

Feng'er hugged Liu Huan's whine and cried, "Miss is fine, you are no longer a member of the Liu family, and no one will bully you."

Everyone sighed endlessly, it seems that this Liu family is not very good.

Mrs. Liu was anxiously corrupted: "Are you crying? You mean..."

She didn't dare to say that as long as she was angry, it would be fine. The swordman would immediately stop crying and say nothing, but today it didn't work, and Liu Huan cried more and more aggrieved.

Mrs. Tai frowned: "This thing happened on such an occasion, really does not make sense! Gentle! You come to deal with this matter! I'll go to change clothes!" She finished and walked away. When Mrs. Liu taught people when and where it was not good, she chose the birthday of Miss II. This is not to make us unappealing! Obviously don't take our Li family's eyes!

Li Wan Judao said: "Come on, Dongmei insulted Mrs. Xiangfu and deserved to be killed. But the emperor is here now. It is a good day. It is not a good day to kill. Pull down the staff and blame fifty.

"Yes!" Someone came and dragged Dongmei and pulled back.

Dong Mei was completely dumbfounded, thinking that she could be as powerful as before. Who thought that she would be beaten for fifty boards? Want my life?

She kept struggling: "Help, ma'am, slave-servant is following your orders, ma'am!"

But who cares about her, Mrs. Liu is very nervous now, too busy to care for herself, let alone a girl.

She looked at Li Wanrou in cold sweat: "I, I was wrong, but I am always the mother-in-law..."

"Vicious and unscrupulous, arrogant and arrogant, without any support from the mother-in-law, swearing for no reason, not to mention the hostess of our government? I remember that you are my mother's mother-in-law, I will not beat you."

The wife was relieved, and Li Wanrou said again, "Come here, take your wife back, tell them, and send her to the temple."

Mrs. Liu's eyes widened, and she looked at Li Wanrou in disbelief: "Why do you dispose of me? I don't want to go to my home temple, I don't want, why are you doing this to me!"

"Because you ran into someone's wife who is the prime minister, is that enough?" Li Wanrou said coldly.

Knowing that Liu Fu's talents now know the seriousness of the matter, she can't help it anymore, and she's not bad anymore, but the woman who made such a big mistake is sent to the home temple. Does anyone else control herself? Wouldn't she want to live like a pig and a dog all her life, she constantly begged and wanted to ask for love, but Li Wanrou refused it all.

There is no way to creep down to Liu Huan's feet: "Please, I am your mother-in-law! If you send me to the home temple, how can the world say you! You let me go, I will treat you well in the future. "

Liu Huan looked at Li Wanrou with embarrassment: "Miss Two, can you discuss this matter? I really don't want my mother to be sent to the temple. Although I have some misunderstandings with her, but..."

"Madam." A lady behind her said, "Just escorting her to the home temple is already very kind. If you continue to embarrass the second lady, what do you look like and participate in socializing in the future, you know you are abused by your mother-in-law, I also know that Xiangfu was hit, but you don’t care at all, not for the sake of Miss II, but also for Xiangfu’s reputation."

Upon hearing this, Liu Huan could only wipe his tears with his head down: "Then, I can't say anything."

Li Wanrou said: "Just understand, ma'am, let's change clothes."

"Okay." Liu Huan looked at his mother-in-law reluctantly, and took the girl down.

No one cares about Mrs. Liu anymore and is dragged down.

Mrs. Liu was taken out of the prime minister's house, and the person was completely stupid. How could this happen!

At this time the wind came out, carrying a small bag with a smile on his face: "My lady sent it specially, my wife will take the road."

"Sword man! Less use of your good intentions." Mrs. Liu shouted.

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