The Vicious Princess Overturns the World

Chapter 136: Pass the message

"Yeah, Zhao is still a good housekeeper. +++ Girls must go to the website" Li Wanrou smiled, although she hated this woman, she still had to admit that Zhao's ability is not small. In her previous life, she could successfully get the hearts of the three princes, enter the court, and defeat herself. In addition to her stupidity and too much trust in Nangong Rongji, she also has a relationship with Zhao. There is no such mother in this life, Li Shifu It can be said that it is difficult to walk, very difficult to go? But this is only inevitable, since I am born again, it will not be so useless. I want to take revenge and take back all the things I haven't gotten in my life!

"What do you want? Miss II?" Mrs. Liu asked curiously.

Li Wanrou said: "Nothing, I just think the moonlight is good, I want to appreciate it."

"Oh, the moonlight is good. It's just that something's going to happen soon. I'm afraid many people will not be able to enjoy this night."

Li Wanrou wondered: "What's wrong, what do you mean?"

"This is what I came for today! There is something in the palace, I must tell you."

"Well, please." Li Wanrou said.

She reached into Li Wanrou's ear and whispered a word, Li Wanrou's eyes suddenly stared at the boss: "What you said is true?"

"That's exactly it!" She bit her lip and said, "My sister is in the palace of Princess Xiang, and her news can't be wrong. Now Zhaoyi doesn't know yet. If something bad happens at that time, I don't know what to do. Who will bear this responsibility, I am really worried now. After all, Yucca is only a maiden, and it would be possible if the concubine Xiangxiang threw her out!"

Li Wanrou frowned and bit her lip; "Since this matter is so important, why did it spread to her."

"Well, because Yucca is the heart of the concubine Xiangxiang, she is very smart, but like now, smart is basically useless. Because it is just a chess piece, once something goes wrong, it is completely over." She was indifferent. Said.

Li Wanrou laughed: "Well, I see, you are worried about your sister."

"Yes, I am just an aunt. Those big national facts are not something I can interfere with. I am just worried about the safety of Yucca, and Yucca also said that she can also help send some messages to you in the palace. I only hope to get you. Asylum."

Li Wanrou said: "I understand, then who knows this matter besides Yucca?"

"This... Yucca's meaning doesn't seem to be known."

Li Wanrou said: "In this case, we can't act without authorization, because once something goes wrong, except for Yucca, it is impossible for anyone to participate in this matter, even if something goes wrong..."

"I know it too. But Yucca..."

"That's the palace concubine after all. Once something happens. It must happen, so you can only guarantee that nothing will happen."

Aunt Liu said anxiously: "Well, just tell me what you want to do. You can do anything, as long as she can live."

Li Wanrou laughed: "You can rest assured, you pretend not to know about this matter, I will help you deal with this matter. You can rest assured."

"Yes, I know. I listen to the crown prince."

Li Wanrou greeted someone and sent her away. Then he sat next to the pavilion. Furong curiously said: "What's wrong, Miss, seems to be a very serious matter? What's wrong?"

"Don't know well."

"Why can't I know?"

Li Wanrou glanced at her: "You and Tingting are my confidants. I know, but I can't tell you, I hope you understand."


"Why?" Li Wanrou said; "Some things you can know, but some things you can't know. If you know it, it's a scourge of death."

Furong froze for a moment, then hurriedly said, "The slave-servant is not afraid, as long as I can do things for the lady, I can do anything!"

"Well, you don't care about your father's fate? In short, you can tell me honestly, don't ask." Li Wanrou said seriously.

Furong was taken aback and hurriedly said, "What the **** is going on?"

"Don't ask about these things. Go ahead and get me some snacks. I'm going to have some food today and I'm getting some wine. I want to have a drink." Li Wanrou actually feels ridiculous and is very miserable. what. Although it was my own birthday, I was busy all day and never ate a bite, but was just entertaining guests.

There are many questions in Furong’s heart, but Ting Ting behind her is holding her wrist: “Let’s go, let’s leave together. Miss is hungry, get some food, and the lady has her own ideas about what to do. ."

"Well, I think the same is true, let's go." Furong left with her.

Li Wanrou watched the two girls sitting there, leaning on the stone chair to cool themselves, and there were a lot of cushions on it. It didn't feel very cold, and the scenery was pleasant and very good.

Li Wanrou was enjoying the moonlit night, and then he saw the prince coming over, holding a box in his hand, walking hurriedly, wearing a white dress, walking hurriedly, and looked very chic.

Li Wanrou pursed her lips and smiled, "Why are you here?"

"You know I will come today, aren't you waiting for me?"

Li Wanrou said with a smile: "I just enjoy the night view here, don't be pretentious, OK?"

"Don't be polite, I am a person who is not affectionate. I just know you and I like you very much. I know that you have been waiting for me, don't refuse to admit it." He finished and pulled away his robe and sat aside. Watch the night view with Li Wanrou

Li Wan Judo: "His Royal Highness Prince will give me something?"

"How do you know?"

Li Wanrou pointed to the box in front: "I thought it was for me."

"Well, it was indeed given to you, please take a look." The prince pushed the box to her. She opened the lid of the box, which was full of flowers, flowers carved from amber-colored jade, mixed flowers of begonia flowers and small peach flowers, and covered with a lot of white tassels, which looked crystal clear and very touching.

But Li Wanrou just smiled, it seemed serious and did not have many surprise emotions. The prince's hand gently touched the edge of the stone table: "You don't seem to like it very much?"

Li Wanrou said: "Is it? I don't like it very much. I think it's fine if they are enough. But thank you."

"Well, I really like your confession. In fact, this jewelry was given to me by my mother. She asked me to send it. It is said that girls like jewelry and other things. You will love it very much. ."

Li Wanrou said, "Is it? The Queen's Lady gave it to me? Then I have to keep it well."

The prince smiled. This woman didn't care if she knew that it was sent by me, but she knew that it was sent by the queen. Instead, she wanted to express such surprises!

"What gift do you want me to give you?"

Li Wanrou thought about it and smiled: "Actually, I don't want anything. I used a lot of sea water blue pearls before. My father has helped me get it. I want to get a book from the library. You also helped me get it. I really have no idea now."

"Then I will give you a set of needles?"

"Ah? Needles? Needles for acupuncture?"

"Yes, take a look." He finished and took out a gold box and handed it to Li Wanrou.

Li Wanrou blinked here, really good, know what I like, but not all needles are the same? She opened the box, and then her eyes widened: "My God! You got this needle..."

"Yeah, it was Liu Feng, the magician during the Zhenguo period. This set of needles is made of gold and silver, and there are some meteorites in the middle. It is obtained after smelting. There is only one set in the world. When doing acupuncture, it can be Do more with less."

Li Wanrou couldn't be surprised, the eyes were all smiling like a crescent moon; "Thank you, thank you! This acupuncture must be good, I will help you. I'll give you a needle first!" Wrist.

But the prince pushed it aside, and then held her wrist with her hand. Li Wanrou couldn't help but panic, and stood up and said: "What are you doing, don't be seen by someone..."

"No one will bother us." The prince had just seen Li Wanrou's two girls in the corner of her eye. Furong and Tingting came to eat, but when they saw themselves sitting with Li Wanrou, they were hiding aside, now It is gone.

Li Wanrou smiled: "You are a prince, you are very majestic!"

"Thank you, thank you. Okay, let's get down to business. The lady was there just now. Thinking deeply, she kept talking about what the concubine Xiang Xiang was like, I think it must have something to do with the contradictions of the court?"

"This is my birthday, can you not make me happy?"

"No, I want to listen to the truth, the contradiction of the court. It won't be because you celebrate your birthday."

Li Wanrou said: "Oh, well, what you say makes sense."

"Well, come on." Li Wanrou said with a smile: "Then I will tell you the truth. Someone wants to harm the mother of Zhao Rong."

I thought the prince would be shocked. Who knows he just nodded slightly: "Well, I have heard about this. In fact, except for De Fei, the remaining few concubines are all about to move, but because the emperor cares Nervous, so it is inconvenient to start, only this Xiang Fei seems to have found a way."

Li Wanrou said: "I don't know much about Yucca now, I just know that there is an internal response. I added some ingredients to the tonic soup she drank." She said everything about the better aunt.

The prince said: "It really is the concubine Xiangxiang who has the ability, she can buy the scary people around Zhao Rong, did you know?

Li Wanrou frowned. Generally, such a minion did not dare to betray him for his siblings and parents.

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