On the day of the Hundred Flowers Festival, I saw Li Shifu and Song Waner together. Although I was not impressed, the emperor remembered that she was a beautiful and beautiful woman, but Li Shifu in front of him was a vicissitudes old lady, it was too scary. . (((Cartino Novel Network www.readwn.com))) He looked at the three princes, and he was dissatisfied.

"Good side concubine, just a few days after marrying back home, why are you making people like this?"

"I don't have..."

"No? No matter how unfavorable the side concubine is, Li Xiang's daughter, how can you learn from her like this!"

The three princes did not like Li Shifu. Now, when they see such a virtue in front of their father emperor, they are full of anger. What does it mean? Want to make the emperor more dissatisfied with himself? But when is it now? Can Li Shifu be beaten? Therefore, they can only admit their mistakes by clenching their teeth.

"Father, my son is not in the house recently, I really don’t know what is going on, but my son will ensure that he knows who did it. If someone dares to commit the crime, insulting the concubine, the son must be determined Cut it off!"

The emperor glanced at the three princes, and he thought, this man has always been shaped, and once he saw a more beautiful woman, he threw the previous one aside. Li Shifu's appearance nowadays, it is a dream to want to be spoiled, but Li Xiang's face can only be compensated from other aspects.

"You treat her well. Don't grind."

"Yes. Son knows."

When Li Shifu heard the emperor's words, he was grateful and desolate again. His beauty became such a short period of time. Will there be future and happiness in the future? Even if the emperor will control me, just let me eat and dress, can the three princes treat me well? This is the end of my life...

The three princes glared at her and motioned for her gratitude. Li Shifu quickly knelt down and said, "Thank you for your grace!"

"Well, what the **** are you doing here?" The emperor thought of this and asked people.

Someone hurriedly took the peach wood thing up: "I found such a thing in the side concubine's room. It was a peach charm with the character of a person's birthday written on it. I don't know who wanted to curse who would let someone die."

"Did you find out who it was?" the emperor said.

"Looking for..."

"Well, this is the case." The emperor's tone is still very calm, for that reason, Li Xiang's daughter, the face sentiment should still be given, not to mention if it is himself or the prince's birthday, it is estimated that there is no need to look up. It shouldn't be the important person of the royal family, so she was not very angry. Even if she did it, she must find a way to escape her sin. Before she can take back the authority, Li Shifu can't be okay.

Li Shifu burst into tears and cried out injustice: "The concubine doesn't know, the concubine has been ill these days, and sleepy and confused, how can there be a chance to poke the villain and curse the person!"

"Ah, my master really doesn't have it!" the little girl who waited for her said quickly. If the master is caught, he will not be far away from death. How can there suddenly be a peach run for things that are not already there?

At this time, someone came in a hurry and knelt down directly on the ground: "Emperor Huixuan, we found out that the character on this birthday is...It's Toffee Du!"

As soon as this remark came out, the anger of the whole room changed instantly, all opened their mouths, and the three princes looked at the emperor in shock.

The emperor frowned, tapping his fingers on the table.

Li Shifu hurriedly said: "The concubine has not even seen Mrs. Du, nor any conflicts. How can it be cursed? Seek emperor's insight! The concubine is wrong!"

If the third prince still does not understand what is going on, it is a complete fool. He said: "Emperor, I am afraid this is someone else..."

"Yes. I understand that you all go down. I want to talk to the three princes alone."

All these people promised and quit directly. Li Shifu was still crying, and was glared by the three princes, making them dragged out. When outside, Li Shifu looked at an **** crying: "The concubine is wrong, can't the emperor help me find a way? The concubine really doesn't know who is Toffee Du!" She is not stupid, she knows her life. Between the corners, he hurriedly took out a gold bracelet on his wrist and tucked him in. This is still a treasure from the dowry. It can be sold for less than five hundred yuan. For the sake of her life, she was out.

The **** accepted the bracelet and looked better, then carefully looked inside, and then said, "Side concubine! You can rest assured, it's all right. If the emperor decides that you did it, I'll take you long ago. By the way, let’s say that this man is using the question to remind the long-lived Lord Toffee Du. This has nothing to do with you. You just have to rest well. Just a little, don’t ask too much, do more business, but you will die ugly. ."

"I naturally don't ask much, but am I really okay?"

"Absolutely fine." The **** said: "If something happens, just come to the family. The family will die with you."

This is not good to say, how can a side concubine and an **** be the same? But Li Shifu was too lazy to care. She was bullied in the backyard now, and she was worried every day. The kind of passion she had before was gone. The maiden family will not care about their own life and death, and now there is the matter of this Tao Fu, really terrible. Now I know it's okay, so I was relieved, and was supported by the little girl to the yard.

At this time, the three princes and the prince were quietly sitting in the study. The prince was sitting, and the three princes were standing. No two of them spoke. The atmosphere was very strange. The three princes finally said: "Father and his son are wrong."

"What did you do wrong?" the emperor said coldly.

The three princes said, "My son found a gold mine before, and he wanted to give it to the emperor during the Longevity Festival. But who knows that he was raked in, he was very nervous, but his son knew that the emperor would not blame his son. Yes. We have always trusted each other."

The emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "Do you really think so?"

"Exactly!" The three princes knelt on the ground: "Although the son has such thoughts in his heart, he knows that the prince is the dragon and phoenix among the people. In the future, Dayin's foundation will still be completed by the prince. It's just... the son really doesn't know what happened to these letters, please ask the father and emperor Mingjian!"

Anyway, the real letters were burned, and now they must be counterfeit, so the three princes said that their faces are not red or white, and it does not matter whether the emperor believes in gold or not. If you don’t believe, you won’t stop talking and wait for yourself. If you believe, you will not kill your life.

The emperor sighed: "Get up. Saner, you know I don't want to hurt you anyway."

The third prince hurriedly said, "Son is really wrong..."

"Don't say it. I just heard about Mrs. Du, how can I not understand? This person is threatening no matter who he is. I want to let me know about the past. I can't hide it." The emperor rubbed his head.

The Three Emperors pondered; "The son was still young at the time, and he didn't know what happened. But everything you did, Father Emperor, was for this Jiangshan Sheji!"

The emperor personally helped him up: "You just have this kind of heart. After the prince is ill, I will give you a few princes to seal the land, and then leave the capital."

"Father and Emperor!" The three princes cried in surprise, what did this mean? Okay, let’s not stay in the capital, what should I do on the fief? Once he went to the fief and became a vassal king, although the emperor Seco was far away, what he wanted to do, and the dynasty of the Great Yin Guo was still quite moist.

But it is good to give a prince such as the nine princes free, but for the ambitious three princes who want to get a big position, it is tantamount to killing him! Being out of the capital is equivalent to chopping off all the clues to the palace, and he still has no concubine. His concubine has passed away. Unlike De Fei, Shu Fei and others can also pass on some of the things in the harem. What should be done in the future?

"Why don't you want to go?" The Emperor smiled faintly: "My little three children have grown up too."

The three princes were very anxious, but the incident of gold minerals had already stopped, and the emperor could no longer be relieved. He could only smile and said: "The son is willing to go to the land, but the son is not yet married."

"I've thought about it. I originally wanted you to marry the general's daughter, but I think it's not a serious matter. I will arrange for An Guogong's daughter to marry you. She is a gentle and graceful girl. The queen died I haven’t said anything about keeping filial piety before. I’ve seen it for a long time, so you should get married. Then take the new lady to the fief, but you should be good. I will give you a good place in Jiangnan to let you be your wealthy prince. ."

There was a sour heart in the heart of the three princes, An Guogong's daughter!

The face is very nice, but it is just a literati, who has no real power, and the two sons of An Guogong were sold to the knighthood because of corruption last year. Now there is a grandfather left in An Guogong who has a knighthood And, it is not hereditary, which means that after the death of An Guogong, the glory of this family is gone.

What's the use of that An girl even if she is beautiful? What's the use of being a noble at home? It is not as good as a general's daughter to marry with the dowry you carried before!

But the emperor refused, because he sensed his ambitions, so he had to be cut off from the source!

The emperor smiled and said, "Aren't you willing? I can find you another one."

What can the three princes say, kneeling down and thanking: "Thank you for the grace of the emperor."

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