"Why would the emperor blame this man?" said the old lady in a hurry. (((Kartino Novel Network www.readwn.com)))

In other people’s homes, a concubine’s attempt to murder the master is also a very serious matter. He doesn’t even need Jingdong’s mansion, he can just die to death. No one will say anything about the death outside. But I don't know why, but Li Wanrou said this, which made the old lady very incomprehensible.

Li Wanjuo said: "The emperor has always been dissatisfied with his father. If he wants to find fault, wouldn't he find fault picking? Cao Sang died, and he was a murderous man if he wanted to find fault. Now that the emperor is dead because of the death of the queen, there is also a prince who is also in danger of life, and his temperament is not so good. If we want to cure us..."

"What should I do?" Mrs. Madam had no idea: "Did you just let the murderer see you?"

"Someone reported me just now that my father's life is falling. Who said it?" Li Wanrou began to look around. The little man just shuddered and knelt before Li Wanrou; "Little I was so anxious just now, so I didn’t see it clearly, I only saw so much blood..."

"Just spread the news, say my father was assassinated, and now he is unconscious."

"Ah? Miss II?" Master Mingming is all right, how can this be nonsense?

Li Wanrou said: "Let you go, why go so wordy!"

"Yes, yes, the small one went here." The man was not named, so he went.

The old lady took Li Wanrou's hand: "Why are you?"

Li Wanrou said, "Grandmother withdrew the outsiders, I will tell you." Her expression is serious, let people know that there are important things at first glance, Mrs. Lady hurriedly waved her hands, let everyone go down. Nuan Yu glanced at Li Wanrou and went out.

When I went out, I said to my mother: "Why does the second sister look so smart? My second sister and I are obviously only two months older than me, why are we so different?"

Mrs. Qing smiled: "Everyone is different, Yuer, you don’t want to compare with your second sister, her whole body can’t be learned, if you have to learn, you can only Unlucky."

"Yes, my daughter knows." Of course she didn't want to be a princess, nor did she want to have any skills, but just thought Li Wanrou looked too handsome and handsome. She is envious of death.

But Mrs. Qing looked back, but what she thought was that Li Wanrou really deserved to be the crown prince's candidate. The temperament of the future queen's empress was usually not obvious, but when there was a big event, it was completely It shows, my daughter wants to compare with her, it is really a dream, alas! What do I think? With the protection of Li Wanrou, letting my daughter marry An Xingfeng is already a good result. I don’t want anything else. Just enjoy enjoying my glory and wealth.

Mrs. Li Wanren and Mrs. Li were left in the room, and inside the room was the sleeping old man, Li Xiang.

Mrs. Tai said: "You can say whatever you want."

Li Wanrou saluted: "Yes, my granddaughter said that, my father, the situation is not suitable to come forward, it is just assassinated now, the best thing is to raise a sickness in the government, quietly wait for the end of this storm, as for Aunt Fish Just shut it up. You can’t kill her, don’t let the emperor find the handle. Although the emperor doesn’t like his father, once the person has died, he will not think of his bad things, and only think in his mind. Benefit."

"Only good..." Madam Tai frowned: "How do you know that the emperor has no feelings for your father?"

"The prince said." Li Wanrou said; "The prince said that the emperor had repeatedly said in private that his father had misbehaved and was arrogant, and he did not put the emperor in his eyes at all."

Mrs. Tai stood up directly: "It's so serious!" Because of the relationship between the prince and Li Wanrou, she also believed in what the old lady said. The family will be honorable and detrimental, so she won't worry about Li Wanrou talking nonsense, But she didn't expect the emperor to hate her son so much.

Li Wanrou actually lied. These words were really spoken only after his predecessor, the new emperor, ascended the throne, but then Nangong Rongji also said that these words were spoken countless times by the emperor, Huang Xian hated the most. It’s the family and the minister of merit who are noisy in their ears, and they always oppose the opinion of the emperor, but they still have no way to refute, because they are all veterans of the DPRK and should be given face, but the emperor hates Li Xiang’s. That’s right, I’m reborn now. Of course, I must make good use of this advantage to pull my father down. At least before the crown prince is awarded to Dabao, he will not let his father come forward. The current assassination is a good opportunity. Is it often said that Sai Weng is unlucky?

Mrs. Tai said: "Actually, I think you are being too careful. Now Emperor Huang Quan is stable. I think your father still intends to work for a few more years. It is better to let him take care of his wounds and come out slowly..."

Li Wanrou smiled; "Grandma, now the Emperor has not survived for a few days."

Mrs. Tai stood up straight and looked outside in horror: "You wanton! Kneel down immediately!"

Li Wanrou didn't move, looking at Mrs. Tai: "Grandmother, you can verify my words soon, otherwise you will wait. After a year, you can almost understand my words."

Mrs. Tai shivered and looked at Li Wanrou in surprise. She clenched her teeth and shivered: "The prince told you if such a big deal?" If the emperor died, could it really be a good thing? Although Nangong Chengde is now a prince, his foundation is unstable, not to mention his weak body! How can it go smoothly, how can it be sick? Emperor Mingming is so strong!

In fact, Li Wanrou first heard the prince said that the emperor was only one or two years old. He had thought about consulting the emperor's veins, and then helped to find a way to save him. At least it can delay the time of his death, but when she died from the queen Knowing that the emperor was poisoned, he had to use such a bad way to extend his life. Li Wanrou gave up the idea of ​​seeing the emperor.

With so many people's blood and life accumulated, how can Li Wanrou do it? This is not something that people can do, so even if Li Wanrou knows that there is a prescription, there is no way to do it, and she will only be able to wait until the emperor dies. She not only can't help, but she has to provide those new things to the emperor. The people in the prescription must be killed!

In order to survive, the emperor has not even let his children pass, is this a good sign?

And why did Mrs. Du do not appear early or late, but just appeared before people at this time? How can she have such a skill in a woman in the palace? It should have been in contact with the evil country of southern Xinjiang, and there must be an agreement between the two parties, so this situation can only exist.

Li Wanrou put the matter briefly, Madam Tai didn’t believe it at first, she repeatedly blamed Li Wanrou and Li Wanrou, let her stop talking, but Li Wanrou continued to talk lightly, Madam already scared all her hairs upright, She really did not expect that the emperor of today is such a person!

Mrs. Tai said after a while; "Why are you telling me this? If this secret is known, it will wipe out the Nine."

Li Wanrou said: "Because if I don't say anything, you and my father are not reconciled, and they both want to protect their position as grandfather, but they don't know that sometimes it's better to lose it than to get it. Now my father gets away from it. In the future, the Emperor will ascend to the throne, we can just wait for the opportunity. If we continue to stay in the position of Xiangye now, our grandmother will know what happened!"

How did Mrs. Madam know that she had been alive for so many years, and she had heard a lot about the things in the palace. Once the emperor had an accident and was going to die, then the three princes, eleven princes, seven princes, six princes Wait, there are the four concubines, plus Du Fei, as well as the surrounding countries, all have to act. They can’t be willing to let the king of this country make a smooth transition. Countless lives disappeared!

The whole capital may bleed into a river! There will not be any good results if you stay in Chaotang!

Mrs. Tai came down and took Li Wanrou's hand: "Rouer, you have worked hard. You can think of this. I can only feel ashamed. I used to think that you have a little looks. It is just luck to marry the prince. Now I understand that you are really a talented person, and I understand that you are very powerful. I have also thought about stuffing you to make you angry, it is really my fault!"

Today, the prince's talents have really convinced Li Wanrou. She is gentle, intelligent, and resourceful. She and the prince are in perfect harmony. They are not comparable to those with little friendship and love. Even if the prince will be with others in the future, she Will be respected and loved, she is the queen forever!

Li Wanrou said, "Grandmother, I'm Li's family. Naturally, I have to find a way for Li's family, but grandmother can't tell anyone about this matter. Otherwise, we're done..."

"I see. What you say is what. Just how about the prince? Can you pass this level?"

Li Wanrou said: "This time it seems to be plain, but in fact it is extremely dangerous. The emperor almost abolished the position of the prince. Fortunately, we first issued a restraint and gave the prince the medicine to make the emperor temporarily less suspicious. However, the matter arranged by the crown prince broke the trust of the third prince, but was destroyed by Princess Du, and the third prince is now fine."

"It's so chaotic!" Mrs. Madam had no idea that the third prince was also her grandson-in-law, and her granddaughter Li Shifu married him as a side concubine.

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