各色美女 巨乳翹臋 激情&# x731b;男 解锁姿势 98pp. vip你想要的一网打尽

各色美女 巨乳翹臋 激情&# x731b;男 解锁姿势 98pp. vip你想要的一网打尽

各色美女 巨乳翹臋 激情&# x731b;男 解锁姿势 98pp. vip你想要的一网打尽

"I'm just afraid..."

"Don’t be afraid, see the De Fei Niang first time and then talk about it. ---After finishing the beauty, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance www.hjw.tw))) But I don’t know how to dress up, I remember you have a person who is good at dressing up? Call here Right."

"Well, it's my brother's staff."

An Xingfeng leads the soldiers and often needs to spy on the enemy's situation, so this kind of thing is very common. There is a master of cosmetic surgery. You can let some sergeants go to the enemy's city to spy on intelligence.

"Got it, here it is." An Ruyi asked the girl to call her brother.

An Mu and An Ruyi accompanied Li Wanrou to speak, and An Fu was a foreign man who was inconvenient to prepare a carriage outside.

In the end, Li Wanrou simply said: "These two concubines themselves have nothing to do with our Li family, but if they are used by intentional people now, if the emperor doubts it, it will be a big sin. As for your family, it will be a catastrophe. This It’s the cruelty in the palace, and it’s why I didn’t want to go to the palace.

Aunt wiped her eyes with a veil; "How is this! My family is happy, I grew up spoiled, I don’t know anything about feeding the housekeeper! If I marry, wouldn’t I have been eaten for a few days? Nothing?" If you do it, you will be exhausted."

An Ruyi was also very nervous, but comforted her mother: "Yes, it doesn't matter, the emperor will definitely be aware of what is wrong. I believe our emperor knows everything."

"Know what!" Anmu shook her head: "Who is the emperor! Whoever wants to kill, kills whoever is, waving his hand is the corpse! Why do you want to marry the prince! I regret it, I gave you birth So beautiful! If you could be ugly, wouldn’t you be stared at and married to the prince? Where is the palace and the prince’s mansion?

An Ruyi and Li Wanrou glanced at each other and shook their heads helplessly. This one is also not afraid of being copied, saying everything.

It was still A-mum who found out that she was not right, and quickly covered her mouth with a veil: "I...I just casually talk nonsense."

"Mother! That won't work. If it spreads, our house will be over." An Ruyi said helplessly.

"Yes, I, I know." An Mu said honestly.

Li Wanrou persuaded a few words, but did not use it.

When there was less than one tea, An Xingfeng hurriedly came: "Sister Wanrou, what the **** is going on?" He was followed by a soldier in his sixties, skinny, but his eyes were bright.

"Come on!" Anmu said hurriedly: "How can you call the name of the Crown Princess like this!"

"Aren't you married yet?" An Xingfeng has always been very big. I don't think it's a big deal.

What An-An wants to say, Li Wan-rou said: "It's okay, Madam, let's hurry up. Let's go to the palace with An Ruyi."

"Yes, I know. But Wanrou... Princesse, what's wrong?"

Li Wanrou said: "It's okay, just some rumors in the palace. Let's go to the palace and help the lady Concubine clarify."

"That's it. Okay," An Xingfeng asked the old soldier to apply makeup to Li Wanrou. Of course, he couldn't do it himself, no matter how old he was, he could get close to the prince. So he came to wisdom, and a few girls came to make up for her. Time is limited, so I can only use some special powder on my face. In a short time, a beautiful and beautiful face becomes a waxy yellow face with sparse eyebrows and small eyes. It is completely impossible to see that it is Li Wanrou.

An Ruyi clapped her hands: "Brother! Your men are so powerful!"

Mrs. Ann looked at the mirror and nodded: "Well. That's right. I can't see it. Don't talk nonsense after entering the palace. You can't talk about easy things."

"Yes, we know." An Ruyi said.

They soon got into the car and entered the palace. Li Wanrou didn't take a girl. She needed time to make up, not to mention her girl. She put on the name of Anyi's girl and became her personal girl in a carriage and went straight to the palace.

In the chaos, An Ruyi has been very anxious: "What should I do? I am worried that it will affect our home."

Li Wanrou said: "Although the emperor has a lot of doubts now, he will not do anything because of this. As for the relationship between De Fei and Lin Weixin, it is even more nonsense. Now I am worried that there are people who are interested and have a back hand. Will they bury them? The bigger trap, for the rest, don’t be nervous for a while. If the emperor punished Lin Weiping, some people might say De Fei, but now Lin Weiping is occasionally caught by the emperor once, which is nothing."

An Ruyi nodded: "I'm afraid. I heard about the Sixth Prince."

Li Wanrou touched her head: "Don't be nervous. Just be careful, the Ninth Prince won't be in trouble."

Li Wanrou has asked the old grandmother why the person in trouble is the sixth prince. Grandma told her. The six princes are very astringent, and southern Xinjiang is a place rich in beautiful women. Almost every few years, tributes will be sent to the country.

The status of these tributes is similar to that of tributes. They are not regarded as human beings. They are gifts for the royal family and some meritorious officials.

The emperor adopted some tributaries a few years earlier, but since the death of the eighth prince’s birth mother, the emperor gave up. I thought, I don’t lack women. Why should I find these women to suffer in the palace.

How desperate should they be if each of them died before the age of twenty?

So there are few tributes now, but they are all beautiful. Gifts are also sent to the heroes.

The six princes bullied two tributes on the way to greet the tribute, and let the tribute commit suicide and die. This matter changed into knowing and scolded, and kneeled for two hours. Never mind this matter.

But the princes found out that one of the tributes was the illegitimate daughter of the northern king of southern Xinjiang. After being identified by the princess, he was sent to the Great Yin State in a rage. The Northern King was not a minister of power, but a laid-back royal family, but his princess was the daughter of the court minister, and he was very overbearing. The North King secretly asked someone to take good care of the girl, but Zi Ya entered the second day of the Great Yin Guo and was ruined by the six princes. The girl committed suicide in anger.

Although the North King was a waste, he was not a vegetarian, so he issued a kill order. Anyone who can kill his own daughter is given a hundred and two gold.

Of course he did not dare to say that he was the six princes of Great Yin Guo, but it was also very obvious.

Li Wanrou felt that these people assassinated the six princes not for money, but because they wanted to disturb the occupation of Da Yin Guo. This is the same as the Prince's idea. People from South Xinjiang have already mixed in with Yin Yin.

Li Wanrou didn't tell An Ruyi about these things. She was too naive to accept these things at all. She only said that they were some of the imperial courts, which is not convenient for us to know.

An Ruyi nodded: "I don't want to know. But I feel terrible."

"Not really." Li Wanrou sighed: "I don't know what will happen in the future yet."

After this happened, Li Wanrou also thought about the issue of the eighth prince. If Nanjiang needs a prince to succeed to the throne, in addition to the newborn, the most suitable is the eighth prince. So what will happen to the Eighth Prince next?

Speaking of which, the position of the eight princes in the court was very awkward.

He has almost no support, because his Madonna is just a tribute girl from South Xinjiang. Her mother is from South Xinjiang, but her father is from Da Yinguo, a mixed-race child, and a mixed blood from two countries, so neither Da Yinguo nor Nan Jiang can fully believe this woman. Because her mother’s cousin was a wealthy and wealthy family in Nanjiang, and she was named a lord by the emperor, it was a bit of an identity, but that’s not all.

Later, because of the draft, this woman was sent to Dayin as a tribute. Originally, the emperor did not want her blood, but South Xinjiang was a big trouble for Yin Guo.

But the woman was so beautiful again. The emperor's momentary interest is also there, and the position is very high, it is Liu Fei, but the separation is only treated according to your rites. A woman knows her own position clearly. The two countries guard against each other, and occasionally send some women to marry each other. The two countries have the same power and almost the same purpose.

Don't mess with me, I won't mess with you.

So she knew she might die soon after marrying, and she always kept her peace. What if you are unwilling to bear your own destiny? The parents are in the hands of others, and if they do not agree, they can only die.

Who knows that after the servant, although the emperor gave Bizitang, he was pregnant.

The emperor did not want to give birth to this child, but Taiji said that her physique was special, and if the child was killed, the concubine might die directly. So he is not willing to do such a thing.

The queen at the time persuaded: "Emperor, you are a benevolent prince! Anyway, you will not let this child inherit the throne, in case it is a princess? Even if you have a son and stay as a wealthy prince, you will not worry about food and clothing. The emperor, God has the virtue of a good life!" This woman is the prince's biological mother. She is kind and cannot bear to let her mother and son die.

The emperor also thought that a child had no children born for several years. Let the concubine give birth. Later, the eighth prince was born, not long after Liu Fei died. Before the death, let the emperor treat the child kindly.

The emperor agreed, he has always been kind to this son. The eighth prince knew that he could not succeed to the throne, so he always kept his peace and never contacted his ministers. Occasionally do some business. The rest of the time is just for sightseeing.

Li Wanrou didn't have much memory of this prince. In the previous life, he heard that he was seriously ill and died.

It may have been killed, or it may have died directly and naturally. But after the death of the prince, he absolutely did not participate in the fight for the throne.

An Ruyi said; "What's wrong?"

Li Wanrou said, "Huh?"

"I'm talking to you, don't you even say that?"

"I didn't pay attention to what I said?"

An Ruyi blushed and whispered: "I don't know if the Ninth Prince likes me. I...I haven't met him since I received the will. He..."

Li Wanrou smiled and said: "Miss him?"

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