Hua'er has now become the emperor's abandoned chess piece, so now her life is quite sad. (((Kartino Novel Network

She wholeheartedly wanted to leave the Li family and return to her hometown. This was the promise the emperor had given her. Who knows that the emperor can't even remember the Li family now, let alone a little girl.

Now Huaer was very excited to see Li Wanrou and knelt down to Li Wanrou. When Li Wanrou saw her, she understood what the person wanted.

She held the flower up lightly: "You get up, what do I want, I actually know."

Huaer hurriedly said: "All I want is to leave here. My parents are alive and in poor health. I'm willing to go back. Prince Niang, you can rest assured that no matter what happens, what happened at the Li family, I promise absolutely not Say it. I just want to solve this matter, I want to safely leave Beijing."

Li Wanrou said: "Is the Li family bad? There aren't a lot of money for your monthly routine. You are the person next to the old lady, no one is wronged by you. Why do you need to leave? Now the emperor doesn't remember you, but the wife I trust you."

"Huh." Hua'er said: "I don't want silver, nor the trust of the wife, I just want to leave, please complete me!"

After she finished talking to Li Wanrou several times, Li Wanrou's expression was indifferent and helped her up.

"Okay, let me go."

"Thank you Miss II! I will definitely remember your great grace!"

"But!" Li Wan Judo said: "You have to do me a favor, and then you will be free, how?"

Hua'er was stunned, and then lowered his head: "The slave-servant whispered in front of the emperor, he didn't know anything, and at the beginning of training, he was sent to Yuqian to monitor the Li family, and he knew nothing about other things."

Li Wanrou smiled, it turned out that she was worried about threatening her! She said: "Despite your peace of mind, I am not interested in the emperor's secrets. I think you can help me find the secret agent who came to Fufu."

"Detective?" Huaer looked at Li Wanrou in shock.

Li Wanrou said: "If Mrs. Du really wants to do anything, she will definitely do things in Fuzhong, then secret investigation is the way she will arrange it. I believe that someone will come in soon, because if my stepmother is I have a baby, a caregiver, a maternal health maid, a girl who serves a young master, and a grandma who needs a lot. There is no guarantee that these people will not have secret agents from southern Xinjiang. Although I am a bit brainy, I haven’t received it after all. The face is specially selected, and you are selected by the emperor personally. With a sharp eye, you can definitely find out for me."

"Miss II has won the prize." Hua'er lowered his head. Anyone likes to listen to praise. Li Wanrou's words were also correct, and Hua'er was very happy to hear it. So there is no panic.

"How are you willing to help me? After helping, you are free to leave."

"Yes! The slave-maid is willing."

Li Wanrou nodded: "Okay, I will wait for your result. When you leave, I will give you five hundred and two silvers, and I will give you a Zhuangzi in the suburbs, so that your parents can rest in peace. And the emperor It’s a suspicious person, even if he can’t remember who you are now, but sooner or later he still thinks about it, I’m afraid that it will hurt you, so I will report a violent result to you, you can directly live with peace of mind , There is no one like you in the world."

Hua'er was delighted: "Thank you, Miss II!" She gave Li Wanrou a sincere kowtow.

If you go directly, then the day remembered by the emperor's dark place is your own death, and since Li Wanrou let himself die, it is really okay. She is naturally grateful.

Li Wan Judao said: "I help you because I hope you can do this well. If you are not serious and have missed something, it has caused very serious things to our Li family. No matter if you fled to the end of the world, I I will definitely catch you and kill you, do you understand?" She was very ruthless after she finished speaking.

Huaer said firmly: "Others dare not say, who dares to do evil, and what is disgusting, the slave-servant will look at the past at a glance. You can rest assured."

"Okay, since you said that, I'm waiting for your rejoicing. You go down first. Be prepared. It is estimated that the stepmother will buy someone in these days." Li Wanrou waved her hand and let her go down.

The emperor closed his eyes and rested in his bedroom. Behind him was Lin Weiping massaging his shoulders and arms. It seemed to be very comfortable. Lin Weixing, a lot of tension in her heart, she heard a lot of rumors in the palace these days, worried The Emperor's will killed herself righteously, and she was worried that she might get a misfortune. She wanted to see Li Wanrou. Unfortunately, she didn't have enough rights, nor was she a master of the first house. She couldn't meet anyone casually. Besides, Li Wanrou was still in the future. Where is the crown prince?

Lin Weixin is now more and more worried that he will die. Even if you give birth to a prince, you will be assassinated! She has no need to get glory and wealth, but she has to die early. How can she be reconciled? But what can we do to make the concubine save her life! It's better to let the crown prince help exterminate Princess Du.

She actually knows how naive her thoughts are. The emperor couldn't deal with Mrs. Du, Li Wanrou had any way. Even Lin Weixin was very stupid and didn't know much about the court's affairs. But she also understood the current situation. Dare not deal with it casually.

Lin Weixin's heart is cold, what should I do? Anyway, let me meet Li Wanrou!

The emperor saw her look at her soul, and said, "What are you thinking, Ai Fei, I think your mood seems very bad."

"No, the concubine has been a bit cold recently, so... it doesn't matter."

"Cool," the emperor took Lin Weiying's hand and said with a smile; "I will find you a great doctor."

"No need. Just, the concubine thought about something."

"What's the matter? As long as Ai Fei speaks, I will promise you." The emperor thought Lin Weixin was very sensible, so she was willing to help her a little. Lin Weixin hurriedly smiled and said, "It is better to let the concubine see the prince. The concubine first entered the palace because she went out from the Li family. It has been a long time since I've been there, and I miss it a lot."

The emperor frowned slightly, thinking of the rumors in the palace, saying that Li Wanrou wanted to interfere in the harem, and let Yu Chongyi and Lin Weixin help establish the crown prince's control of the harem, although this is a lie, but still pay attention. So there is no promise.

"Don't see you for now, the Chaotang is not very stable now. The people in the harem have been banned by me a lot. If you see them, it will be easy to gossip. I don't want you to live on the charcoal fire. If you really want to If you want to see her, just wait for a while. Next month is the birthday of the Queen Mother, Li Wanrou will come into the palace, you have a good chat with her."

"Yes, the concubine would like to thank the emperor for his compassion." She thought, next month, it is estimated that her pulse will be able to come out, and ask Li Wanrou at that time, if not, the child will be killed. Never let my life be threatened! Even if it is not born, the concubine will not be killed after abortion, I will not die, and I don’t want to die!

Her face is much better, and she has been working hard to make the emperor happy. The emperor also wants to get along with Lin Weixing. Who knows that she is going to have a meal, there is a **** who came over. It was the **** who helped collect information last time. When he came to the emperor's side, he whispered a few words, and the emperor groaned, "what happened?"

"Just now. Let the cook do it."

"Oh." The emperor smiled coldly; "Just let her. Keep watching."

The man agreed and walked out quickly. The emperor glanced at Lin Weixin and saw that she was in a daze, probably guessing what the emperor was angry at all. The emperor found it fun and took her hand. This expression and Yuchongyi is really like.

"Well accompany me to sleep. I feel tired, don't you want to?"

"No, the concubine is willing." Her face was ugly and she wanted to die, but then she got better because she had a misfortune and worried that too frequent attendants would affect her body, but the emperor said that she could refuse ? Can only come daringly, served the emperor changed clothes, changed shoes, entered the inner temple to wash, but fortunately, the emperor did not hesitate her, the two simply fell asleep, the palace slaves retired Go down.

The emperor summoned Lin Weixin's affair throughout the harem, and most of the concubines were treated calmly. Because the fire of the emperor had almost gone, he made it clear that he did not believe the rumor, so he only waited to see this Lin Weixing, they may not really like it, and they would not care. The remaining elder concubines, such as De Fei, wondered if their son was working hard outside, and he was not even in control of the emperor.

Concubine Xiang is now ready to harm people, regardless of the emperor. Yu Chongyi encountered such a serious matter before, and was punished by the emperor, so it is also quiet as a chicken, and the harem is harmonious,

After hearing the return of her subordinates in her bedroom, Du Taifei smiled coldly: "Then do you still want to see Li Wanrou?"

"Yes, she said to the emperor herself, the emperor did not agree."

"Well, this woman is not honest, originally thinking of waiting for a child to give her a whole body, even who knows how to dare to do this, to teach a lesson, you go and take this pill for her." A red pill was thrown out and landed on the hand of the slave-maid, so that she would eat Lin Weixing tonight.

The slave said: "I don't know what kind of pill this is?"

"After eating the pill, you will feel sore all over. You can't survive but you can't die. You tell her that this is called Bai Chong Wan. If you want to live, just be honest."

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