Li Wanrou saw that she was scared like this, and hurried over: "Don't be scared like this, what is the matter?"

"Yes!" Furong said with a tremble: "It is said that when they took the man halfway, there was a landslide, the stones on it fell down, and all died. No one was left!"

Li Wanrou frowned; "What about Qiao?"

"Qiaoer is the worst person to die. His body is full of stones, and his stomach has been smashed.---After finishing the beauty, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance" Furong cried in fear. Up, she didn't see it with her own eyes, but the first time she heard it, she vomited!

Li Wanrou said: "It's a coincidence, not a fake disguise?"

"Yes, it is said that she teared her face and found it to be fake."

Li Wanrou nodded, and it seemed to be the people from South Xinjiang, knowing that we didn't want to make those people mix in and started directly. Furong accompanied Lianrou here, but Ting Ting investigated for some time, and then found out the results of the investigation. It turned out that Qiao'er's father and mother were seriously ill. Someone asked her two doctors to treat her father. The mother's illness was cured. In order to thank the talented person who promised to do bad things.

Li Wanrou sighed: "It is really too much to lose so many people's lives because of an idea."

"What should we do after that?"

"Take some silver and bury all those people."

"Yes." Furong saw Li Wanrou in a bad mood and wanted to comfort her, but Li Wanrou waved her hand to let her out. Furong couldn't say anything in her heart, so she had to wait until later.

Who knows that as soon as she leaves, Li Wanrou sighs; "Since the prince comes, will you come out?"

A white figure on the beam jumped down. The prince seldom wears white clothes. Today, wearing this body is like a god, very elegant and handsome! Li Wanrou looked stunned, and the two had not seen for a long time.

The Prince looked at Li Wanrou with a smile: "What's wrong, because I haven't seen me in a long time, so I'm stupid?"

Li Wanrou blushed and lowered her head to say, "I don't have it, I just..."

She was hugged by the prince before finishing her words. I haven't seen her for many days. I really miss it!

Li Wanrou's body was still so soft, he hugged Li Wanrou softly and sighed softly.

"I am really happy that I can see you."

"Don't be like this, we haven't gotten married yet..."

Li Wanrou's words made the prince smirk; "Do I just hug and wait until I get married? In fact, I not only want to hug, but I also want to..." His lips came over Li Wanrou was startled, holding his lip.

"Stop it. I can't..."

The prince smiled and said: "Just kidding, let's discuss, a lot has happened recently."

Li Wanrou's expression became very serious, and it was indeed quite a serious matter. She was thinking about how to deal with it. Who knew that the prince had wrapped her slim waist and let her sit down on her lap Now, when Li Wanrou responded, she had a fever on her face and hurriedly struggling to get up: "Don't make a fuss, if something is wrong, let's hurry!"

"No, don't move. The Prince said it."

"I do not want……"

"Don't make trouble. Otherwise, you're welcome!" The prince said dumbly. It was a joke, but it was a bit too much!

The prince's physical discomfort is too obvious, this little goblin irritated himself, but he still didn't feel a bit, really enough to suffer! Li Wanrou didn't know the complex emotions in his eyes, but bowed his head shyly.

"You really are, how do you say that?"

"You are fine like this, okay, let's talk about business, don't know who Qiaoer is?"

Li Wanrou shook her head: "I don't know who it is." She turned her head slightly, the pink spar on her head moved gently, and it was really beautiful. With the fragrance on her body, she made the prince think of other places. went.

But he deserved to be the crown prince selected by the emperor, and soon returned to normal: "This matter should be related to southern Xinjiang."

Li Wanrou nodded: "I think so too, but... just what is their purpose? Is it me?"

"Huh? Why do you think so?" He asked Li Wanrou's hair softly.

Li Wanrou said: "Because I am the future... Princess, also did something, the other party must have got the information, I hope I can die as soon as possible, and I will start. I will pick me because my side is not good. Stepmother hands on."

The prince shook his head: "I think this matter is just a temptation. Now you will be exposed."

"Exploration?" Li Wanrou was surprised! What does this mean?

The prince said; "The ten other things the other party wants to see are your medical skills."

Li Wanrou immediately understood that at the beginning, she concealed a lot of medical skills herself. In the eyes of everyone, she was just a woman with a little fur and a little medical knowledge. Under normal circumstances, how can she learn to meet her at home. What about medical? It's normal that no one pays attention, but Li Wanrou's repeated attempts should be suspected and noticed.

"The other party is trying to see your true level, so try to take advantage of the epidemic. As a result, you have not been able to withstand the temptation at all, and you have been deceived and helped your stepmother to cure the disease. The other party knows you Even if you understand such complicated things, what will you say? I think this is not a good thing for you."

Li Wanrou nodded, as the book says, some people with kung fu tend to die more easily than others who don’t know any kung fu, because a master who sees the other party without kung fu will be merciless, even not Take care of him, but when you see the other person has time to work, you will die. , Whether or not the other party just learned the fur, because who knows if it is hidden!

Li Wanrou is now facing such a scene. Her medical skills are confirmed by the other party, and the emperor is still poisoned. This is a very serious matter... Don’t mention much trouble in Li Wanrou’s heart, how is it good here what!

"Prince, if I'm so careless, will it affect you?"

The prince smiled and said: "If I said it would affect me, how would you compensate?"

Li Wanrou avoided his burning eyes in embarrassment and said with a smile: "How about making some delicious snacks for you? Wanrou made it personally, and the yam osmanthus cake is also delicious. Otherwise it is red bean cake." "

"Sweet or not?"

"Sweet, doesn't the prince like sweet?"

"How sweet? Isn't it sweet enough compared to your lips?" The prince smiled and reached out to stroke Li Wanrou's red lips. Li Wanrou even turned red instantly and pushed his shoulders. What do you want! But the crown prince immediately kissed Li Wanrou without talking, and the two kissed quietly. Li Wanrou froze at first, but later struggled with strength, he could only kiss his lips honestly and quietly. Talented to separate her.

"It's really sweet!"

Li Wanrou took a sip: "I thought the prince was a good person with good character, who knows that it's so awkward, really doesn't make sense!"

"You're angry?"

Li Wanrou yelled, "I'm already angry."

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I was already unhappy because you exposed your medical skills. I have kissed you much better with your sweet kiss. I forgive you."

Li Wanrou is embarrassed, this man! He was waiting here for himself. Obviously, he was mediocre. Who knows whether I apologize or me? It's really too much!

Li Wanrou said: "Don't make a joke, or tell me what the **** is going on?"

"What else? Even if you don't admit it, will these people tell the emperor that you are a master? You won't believe it even if they say the emperor, as long as you are careful about the other party's secret calculations, there is no problem."

Li Wanrou nodded: "This is not bad! I listen to you."

"Well, there is one more thing. My secret guard came to report that the toffee Du's people and Lin Weixin have been walking very close recently."

Li Wanrou frowned: "This is because something happened?"

"What's the matter?" Although the crown prince knew what was there in general, the specific content was unknown.

Li Wanrou said seriously: "It's a misfortune."

"Children's misfortune!" The crown prince deserved to be ill for a long time, and stood up: "This vicious way is to go to the mother to keep the son!"

"Yes, they don’t want my crown prince to be the concubine, and want a child born from the palace concubine to be the emperor. Isn’t it ridiculous?"

The crown prince took Li Wanrou's hand to prevent her from talking nonsense, but his face was very nervous: "Is there any solution?"

"No." Li Wanrou said: "I can only make every effort to make her a little bit more comfortable during pregnancy, and then guarantee that the child is alive. Maybe there is something and a master, but I don't know."

Li Wanrou's words frowned the prince: "I'll get rid of Lin Weixin!"

"No, no!" Li Wanrou said distressedly: "Don't do that."

"You don't want a woman's kindness anymore." The prince said lightly: "That child is to be used! What would you do if you were born to be used by the people of Nanjiang? It would be better to kill it directly, and the mother and son died. ."

The crown prince is very ruthless, but it is also the most realistic way.

Li Wanrou said: "But what if Lin Weixin died? What would you guess?"

The crown prince frowned, of course, would continue to be determined by South Xinjiang, this person can't, the next head office, can't kill all the father emperor's palace concubines! Therefore, Lin Weixin must not be allowed to die.

Li Wan Judao said: "Do you have any way for me to meet Lin Weixin and let me give her a pulse?"

If the other party knows, it must be unlucky.

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