The prince smiled, picked it up and looked at it, then his face changed slightly: "This is not ordinary silk satin. ---End of the beauty, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance" This dress is a Li Yi, month White, it looks normal, but you can feel a different feel when you hold it in your hand.

"Yes. This is called soft and tough yarn. Although it looks similar to ordinary clothes, it is self-defense. No matter whether it is a dagger or a poison arrow, it can't penetrate the skin." Li Wanrou laughed.

The prince looked at the dress in shock: "When did you start making it?"

"Well, at least two months, because this material is hard to come by. It is made from the eyelashes of a plant, plus gold and silver threads in the middle, layer by layer, the workmanship is very complicated. Otherwise it is impossible to resist the attack. . "Li Wanrou had wanted to give him this thing for a long time. The prince's identity is very dangerous. Many people want to kill him, so if there is such a thing to defend themselves, even if there is something like this at the moment, it can definitely make the prince Transforming into safety.

The Prince's heart was grateful to hold Li Wanrou's hand: "I can't think of you thinking about me all the time."

Li Wanrou blushed: "You are very kind to me, I just hope you can be safe."

"It's just that I think you are dressed properly. Can they harm me, but not you? I have the protection of the internal guards, but you only have family protection, or you come." He said and put the clothes in Li Wanrou's hands on.

Li Wanrou waved his hand: "You can rest assured, not only you, me, I also made a few sets for the Emperor, De Fei, and Yu Chongyi, I also have one."

The material of this dress is difficult to work with, but it is much easier to cut the clothes, so Li Wanrou made a lot of pieces, of course, the most sturdy is the prince, which uses double layers.

The prince smiled and said to Li Wanrou; "You said you also have it?"

"Yes, can't it?" Li Wanrou laughed: "Wouldn't you just fool me, actually don't care about me at all?"

Prince said: "Of course not, but I don't believe it, let me see it."

Li Wanrou froze for a moment, and then realized that the prince was flirting with himself. This guy clearly had such a good character before outsiders, but it was like this in front of himself! The prince had already smiled and reached out to touch his clothes button, so that Li Wanrou stepped back a few steps and gave him an angry look.

"The crown prince is very careful. If someone knows it, the supervisor will definitely say you."

"These people are full of food." The prince still drew back his hand, don't scare Li Wanrou.

Li Wanrou smiled his lips, and of course, Da Yinguo’s supervisor was really boring enough to talk about anything. When a prince greeted her before, she used the side concubine because she liked the concubine very much. After the etiquette greeted the relatives and entered the backyard, there was no flower candle in the cave, and the official's fold was up, saying that the prince did not respect the etiquette and despised the king.

The emperor gave the prince a scold, and the prince was mad. There were also those who were folded because they were wearing inappropriate clothes, and were even reprimanded for eating more cold fruits and peach in winter.

If the prince dared to visit Li Wanrou's blouse before getting married, it was probably a big deal.

The prince said; "Did you mean it on purpose? I just want to get closer to me, and you will take these words out and suppress me, which is frustrating."

Li Wanrou said with a smile: "Although the spokesperson is sometimes annoying, it is not completely useless. If you use it properly, you can do things for you."

The prince froze for a while, and then understood that it was not accidental for Li Wanrou to speak out suddenly, something happened!

"What do you mean?"

Li Wanrou sat across from him and said with a smile: "We are dealing with Princess Toffee now, but she must be preventing it now. We can't do it smoothly."

"Yes. Can you do anything else?"

Li Wanrou said: "Let her panic first, and wait for her to mess up, we will take advantage of it, otherwise I dare not guarantee that I will succeed, all I need is a moment, but this moment is really not very good to wait."

"Well, good idea, so what do you want me to say to the instructor? Let them fold the bullet to impeach the concubine, and something will always happen."

"Just from the minutiae." Li Wanrou smiled.

It shouldn’t be too important. If it’s too important, it will make the concubine suspect, and she will find trouble from some small things, so that the concubine will be noticed gradually. It is not easy for her to do some small actions.

The prince smiled and nodded: "You really are clever. I haven't found it before? Not only is the medical technique very good, it's really a baby, I just found out that it was a little too late."

"Isn't it too late to find out now?" Li Wanrou smiled.

The prince tightened Li Wanrou's hand: "Okay, let's just say, where are we from?"

Li Wanrou said: "I heard that the concubine did not participate in the sacrifice during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year. At that time, it was said that it was unwell. The emperor should not be willing to see her. Now it is the Queen Mother's Longevity Festival. Attend it, just take a break."

"Okay, good idea."

The two discussed and the prince arranged for it.

At this time, Lin Weiping in the palace is experiencing deep waters. After Du Fei exposed her true face, she would not have any respect and hypocrisy towards her. It was simply calling and calling, and being called like a slave-servant.

Now everyone around Lin Weixin has become the concubine of the concubine. She wants to say a word casually, and it is difficult to go out and turn. Now she regrets or regrets, she shouldn’t be a concubine!

When you are a concubine, you should also be cautious, and you should not listen to the concubine. Even if there are no heirs, there are many concubines without heirs, a royal order before the emperor's death will not have to die, how good! now what? It’s better to live in Lin’s house than to worry! She sat sickly on the seat.

Torment and mental torture prevented her from sleeping at night. There was already a reaction in her belly. The concubine had given her the pulse. She already knew that it was Ximai. She was pregnant, but there was no joy at all.

Now being watched, the slave-servants have no one who cares about themselves, and the body is in pain, but no one cares, just want the dragon to grow up and go to the mother to keep the child. Lin Weixin is simply not to survive or survive.

At noon on that day, someone from Yu Chongyi said that it was his birthday, and he set a banquet for the table, and invited some familiar concubines to gather together, hoping that Lin Weiping would come too.

The slave-servant said: "My master said, Jie Yu also came out of the family. It is a family. If the sisters can gather together, it will be more harmonious. Please invite Jie Yu to come with me."

Not waiting for Lin Weixin to speak, the big girl next to him said: "Charging the instrument is kind, but my master is uncomfortable from getting up this morning, dizzy and unable to go."

She said Shili Road: "If Chongyi is not happy, the slave-in-law is willing to apologize in person. Please forgive Ms. Chongyi."

The slave-maid felt a little bit in my heart, and it was exactly the same as the prince concubine said, and now Jieyu concubine had been controlled!

Fortunately, the prince had already dealt with it in advance, so the slave-servant was not annoyed, and said with a smile; "Since it is uncomfortable, why not ask a doctor?"

"We will invite you later. You don't have to worry about it. Please come back!" Because this girl came from South Xinjiang, she was not selected by the maid, so she had a bad attitude.

The slave-servant said: "Our mother-in-law has long heard that Jie Yu is unwell, so she prepared a doctor in advance, and not only was she charged, even De Fei was there! Yu's Guzheng plays best, and I want to invite you to come and see. If Jieyu is not going, is it not disrespectful to the concubine? You should be thinking about how to let your master's son stay in the harem, rather than blindly. Inside the palace?"

This girl is very uncomfortable, isn't it De Fei, what's so great? But this cannot be said directly. , Not to be afraid of these slaves, but to worry about Du Fei unhappy.

She looked back at Jie Yu with warning: "Are you really going to go, can your body really bear it?"

Lin Weixin said, it seems that this is my only chance to get help. If I don't go, it may be unlucky. Can they be bullied by these people for the next few months, and I will die when the child is born?

She thought of standing up here and saying, "Since De Niang is also here, I'm not bad, even if it's a salute."

The girl was very angry, but still said: "Yes, the slave-servant sent you over."

Lin Weixin's slave-in-law smiled and said, "It's okay to just give a head to Dei Fei's concubine." She said, and left. Along the way, the girl had always threatened Lin Weixin, and she was not allowed to speak or speak out, and she could not let Taiyi look at her body.

Of course, Lin Weiying agreed on the surface one by one, but in fact he was thinking of a way. Lin Weixing wasn’t a fool who didn’t have any strategy or he would have died long ago.

She was very humble on the surface, but she already had her own calculations in mind.

When outside the Yuchong Yi Palace, the girl will help Lin Weixin in, and Lin Weixin suddenly said, "I forgot to bring my purse, what should I do!"

The girl said, "There is nothing great without a purse, don't rub it, hurry and go."

"No!" Lin Weiping's voice increased: "I want to give this purse to the lady Defei, you go back and get it for me."

The girl glared at Lin Weixin, how dare you order me? But this was outside the gate of Yu Chongyi's palace. Even if she was dissatisfied with 10,000, she dared not show it. Otherwise, a girl who dared to bully the master would be killed by the stick!

Lin Weixin counts!

The girl said grimly; "Then you are waiting for me here, I will go back and get it now."

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