It seems that in his predecessor, Nangong Rongji could not tolerate such a tyrant, so he was killed. ((((Catineau Novel Net Net om

Li Wanrou said, "Ma Debiao is yours?"

The prince shook his head: "No, Ma Debiao is a man of the emperor. He is a pure minister. He only cares about the emperor. He has been here for seven or eight years. Countless princes and ministers have drawn him together. He has been still."

Li Wanrou nodded: "Then we are too inconvenient to be too close, just protect it."

The prince glanced at Li Wanrou: "Well, I have arranged it. The third lady takes herself seriously and doesn't take me seriously, think I'm cheating, huh, huh."

Li Wanrou bit her lip and said: "Nangong Rongji will not be removed, your court will be unstable."

"Even if Nongong Rongji is removed, there are still others. It's not honest. It's better to stare at him like this. When I go back, I will let the three princes go to their own fiefdom. Then I will start. "

Li Wanrou didn't speak, which was not a woman's business.

The prince did not say anything and fell asleep shortly. Li Wanrou saw that the prince had a rest, called the eunuch, covered the quilt, put on a little requiem, and then came out, ready to go to see tomorrow's breakfast.

Tingting hurriedly served: "Are you tired? Miss two, don't do it anymore, I'll do it."

"It's okay." Li Wanrou laughed: "I really look at what to arrange, not to really do it, nor will I."

After two lifetimes, Li Wanrou regrets that he will not cook. Of course, simple meals are okay, but think about it, the prince will not like to eat. The one he makes can make soldiers hungry in front of him, and it is not delicious. .

The two went to the kitchen, which happened to catch up with Yuan Wan and went to the kitchen, arranging Ming'er Nongrong Ji's meals. I asked for four staple foods, snacks, sweets, a bowl of bird's nest porridge, and a little soy milk.

Li Wanrou nodded, but she knew how to eat and was very particular about eating. 35xs

Seeing Li Wanrou, Yuan Wan hurriedly saluted: "Sister is here."

"I came here to arrange for the morning prince to eat." Li Wanrou greeted the **** in a panicking salute, and asked for a tray of Longyan buns, as well as a health porridge. This was too much luxury for the three princes.

Li Wanrou said with a smile: "The prince is mainly taking medicine and can't eat meat. In addition, his stomach is very weak. He can't eat too much. The three princes are free. When the prince is good, we have a lot of points to eat. I heard that the fish here A piece of porridge, it tastes good."

A clever young **** said, "That's right! The prince can't drink, why not prepare for the girl?"

"Yes, I want bird's nest porridge too. You can do it with ease. In addition, you are serving a little pickle. Don't eat meat. The bun stuffing is also tofu, and you can't see the meat. Otherwise the prince can't digest it." Li Wanrou said seriously.

"Yes, the minions knew."

Li Wanrou nodded and waved his hand, so that Tingting behind him gave him a purse, which was considered a reward. Li Wanrou came out. Yuan Wan thought about it and followed it out.

Yuan Wan smiled; "I want to say a few words with my sister, don't you know?"

"Of course, please." Li Wanrou agreed with a smile, and thought, did the three princes let her explore our reality? Anyway, I can't embarrass the prince, so I went to the backyard with Yuan Wan. The flowers here are very good. I saw a very beautiful pavilion in the distance, surrounded by colorful roses, and I could smell various fragrances in the distance.

The two did not speak, and they both walked in tacit agreement. Tingting is just a few steps away from the individual. She is very alert. If someone does something, Tingting will immediately notice it and help the master escape!

Li Wanren sat down together, looked at these flowers, and narrowed her eyes together, how fragrant!

Yuan Wan laughed: "I don't know how about the two maids? Is the prince satisfied?"

"Sister Concubine, are you kidding me? Naturally, there is no hesitation. Net om" Li Wanrou stared at her with an unbelievable look, didn't you know? Are you deliberate?

The concubine picked up the veil and smiled and said, "I don't know if my sister wants too much, I always feel that you are too jealous, sister, men, three wives and four concubines are normal things..."

"The prince fell ill yesterday. How can she be fortunate to these two women? I don't know what happened. Besides, the prince is weak, and the emperor has not even given the court lady who taught personnel." Li Wanrou smiled with a smile.

This is not good. What the emperor knows, regardless of what you do?

The concubine smiled faintly: "Yes, I think too much. By then our two maidservants were taken by the three princes. They said they were going to take back to Beijing to give the concubine's name, two maidservants. Rejoicing or something." The implication is that your two maidservants still don't know how to cry. Even if you are like a master, you won't give them a chance to get close to the prince.

Li Wanrou didn't care, and smiled lightly: "Everyone has their own ambitions. In fact, I also asked these two maidservants. They are willing to marry. The prince and I found two soldiers, and I prepared a dowry for them. When we set off, we gave them a marriage. The two maidservants around you are naturally good to serve the three princes, and each has their own marriage, so we can’t control it."

The concubine was really surprised, and even married the two women! Isn't it afraid that the officials of Chaoye Ye said she was jealous?

In fact, Yuan Wan didn't know yet. The prince agreed to Li Wanrou. She would only marry her for the rest of her life. It is estimated that if she knew it, her chin would fall off. The beauties who came in below gave marriage! This time it was the three princes who made a mistake!

Li Wanrou saw the cloudy expression on the side of Fei Fei, and smiled: "What's wrong with Fei Fei? Uncomfortable?"

"No, my sister just admires her ability. Where is the concubine willing to serve so many princes, but he is born like this, I have no choice but to accept it with a smile."

"This is also the sorrow of the members of the royal family. At the time, I did not want to marry the prince because of this."

Side concubine smiled faintly, didn't believe it at all, and he didn't want to marry the prince, what are you hypocritical! ?

The two were talking and saw a young maid in a green dress running in a panic: "Side concubine! Something happened!"

"What's wrong?" Concubine stood up.

"Yes, the three princes...the three princes..."

"He was injured or stabbed, what's wrong?"

The maid hurriedly said, "You still come with me, the slave maid said no face!"

Upon hearing this, Princess Fei knew that it must have something to do with the matter of men and women. Has Nangong Rongji dominated his wife again? Too late to say anything, blame Li Wanrou and ran away.

Tingting came: "What's wrong with this?"

"Well. Maybe something happened, but it doesn't matter to us, let's go back." Li Wanrou was not interested in Nangong Rongji's romantic affairs. She only wanted to disturb the prince. What.

And here, Yuan Fangfei hurried back hurriedly, and saw many slave-servants and eunuchs kneeling on the ground, and the angry voice of the three princes and the cry of a woman came from inside.

Yuan Wan heartly said that the three princes are a face-loving person, or don’t let so many people be here, and I will be angered by the three princes, and I will not feel good. A man fell over there with a sword in his chest, and he was already dying of death, while a beautiful woman knelt over there, her clothes messy, and there were still marks on her neck. Yuan Wan frowned and walked past.

"What's wrong, Your Highness, your body is important, don't get angry because of some slaves."

The three princes snorted: "Fuck! Just a minion!"

The woman was crying and fell on the man at this time: "Husband, husband!"

Yuan Wan had a headache, probably knowing what caused it. It turned out that this woman was called Qian Qian, and it was the embroidered lady in the back. Master Li came over to sew and sew the two princes. What to do? Well, it stays.

Qianqian looks pretty good, and she and two musicians in Master Li’s house have just been married for less than half a year. This time it is important to serve the prince, so they came together. The banquet was held the night before and the musicians performed. Just now the third prince came back from outside and saw that Qian Qian was helping two of his newly received concubines explain the flowers. The third prince saw that Qian Qian was long like flowers and jade, and her chin was like white porcelain. Hold back.

The two concubines quickly retreated.

Qianqian begged or cried, and the three princes refused to let it go and pressed on the couch.

The musician just passed by and heard the concubine's argument that his wife had an accident. He rushed in angrily, saw how his wife was humiliated, and how he could follow him, ran over and beat the three princes to see his wife rescued. However, the three princes were angry and, with this sword, the musician died.

Qianqian cried when she saw that her beloved husband had died like this: "Why? We didn't do anything! Why did I kill my husband, you diligent beast!" She looked at the three princes: "Kusugaru lives, Asshole, I will avenge my death!"

The three princes kicked Qianqian, and Qianqian spit out blood and fell on her husband, leaving a breath.

The three princes sneered; "It's just a minion! What if Laozi killed your family!"

"Your Highness is furious!" Yuan Wan held the three princes: "The Prince is staring at you all the time!"

The third prince frowned at Yuan Wan, and then hummed. Yuan Wan gave the people around the third prince a wink and grabbed both of them.

"That's it? What about the woman talking nonsense?" the three princes dissatisfied.

Yuan Wan smiled and said, "Your Highness, don't worry."

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