The Vicious Princess Overturns the World

Chapter 248: You're good

You have to know that Lin Weixin is the concubine of her father and emperor. She is already a dead woman in her identity, but now she is appearing in South Xinjiang. Isn't it a joke? If the emperor knew...

Li Wanrou bit her lip and said, "I also wanted to save people. I was thinking about her fate. I was taken away in the palace, and I had to fall into the backyard..."

"She didn't die by self-sufficiency, she was disrespectful. Whether she served the eldest prince or not, she was virginity to the emperor. If the emperor knew it, she might have to give the Lin family all the ancestors. Do you think this is okay? May kill more people because of a moment of mercy on you. ((((Kartino Novel Network"

Li Wanrou didn't know what to say, so she sat down by holding the table: "Yes, I didn't want to understand for a moment, what to do now, no matter?" Lin Weixin took the pill of death and was thrown to the burial. Gang, if you don't care, she will really die, without knowing it, but if Li Wanrou wants to help, she will be given drugs within three days and she will be alive.

The prince pondered: "Yes, you are kind too, but we can't let her follow us, just find a temple in Nanjiang to become a monk, but... you have to destroy her face."

Li Wanrou also knows the meaning of the prince, it is best not to know her, but such a beautiful and attractive woman has to be unlucky no matter where she goes, or she has gone to face, to be a simple woman, at least she can let her live without worry Down.

"I promise to let someone protect her. Although I don't talk about Jinyiyushi, it is definitely much better than the average monk girl."

"I get it, thank you Prince." Although Yu Xin couldn't bear it, he couldn't find a better way. Li Wanrou could only admit it.

The prince said, "Okay, I went to rest. I didn't sleep well yesterday."

"I see you off……"

The prince refused: "For a while, the master of Weiyang County is afraid that he will come back to find you. I heard that she has been inquiring about the news in the palace. Don't follow me. It's inconvenient for me to meet her. Just look at you and her. Circumspect, what the **** is looking for me."

Li Wanrou agreed, wondering why he was inquiring me? And what does this Wei Yang mean? A royal palace inquired about me, didn't let everyone in the palace of Nanjiang know my medical skills, wasn't it troublesome, really abominable!

She didn't know that Lan Fei in the palace had already stared at her.

On the side of the third prince, Nangong Rongji asked the matter again and tapped his fingers on the table: "Really, let the woman show off the limelight again."

"The concubine is incompetent and can't help you." Although Yuan Wan's ability to use drugs is quite strong, she dare not use it casually, because Nangong Rongji is not someone else, and he is the strongest suspected, even if he helps him do things himself, he will be happy , But never mind, who can rest assured that a person by the pillow will use poison? If one day you don’t need yourself anymore, it’s a death. She is pregnant now, so she doesn’t want to take risks at all, plus she thinks more about life-saving now. I even thought that if the timing is not good, I can even kill Nangong Rongji, where I will really do things for him.

As for the thrush, it’s a plaything and decoration. You say east, she will never go west, but if you want her to do things, don’t expect it.

Nangong Rongji said: "Fuck! Anyway, it doesn't have to be too shocking for the enemy country. I just have to live a good life. In case I find someone else, too much limelight will only lead to a dead end."

"What you said is that Wei Yang seems to have something to find Li Wanrou."

"Well, I've made people stare." The three princes stood up and said, "The thrush serves me to change. Side concubine rest."

"Yes." Yuan Fangfei got up and let the three princes go out. The thrush and the three princes entered the inner room. Not long afterwards, a shy voice came, and those who waited were hiding far away.

Yuan Feifei was sitting in her room drinking water slowly, she thought, wondering what Weiyang wanted to do.

At this time, Wei Yang visited the big prince. In fact, the two didn't even face each other, but just asked for safety across the screen. The eldest prince is almost okay, but thinking, the emperor knew that Weiyang had come? If you don’t meet the rules, just pretend to fall asleep and keep falling asleep. After the central bank’s courtesy, you will say some auspicious words from the empress, and then you will leave. Very brisk, no intention of nostalgia at all. Instead, Tang Yunqiao was relieved. If he was coming to an ancestor who was tormenting and troublesome like Lin Weiping, he wouldn't have to use it himself.

The crown prince saw that the person was gone, Cai stood up; "Cloud Bridge."

Tang Fangfei passed quickly: "Yes, the great prince."

"You said this Wei Yang... isn't it right."

"Huh?" Tang Yunqiao said: "The concubine didn't see it."

"She doesn't care about me, she is just a courtesy, where does she really care about me? If I die, she will be widowed, but I don't think she cares at all."

Tang Yunqiao hurriedly said, "Big prince, what are you talking about! You are the sky in this mansion! If you are in trouble, can we still live? Weiyang County Lord..." She had wanted to say a few good words For example, girls are embarrassed to be cautious, but thinking about it, we will be underestimated in the future, so I don’t care.

So she said: "The master of Weiyang probably knows that the emperor is coming and is nervous."

"Nervous? She has lived in the palace often see the emperor, what's so nervous?" The big prince sneered and stood up, I don't know what these women are doing, the women in the palace are like this, from the concubine, To the princess, to the maidservants who serve others, there is no worry!

However, Wei Yang's identity is special, and he is the one who wants to marry himself.

Tang Yunqiao saw that the crown prince seemed to be not very satisfied with Wei Yang, and he was full of enthusiasm. If you were satisfied, I would be finished. Still unhappy! Someone took the medicine and gave it to the eldest prince. The first prince saw Tang Yunqiao serving himself, and gave a smiley face. Then he thought that Lin Weixin would rather die than listen to his own control.

"This swordman! Destroy my plan!"

Tang Yunqiao was stunned: "You are talking about..."

"No matter what you do, just serve the prince well."

Tang Yunqiao agreed, and soon the eldest prince was going to take a nap. Tang Yunqiao thought he could rest with the eldest prince. Who knew he said you were tired, don’t trouble you, go back and rest, let the most favored in the backyard Wang's came to serve. Tang Yunqiao felt angry, but he was sober and patient, and said goodbye with a smile.

Wei Yang returned to the front, and along the way she walked with her girl in the backyard, and felt that many people were following behind, some people followed blatantly, others secretly, she knew that these people were not at ease, not only South The Xinjiang, and the Great Yinguo, the prince did not like himself, and he did not worry about himself. But there is no way. Although she is unwilling to do this, this is the last chance. She can only come over and talk to Li Wanrou.

Li Wanrou embroiders over there. The silk in South Xinjiang is very weak and smooth, which is very suitable for embroidery. She and Tingting are studying it. When Weiyang comes in, Li Wanrou hurries down and continues to salute.

Wei Yang waved his hand: "Get up. It's not the right time for me to come, please forgive me."

"What are you talking about? The lord, please sit down." She gave the seat to the lord, the future princess, and the hostess of this mansion, of course, you have to let it go.

The governor sat down and looked at the flowers: "I don't know how to embroider. My parents died early, and no one taught me. When I came to the palace, I waited for the queen mother. Although the queen mother was in love with me, she always said, I It’s Jinzhiyuye, and I don’t need to learn any embroidery workers or the like. It only allows me to learn the stewardship. It will definitely give me a noble marriage in the future.”

"Yeah, the great prince is decent."

Wei Yang smiled bitterly: "You don't understand my situation? The great prince promised to marry me, just because I have no power, only an empty sheriff's dumplings. The empress does not care about politics. I am the emperor balancing several princes. The chess piece of the power. The great prince is too powerful, and I need a famous concubine with no rights."

"Master Weiyang!" Li Wanrou looked outside with surprise, no one was there, but who could guarantee that no one would eavesdrop!

Wei Yang smiled and shook his sleeves. Two five-pointed stars flew out of it. Li Wanrou smelled the smell, relieved, and then nodded: "The master is really smart."

This spice is called Qixingxiang. After it is set up outside the house, people's senses are dull. Many words can be heard, but they can't hear because of the slow response, so eavesdropping is impossible.

"You are smart enough, no matter what it is, as long as you show you you can know a lot. Wei Yang admires it very much."

Li Wanrou said with a smile: "As the saying goes, a long illness becomes a doctor, and I also learned a little because of the condition of the crown prince..."

"Why lie to me, your medical skills are outstanding, it is impossible without twenty years of skill, even if you have been diligent and hard-working since you were a child, but you haven't gone through countless times of practice, how can you be so powerful? I Sometimes I think you can't be the second lady of the Li family."

Li Wanrou didn't speak, can't I say I was born again?

Wei Yang waved his hand: "Well, I'm not interested in how you learned these medicines. Anyway, you are saving people or bad people, and I won't tell the emperor."

"So what are your conditions?" Li Wanrou is not a fool, Wei Yang points out his anomalies, doesn't he just let himself do things?

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