


The first generation of Spider-Man is roaming the streets.

In the blink of an eye, I came to that familiar store.

He recalled his anger at the shopkeeper.

Didn’t help stop the gangsters.

In the end, it led to the tragic death of Uncle Ben.

Until now, he still feels guilty in his heart.

But after so much,

Now Peter Parker always remembers what Uncle Ben said to him, “The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.”



Peter Parker’s face was still so solemn.

And the people who are watching the video can also experience Peter Parker’s sadness and guilt.

“Maybe this is the growth of Spider-Man!”

“Yes, but now I also know what Spider-Man’s choice is in our universe…”

“Yes, I didn’t expect the little bug to choose to help others, I like him even more!”

The video continues.

Just when Peter Parker is ready to leave the place and continue to punish evil and promote good as Spider-Man.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind him….



When Peter Parker heard this voice, he was stunned in place.

Then the pupils dilated sharply and turned back suddenly!

When Uncle Ben’s familiar appearance came into his eyes!

Tears burst out!

Constantly falling down his cheeks!

He couldn’t believe that he could actually see Uncle Ben again!

“It’s a dream, I’m dreaming, right!?”

Peter Parker hugged Uncle Ben tightly and said in a trembling voice.

He felt that everything was so real.

But I was afraid that I was dreaming, that I was afraid that Uncle Ben would wake up and leave him….

“Peter, I seem to have slept for a long, long time, I don’t know why I was here when I woke up, I’m afraid I’m the only one dreaming.”

Uncle Ben said softly.

Constantly patting Peter on the back.

Give him comfort.

The background music is melodious and gentle.

It is extremely calm and touching to people’s hearts.

The viewers who were watching the video were also infected by Peter Parker’s tears.

Some sensitive and vulnerable audiences shed tears.

Perhaps everyone has regrets in their hearts….

The screen turns.


The autumn leaves keep falling.

Represents acacia.

In the eyes of countless people, a man stood lonely in front of a tombstone.

The crowd soon realized.

This is the second Spider-Man.

And he was standing in front of the tombstone of his dead girlfriend…

For those who watched the video, it was difficult until now….

So they desperately want to know what kind of expression Peter Parker will have when he sees his girlfriend resurrected!

“If at that time, I can save you a little faster.”


Peter Parker was in a lonely daze.

Since Gwen’s death.

He has always felt guilty.

He remembered promising Gwen’s father that he wouldn’t involve Gwen.

But he lost his words….

But that’s no reason to feel guilty

And the biggest reason is that even if he and Gwen are separated, he still loves her deeply…

There is nothing more desperate than the death of one’s beloved in front of one…

“Hello, what’s your name?”

Right at this moment.

A sweet voice sounded.

Peter Parker felt a trance in front of his eyes.

I thought I was daydreaming.

He seemed to see the sweet girl standing in front of him again.

And the questions I asked were also asked in the class.

“Don’t you know my name?”

“I know, I just want to know, do you know your name.”


“Hello, Peter, my name is Gwen.”

Background music sounds.

Full of sweetness and sadness.

All the people who were watching the video couldn’t stop their tears.

I saw it in the video.

Peter Parker’s face instantly froze.

Tears welled up in their eyes and fell with the trend.

Rushed forward and hugged the girl!

It was as if as soon as she let go, she would leave!

The music became high, the sound of the violin sounded, accompanied by the sound of the piano, every second tickled the heartstrings of the audience!

The picture pulled from low to high, and I saw the figures of Peter Parker and Gwen embracing each other getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the picture…

Brush! ——

The picture of three generations of Spider-Man in the same frame once again appears.

It’s just that there are a few silhouettes behind it.

Respectively, the first generation and Uncle Ben’s hug, the second generation and his girlfriend Gwen’s hug, and the third generation put on the Venom suit!

Accompanied by rousing music!

The sound of the dimensional platform sounded!

“Spider-Man inventory, officially over!”

Countless people who were watching the video sighed in annoyance.

They were still immersed in the emotions they had just had just now and did not come out.

But they were able to do it.

There are only blessings!

“It’s over! This video is really enjoyable!!! ”

“Bless the three Spider-Mans, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, maybe I will also take this sentence as my motto!”

“Blessing Blessing !!!”

In the Marvel Universe.

Countless people wiped tears from the corners of their eyes.

They all bless Spider-Man.

Although some of them lamented the end of the video.

But they expect it just as much.

The follow-up video will be so exciting!

“Guess who the ninth place is!”

“I dare to pack a ticket, it must be our new king, Thor !!!”

“Hmph! It must be me Iron Man! ((????)?? )”

“Don’t fight with all of you, I, the Hulk, will be the first to disagree!!! (w(?Д?) w)”

“It’s all out of the way, my Star-Lord didn’t even speak!!!

Everyone: @#¥%!


[PS: Kneel for a flower ticket!!!! The data does not rise, Xiaomengxin has no power codeword ahhehehehe

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