The video continues.

Passionate music sounded.

I saw it in the picture.

Above the dimly lit corridor.

A figure came into people’s eyes.

I saw him slowly approaching from the other end of the distance.

As soon as he threw the red cloak, it immediately fit his back, exuding the confidence of a strong man.

And the Agomoto Eye hanging in front of him is even more eye-catching!

“This is the Time Gem!?”

“It seems that yes, it seems that this guy has such a terrifying thing!”

“Shhh! I’m already looking forward to what interesting stories this guy will bring us! ”

Just a picture.

The universe began to move.

After all, this is the first hero to show the gemstone in the first place.

It also represents the strength of his own power.

So they look forward to what kind of experience this powerful superhero will have…!

And Stephen, who was standing to learn magic, was also confused.

He now finally knew why the group was looking at him.

Feelings because they were actually on the list?!

I saw Stephen’s face full of shock and disbelief.

My heart was like setting off a huge wave, and I couldn’t calm down for a long time.

He wondered why he was on the list.

Not only him, but also the apprentices on the side were surprised and questioning.

This guy doesn’t even know basic magic.

How can it be on the list?


The screen continues.

But the background music suddenly became sad.

Every sound of the piano seems to tell the past, full of unwillingness and regret, like silver needles piercing the tear glands, making people cry.

“Doctor Strange, he was not born as a Supreme Mage, but he has experienced tribulations again and again and has grown up in his own struggles.”

“He used to be arrogant and prejudiced, but with a pair of hands, he pulled countless people back from the brink of death.”

“But when he lost these hands that could save people, he did not give up and went in another direction to save people who were suffering.”

“Whether it is a white coat or a cape, it symbolizes responsibility and responsibility.”

“Just like his fate, he is destined to fight death!”

Lin Lan’s deep voice coupled with sad music.

It made countless people feel the image of this hero in their hearts.

Fall from the top to the trough, and then climb to the top again with your mind!

It’s just that from this peak, climbed to another peak.

Although they don’t know what happened.

But they have been able to guess that this hero’s path is not so easy to follow…

Right at this moment.

The video continues.

It’s night.

A valuable sports car roars down the highway.

Even if there is a vehicle ahead.

But he was already driving very quickly.

Seems to be looking forward to tonight’s date.

And yet, right then.


The vehicle in front of you stops suddenly.

He instinctively slammed the steering wheel to the left, just when he thought he had escaped!

“Bang!! ————”

The astonishing crash sounded.

Collision with oncoming vehicles.

Fall directly under the cliff!

As soon as the picture turned, countless people gasped one after another, only to see Stephen lying on the hospital bed, while his hands were full of steel nails!

Go without saying.

His hands were basically gone.

“Shhh! His hands were wasted like this! ”

“God, this is too big a blow for a genius surgeon!”

Oh, yes.

It goes without saying how important a neurosurgeon’s hands are.

Not to mention the famous genius doctor?

This blow to him can be said to be devastating!

The video continues.

To treat their own hands.

Stephen was constantly seeking all kinds of medical skills.

The wealth that once accumulated by himself is being consumed at a rate visible to the naked eye.

There are even more peers who come to see his jokes.

This is for Stephen, who was once extremely arrogant.

It was even a cut in his heart….

The background music is low, like the humming sound of whales in the deep sea, so that countless people can feel Stephen’s inner loneliness and despair at this time…

Even Stephen himself, who was watching, saw this scene and thought back in his heart, it was painful.

And yet, right then.

An unexpected experience led him to meet a patient he had treated.

Logically, he should never be able to stand up again!

And the audience’s eyes are also bright, and the sense of expectation is full at this moment.

They want to know what happened!

Does it mean that Stephen’s hands can also be cured?

“He was desperate and lonely, and he tried everything to heal his hands.”

“Until I met Him, the world began to turn upside down, facing up to my own pride and prejudice!”

Right at this moment.

Lin Lan’s voice became excited.

Even the background music is fast-paced.

The sound of booming and booming drove the heartbeat of countless audiences, pulling their curiosity to the top!

Like countless ants crawling in their hearts, they really want to know, who is “he”?!

The video continues

Stephen according to that patient’s words.

Came to a mysterious place.


Land is poor.

Just like the equipment all over his body.

Only the watch in hand, and it is worth a little money.

But he still couldn’t find what the patient called a holy place.

Right at this moment.

A group of robbers took a look at his watch.

It can be said that it is his only belief.

I can only watch it being snatched away.

When countless people saw this scene, the hearts they were expecting just now sank at once.

I felt Stephen’s despair even more.

However, at this moment, a man in black appeared, returned the watch to him, and took him to the holy place he had been looking for, Karma Taj!

Here, he met the Supreme Mage, Koichi…!

At this time.

The background music began to become intense and urgent, and when they heard the drumming, they were as if their hearts were constantly smashed by a giant hammer.

They know.

It turned out that the “he” in the author’s mouth just now turned out to be a supreme mage!

Got it, too, from now on.

Stephen is officially on a magical journey!

They expect, this arrogant fellow, how exactly is the magical journey!?

Not only people in the universe.

Even the magic apprentice, Mordo, and himself who were watching the video were very curious.

How did Stephen grow into a Supreme Mage step by step!

Also, why is the Eye of Agomoto on him!

Where did Gu Yi, He, go!

Various questions are intertwined, arousing their strong expectations….!


[Kneel for a flower ticket].

Eleven reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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