Sinnoh, Veil City.

The purple-haired boy Shinji watched everything in front of him quietly.


Palace Gate Arena Spectatorium——

"This is too much."

"Is this still called a trainer?"

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! If it weren't for the screen, I would have wanted to punch him twice. How could he abandon Pokémon?"

Many viewers still have the right values.

Abandoning Pokémon just to find a stronger Pokémon.

This is completely to satisfy one's own selfishness and use Pokémon as a tool.

What's the difference between this and an evil organization???

For this reason.

Seeing the former trainer of Charmander behave like this, everyone felt sorry for Charmander and stood up for it.


Kalos region, Team Flare base.

I saw the whole process of the Pokémon trainer abandoning Charmander.

Team Flare leader Fladali had a cold expression and muttered to himself:

"Humans are the most selfish people in the world. If there were no humans, Pokémon would definitely be able to live in a better living environment."

"Plan Z, I will definitely complete it."

Fladali said with a firm look in his eyes.

Once upon a time, Fladali was not such a person. He originally had a kind character.

He once led the Flash Team and rescued many poor people in several disasters.

At the beginning, the people were very grateful to Fladali.

But they never expected that... as the number of disasters increased, the people took Fladali's behavior for granted.

Even the poor young researchers who had been sponsored by Fladali.

Because they did not provide timely funding once, the young researchers angrily accused Fladali.

Did he lose his love? Was he unwilling to support them?

After experiencing things.

Gradually, Fladali became radical and cynical.

He saw through human nature.

In order to let people live beautifully in a world without disputes and robbery, he had the idea of reducing the number of lives.

To do this... it is necessary to use the power of Zygarde, the legendary guardian of order in the Kalos region.

Destroy the current real world and create a utopian world!!!


Screen continues——

【After learning that he was abandoned, Charmander seemed to have lost faith and stood still quietly.】

【Xiaozhi, who was not happy with it, immediately rushed up to him to argue with him, but he still pushed Xiaozhi away indifferently and said coldly:】

"The most important thing is that Pokémon is strong. If you don't want to die, work hard to become stronger."

"But isn't it the role of a trainer to help Pokémon grow stronger step by step?"

【Xiaoxia immediately retorted】

【But the other party still had an indifferent attitude:】

"Help them? Hum, what's the point?"

"We can be friends!! The relationship between Pokémon and us is that of companions!!"

【Xiaozhi picked up Charmander and said this seriously.】

【This sentence immediately touched every upright trainer.】


Gongmen Arena Champion Guest Seat——

""That's great, Xiaozhi!"

President Damaranchi's expression gradually changed from angry to happy.

Xiaozhi's words... were really beautiful.

"Indeed, Xiaozhi is amazing. Only by becoming friends with Pokémon and fighting side by side with them can we unleash their full strength!!!"

Yulongdu said with a firm look in his eyes.

"Perhaps, we have understood why Xiaozhi can trigger the bond evolution with Koga Greninja!!"

Shirona said

"That's right."

Karuna agreed.

Maybe they can't have such a deep bond with Satoshi and Greninja.

But... there are actually other ways to show the importance of the bond between Pokémon and trainers!!

Karuna is the regional champion trainer, and she also has a close relationship with Dr. Blatano, the chief Pokémon doctor in the Kalos region.

Dr. Blatano is currently studying a mysterious change called MEGA evolution.

MEGA evolution, also known as super evolution.

According to Dr. Blatano, this is a higher level of evolution that goes beyond the limits of what Pokémon can evolve so far.

Pokémon that have undergone super evolution will temporarily release hidden power and exert abilities that cannot be obtained through normal evolution!!

In battle, there are basically two necessary conditions for super evolution.

The first condition is that the special item called key stone carried by the trainer resonates with the corresponding super stone carried by the Pokémon.

The second condition is that there must be a deep bond between the Pokémon and the trainer!!

If you simply regard Pokémon as a tool.

Then it means that you have lost that bond!!

You have lost new power.

You will never be able to become a top-level trainer!!


Kanto region, Team Rocket Base

"Become...friends? ? What a childish statement."

Boss Sakaki showed a wicked smile.

But on the surface, it was like this... deep down, he had never thought of abandoning his first companion, Beedrill.

This Beedrill, however, had a champion-level combat power, and was not inferior to the ace Pokémon Dragonite of the strongest trainer in the Kanto region, Ryudo!!

The weakest bug was comparable to the strongest dragon


Screen continues——

【Xiaozhi wanted to continue to argue with the trainer】

【But he has realized that Charmander is already extremely weak.】

【Without caring about the dispute, Xiaozhi took off his raincoat and protected Charmander's weak life flame with Xiaogang.】

【Take it to the nearest Pokémon Center as quickly as possible and give it to Miss Joy for treatment.】

【After waiting for a whole night, with the help of Miss Joy, Charmander's life fire rekindled and he recovered his health!】

【At this time, Xiaozhi reached out to Charmander:】

"Charmander, do you want to come with me?"

"I want to be friends with you, okay?"

【Recalling last night's experience, Charmander realized that he was abandoned, and there was already a haze in his heart.】

【But Xiaozhi is like a dazzling ray of sunshine, shining through the dark clouds and shining deep into the heart of Charmander.】

【Charmander, who had already come to his senses, nodded and agreed to Xiaozhi's invitation.】

【He gently touched the Poké Ball and turned into a red light and entered】

"I captured Charmander!!"

【Xiaozhi was very excited. 】

The audience was also excited.

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