Everyone was happy that Charizard and Xiaozhi had formed a new bond.

And the performance of Charizard afterwards was also worthy of Xiaozhi's ace Pokémon!!!

【Orange Islands, against the Honor Champion Trainer Yuji, successfully defeated the Electric-type Electabuzzer with the disadvantage of reverse attributes】

【In the Johto region, facing the veteran sky trainer Kikyo Gym Leader Asuka】

【Pidgeot used Blow Fly to easily defeat Pikachu, who had an advantage in attributes.】

【Then a fierce battle with the fire-breathing dragon began】

【Despite the advantage in speed, and having injured Charizard's left wing, it was in a tough fight.】

【But I didn't expect……】

【Xiaozhi's Charizard used his skills to get behind Pidgeot and used Fire Vortex to trap Pidgeot and prevent him from attacking from behind.】

【Finally, Charizard used his ultimate move, Earth Throw, to win the aerial battle.】

【This laid the foundation for Xiaozhi to become a master of flying!!!】


The audience at Gongmen Arena began to cheer.

"Wonderful pair��"

"Asuka, a gym trainer in the Johto region, is an elite flying trainer. His ace Pokémon is even bigger than the ordinary Pidgeot. Under such circumstances, he was able to win the game. It is really amazing."

"The Earth is so cool, it can save the situation every time"

"Come on, Charizard."

Everyone is still very optimistic about Xiaozhi and Charizard.

But... the champions still see some flaws.


Charizard's disadvantages have gradually manifested.

Now Charizard is indeed Xiaozhi's strongest Pokémon.

But... its talent has long been wasted because of the premature abnormal evolution. The current ceiling is there, and this ordinary elite battle can still have some status.

But in the future... if you want to enter the ranks of the strong, relying on Charizard's current strength is completely not enough!!!

I'm afraid it can't even enter the top 16 of the Silver Conference in the Johto region. (I don't think it would be possible for Charizard to defeat Xiaomao's Blastoise against its attributes without training in Charizard Valley.)


Xiaozhi is indeed too dependent on Charizard at this stage.

If he really encounters a real strong in the future and Charizard suffers a miserable defeat, Xiaozhi will definitely be hit hard.

Of course... with Xiaozhi's hot-blooded idiotic personality, it shouldn't be a big deal.

The key is that Charizard's... talent ceiling is there... in the future... can it really be put on a high-end game? ?

It's worrying


Screen continues——

【The trip to the Johto area continues】

【After defeating the Kikyo gym trainer, everyone headed to the next gym destination.】

【On the way, we came to a hot mountain area】

【In this valley, we met Ji Ke who used Charizard. Ji Ke wanted to lead Xiaozhi and his group to Charizard Valley. 】

Charizard Valley...

This is a valley located in the Johto region and only appears in the animation. It is located between Kikyo City and Hinoki Town. It is a natural park that ordinary people cannot enter. There are many Charizards living here, and this is also the place where they gather to practice.

There is a huge Charizard rock statue at the top of the valley.

The administrator here is Ji Ke, a friend of Xiaochun, the gym leader of Yanmo Gym.

She is also the only human living here. She and her partner Charizard Xiao Lisa protect the entire valley together!!


Screen continues——

【Xiaoxia and Xiaogang went there first on Miss Ji Ke's"Little Lisa" wearing a bow tie】

【Xiaozhi and Charizard need to go by themselves.】

【Xiaozhi's Charizard had no experience riding a car, and when he heard that he was going to carry Xiaozhi, he was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat.】

【In the sky, it stumbled all the way, completely unable to fly, and even flew into the river.】

【The fire-breathing dragon had no choice but to start the chicken-walking mode.】

【He rolled and crawled with his feet and pushed Xiaozhi to the entrance of the valley.

Such a funny scene made the audience laugh.


Image continues——

"Then... I'm going to open the door."

【After Ji Ke finished speaking, he quickly opened the gate to the Fire Breathing Dragon Valley.】

【The first thing that comes into view is a clear river.】

【The river surrounds the outer valley, and the inner part is a rocky canyon with small trees full of lazy dragon fruits.】

【Of course, the most shocking thing is... a group of strong and mighty fire-breathing dragons!!!】


Palace Gate Arena Spectatorium——

"Good, lots of fire-breathing dragons!!"

"This is the first time I've seen so many fire-breathing dragons at once"

"After all, this is the Charizard Nature Park, a sacred place in the Johto region."

"By the way, if it is exposed like this, won't it be coveted by poachers? After all, it is a Charizard, a high-level Pokémon."

"Idiot, you said it's a high-level Pokémon. Do you think these Charizards are vegetarians? Even if a poaching group comes, I don't know if they can beat these aggressive Charizards."

"In addition to wild Charizards, there are also many trainers from the Alliance who have commissioned them to be trained here. If poaching incidents occur,……"

"The consequences could be serious."

The audience was talking about it.


Screen continues——

【Seeing so many of its kind for the first time, Xiaozhi's Charizard was a little surprised】

【Ji Ke said that the fire-breathing dragons here are not only wild ones, but also those trained by other trainers.】

【They usually compete with each other to become the strongest fire-breathing dragon.】

"The strongest fire-breathing dragon!!?"

【When they heard that this was their goal, Xiaozhi and Charizard were immediately excited and wanted to fight against this group of Charizards.】

【But Ji Ke said that Xiaozhi's Charizard is too weak and needs more practice. 】

If you are a novice, practice more!!!

【How could Xiaozhi bear this kind of anger? He immediately grumbled that he wanted to duel with the Charizard here.】

【Ji Ke had no choice but to agree to Xiaozhi's request and let him pick any Charizard to fight. 】

And the gears of fate... began to turn!!!


PS: I will continue to update, please give me flowers and votes.

1000 flowers and 100 votes will add 1 more chapter!

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