"Charizard, we can't give up yet!"

Seeing Charizard crying, Xiaozhi immediately said.

Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, Pikachu and Charizard were all stunned.

Xiaozhi continued to say sincerely:

"No matter what, you are my fire-breathing dragon. Although we are not their opponents now, as long as we work hard"

"Talent or something, I don't need it at all!!"


Xiaozhi's tone and eyes were extremely firm.

"Charizard, I understand your feelings very well"

"You usually have almost no opponents, but suddenly you realize that the world is so vast and there are so many powerful enemies, and you feel very unwilling."

"But no matter what kind of fire-breathing dragon you are, I will never give up on you"

"As long as we work together, we can definitely... definitely become the world's best Charizard!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were extremely firm.

He always believed that his Charizard could do it.


Facing the sad Charizard,

Xiaozhi and Pikachu obviously did not give up.

They still encouraged Charizard to cheer up.


Charizard looked at Xiaozhi and Pikachu.

Recalling all the experiences, he was deeply moved.

He immediately wiped away his tears and gave Xiaozhi and Pikachu a thumbs up!!

For tomorrow, for Xiaozhi.

He will become stronger!


Galar region, Palace Gate Arena.

While the audience is still discussing the future of Charizard.

The video continues——

【Since arriving at the Fire Breathing Dragon Valley】

【After seeing many powerful fire-breathing dragons and losing battles】

【At this moment, Xiaozhi discovered that his Charizard was not as powerful as he had imagined.】

【Even the stupid trio of Team Rocket couldn't bear to see Charizard, who was usually the biggest troublemaker, fall into a slump.】

【To restore Charizard's self-esteem】

【The Rockets built the machine overnight and attacked Charizard Valley the next day.】

【Seeing this, Xiaozhi's Charizard leaped out of the water and knocked away the three stupid members of Team Rocket.】

【The noise made Ji Ke open the door.】

【At this moment, Ji Ke invited Xiaozhi's Charizard to join Charizard Valley to practice together.】

【It wasn't Xiaozhi's Charizard that got the credit for defeating Team Rocket.】

【But the spirit of never giving up successfully infected all the fire-breathing dragons around】

【Ji Ke saw a weak but tenacious child】


Rocket Officer

"These three idiots, why are they assisting the little brat?"

Athena, the leader of Team Rocket, was speechless.

You guys... are you still considered members of the evil organization!!!

Why do you feel sorry for Xiaozhi and Charizard!!!

Athena looked like she was disappointed with him.


Image continues -

Fire-breathing dragon valley

【Xiaozhi's Charizard knows that he is weak, and in order to become the strongest Charizard in the world, he resolutely prepares to stay in the Charizard Valley to practice!!】


【If you want to stay in the Fire Breathing Dragon Valley……】

【That means parting ways with Xiaozhi and Pikachu.】

【The look in Charizard's eyes... is also a bit reluctant】

【But at this time, after experiencing the separation from Butterfree, Xiaozhi has become quite strong.】

【He will respect the opinions of Pokémon】

"Charizard, don't come over here"

"This is not the place for you!!"

"That's it...!"

【Xiaozhi lowered the brim of his hat and pointed his finger at the Charizard Valley】

"I don't need a weak Charizard."

"Charizard, listen carefully. You have to become stronger. When we meet again, you will definitely be the strongest Charizard!"

【After leaving these words, Xiaozhi said goodbye to Charizard, and left Charizard Valley with tears in his eyes.】


Palace Gate Arena Spectatorium——

"Woohoo~~ Xiaozhi and Charizard separated like this"

"I'm a little reluctant! What's going on?"

"I cry——"

"Don't cry, this is not a release. Charizard is just staying in Charizard Valley to practice. When we meet again, he will definitely become super strong!!" The audience was very touched by the relationship between Xiaozhi and Charizard.


Champion Guest Seat -

Sirona:"Parting is for a better meeting in the future."

Dodo:"That's how it should be. I believe that the day when Xiaozhi and Charizard meet again, Charizard will definitely become a super powerful Pokémon."

"I think so too. Good luck to Chitaro and Charizard."

Uncle Adek said seriously.

He really likes Chitaro's passionate character.

Just like his younger self.

Back then, it seemed that Chitaro didn't like girls... but Kotaro next to him was the same as himself back then.



Kanto region, Team Rocket headquarters

"What the hell, such a sentimental scene."

Lance, the leader of the Rockets, said unhappily.

"What's wrong with staying in Charizard Valley? No matter how hard it tries, it can't beat the talented Pokémon."

Apollo also added.

His tone was very disdainful.

He seemed to be very contemptuous of Xiaozhi and Charizard.

"I want to see how strong I can become after training in the Charizard Valley."

"Don't let it suck when the time comes."

Athena also wanted to see Xiaozhi Charizard's joke.

But... they never expected that when Charizard returned... he would be so powerful.


Galar region, Palace Gate Arena.

After everyone was still lamenting over the separation of Ash and Charizard... the screen switched - a figure gradually emerged.

It was a Pokémon with orange-red hair.

Iron rings were worn on its strong limbs.

There was a red six-pointed star-shaped structure on its cheek.

There was a golden hair shell like a clover on its forehead.

There was also white smoke floating behind it!!


Gongmen Arena Champion Guest Seat——

"This is… the Three Holy Beasts, Entei!"

Dodo recognized this Pokémon.

He looked extremely surprised.



PS: I will continue to update in the evening.���Flowers and evaluation tickets.

1000 flowers and 100 evaluation tickets can add 1 more chapter!

It's almost time for two exciting battles between mythical beasts. Witness the old sprayer tearing Articuno apart.

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