Lizard, Lizard Pokémon.

It lives in dense forests and is a master of climbing trees. It will jump between branches to approach its prey.

Lizard can jump and move lightly between the branches of large trees. Its well-developed thigh muscles can produce amazing explosive power and jumping power.

No matter how fast Pokémon is, it cannot catch Lizard in the forest!!

【After evolving into a forest lizard, the forest lizard learned a new move - Leaf Blade. 】

Now he really became even cooler.

A true cool guy.


Screen continues——

【In the Orange Gym Tournament, Xiaozhi challenges Mr. Chisato, the future Four Heavenly Kings trainer of the Hoenn region.】

【As the last Pokémon to appear, the Forest Lizard was used to fight against Qianli's Leave King. After the opponent took several of its moves and was seriously injured, it held on.】

【Afterwards, it was hit by the Destruction Ray and triggered the Flourishing attribute.】


Seeing the forest lizard full of green fluorescence, the audience couldn't help but sigh

"The forest lizard has responded to everyone's efforts and expectations."

Shirona said happily

"Yes, although there is no tragic story, it takes every game seriously."

Zifuchi Daigo followed suit.

They all expressed great approval of the forest lizard.


Screen continues——

【After triggering the lush trait, use Leaf Blade to defeat the Leave King】

【Mr. Chisato is one of the best quasi-king trainers in the Hoenn region. In the future, when Mr. Genji retires, he is likely to ascend to the throne of the Four Heavenly Kings.】

【Now that the Forest Lizard can defeat the legendary Pokémon King, it can be regarded as its highlight moment.】

【Later, the forest lizard entered into many battles against the odds.】

【A Flying-type gym, sent by Xiaozhi to fight against Tanabata Bluebird, which has four times the resistance to Grass-type】

【In the third match of the Caiyou Conference preliminary tournament, the Forest Lizard and Ice Ghost Guard were sent to fight against the Fire-type Charizard and Fire Rock Rat.……】

【Facing the Water + Ice Sea Lion with the advantage of ice field, the Forest Lizard defeated the strong enemy with the traction strategy at an absolute disadvantage.】



"Forest lizards... do they only fight against the opposite attributes?!"

The audience couldn't help but complain.

Every time the forest lizards were sent out as firefighters

"It could also be a pure grass-type Pokémon, it has too many weaknesses."

"Ahem, that seems to make sense. But the most incredible thing is that every time the forest lizard fights against the enemy, it can still win."

"Yes, the only time I didn't fight the fire-type lava bug was when I was a tree scorpion."

"It’s really not easy!!"

"The hardworking forest lizard has a higher winning rate with reverse attributes than with forward attributes.……"

"Pikachu too"

"The master of reverse attributes is none other than Xiaozhi"


Screen continues——

【In the Hoenn region, each of Ash's Pokémon is quite unique.】

【The members of the new team, including Ice Ghost Guard, Lobster Soldier, King Swallow and Forest Lizard, performed exceptionally well in the Caiyou Conference.】

【If Xiaozhi hadn't replaced the Pokémon and given them a chance to rest, Xiaozhi might have won the championship of the Caiyou Conference.】①

The Hoenn Army is full of Pokémon with great potential, but the position of the ace throne has not been determined.

Until... they came to the battle frontier!!


In the picture——

【Xiaozhi and his friends from the Fengyuan region are preparing to go to the site of the next Grand Tournament.】

【This is the competition for the coordinator trainer Xiaoyao.】

【When passing by Gancao Island on the way】

【The Forest Lizard had a fight with the Fruit Pokémon, the most powerful tool pet in the Hoenn region, Tropical Dragon, because of an unexpected incident.】

【But Tropical Dragon is a Grass + Flying Pokémon, which has a huge attribute advantage, so Forest Lizard was defeated and injured.】

【The one who came to its rescue was Miss Joy's Pokémon Daisy.】

"I don't know why, but this Tropical Dragon will attack indiscriminately any Pokémon that invades its territory, but will be much more docile when it comes to Geranium."

Miss Joy said


Champion Guest Seat——

"Hum, Tropical Dragon, must like Miss Joy's geranium."

Uncle Adek seemed to see through everything.

"Will it? ?"

The Dodo wondered

"The naive Adu is still so slow."

Mikoli shook his head helplessly.

In fact, Mikoli felt that Dodo and Kona were a good match.

But this stupid bird... was too slow.

He didn't understand what others meant.


Screen continues——

【The three idiots of Team Rocket are impressed by Tropical Dragon's strength and want to invite it to join Team Rocket.】

【The Tropical Dragon agreed, but only if he got Miss Joy's geraniums.】

【Such conditions, coupled with a shy expression, are enough to show the tropical dragon's love for geraniums.】

【On the other hand, the forest lizard that was treated with geranium fell in love with the geranium.】

【The branches and leaves held in the mouth grew bright red flowers】


Palace Gate Arena Spectatorium——

"Eh? Something is wrong!!"

"The forest lizard fell in love with Miss Joy's geranium? ?"

"What are you doing, Forest Lizard? Male Sigma Lizards can't fall into the trap of female Pokémon so easily!!"

"The tropical dragon just now also likes geraniums. Oh no... there is a love rival."

"But the forest lizard just lost to the tropical dragon in front of the geranium."

"That's embarrassing... It's over, the forest lizard will feel inferior."

"I can only fight again to get back my position."

The audience smelled the taste of gossip.

They discussed it enthusiastically.

I didn't expect that the cool forest lizard who has been a cool guy for thousands of years now has a girl he likes???



PS: Xiaozhi and the champion Tetsu were only a little bit behind, and Tetsu had to send out all his main Pokémons to win.

Except for the original series, where he couldn't win by sheer strength, in fact, in every subsequent tournament, if Xiaozhi had sent out his old pets, he would have already won the championship.

But he still lost to the production team, and had to keep losing games and continue his journey, emmmm.

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