Will the Orange Islands be plunged into bad weather conditions because of the capture of the Fire God Moltres? ?

The audience at the Gongmen Arena continued to watch the subsequent images with uneasiness.


The image continues -

Orange Islands

【It seems to be just as Professor Oak said.】

【When the Fire God Moltres was captured, the originally brightly lit Lantern Mountain became dark.】

【The originally clear sky began to be covered with dark clouds.】

【The wind started to blow, and the waves continued to hit the rocks, making a loud noise.】

【There were also a few thunderclaps not far away.】

【After that, there were several more flashes of light, and without exception, the light was as terrifying as the judgment of the gods, and the sound was as majestic as a waterfall. 】

The clouds were thin, the wind was blowing, the rain was coarse, and the sun's pungent smell of earth followed my breath.

【In an instant, the raindrops connected into lines, and with a"哗" sound, heavy rain poured down from the sky like the sky was falling.】



"It seems... it's a little bit bad."

"It's not just a little bit bad, it's extremely bad!!! Due to the existence of Moltres, the sky is usually clear in Lantern Mountain, and there is basically no such bad rainstorm weather."

"Once it rains heavily, the sea level will rise, and with the tsunami, many low-lying islands... may be submerged!!"

Many viewers began to get nervous.

The current situation... seems to be quite bad!!

As the champion trainer of the Kanto region, Dodo is very worried about the situation.

But at this time... something worse happened.


Screen switching——

【This is a gloomy island, the whole sky is covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning roar from time to time, making a deafening sound. 】

The wind drives the rain to sprinkle on the high city, and the clouds press down the thunder and thunder roar on the ground!!

Seeing this island... everyone may have guessed something

【Sure enough, in this dark thundercloud with lightning】

【Spectators at the Gongmen Arena around the world successfully saw a bird Pokémon with yellow feathers】

【This large yellow-feathered bird Pokémon has black rings around its eyes and a long, pointed orange beak.】

【The most notable feature is the large number of spike-like feathers on its wings and tail!!】


Gongmen Arena Champion Guest Seat——

"It's Zapdos."

Karunori learned to answer quickly!!


Chibana nodded.

The Kanto region's Zapdos looks like this.

The Galar region's Galar-like Zapdos has orange feathers.

Because its feathers make a crackling sound like electricity when they rub against each other, the Galar region's Zapdos got the name"Zapdos".

Zapdos is a warlike Pokémon. Once it finds a Pokémon that looks stronger than itself, it seems to have to challenge it.

However, Zapdos has lost the ability to fly.

This is because its orange-red wings have degenerated and it can't fly, but its legs are strong and it can kick a dump truck to pieces with just one kick.

So in a sense... it can play basketball.

Although it has lost the ability to fly.

It is said that it can run at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour in the mountains.

In battle, it will use its innate leg strength to overwhelm its opponents with its agility and fierce kicks.

People say that the way it jumps down the wall of a rock mountain in a zigzag shape at a very high speed is just like a flash of lightning!!!

"This should be the lightning bird."

"It seems to be even bigger than the ordinary lightning bird."

"And there is a strong golden electric current condensed on his body. Judging from this pressure... it should be the legendary God of Thunder!"

Uncle Adek asked Professor Oak for confirmation.

Professor Oak nodded.

It seems to be correct.

Yes, this huge Lightning Bird that gathers a lot of violent electric currents is also a special species of Lightning Bird.

The strongest Lightning Bird.

In the ancient Orange Islands, it can bring dark clouds, thunderclouds and heavy rains, and nourish all things on earth.

But at this time... when he saw the Lightning Bird, Professor Oak did not show any joy.

Instead, he showed an embarrassed expression.

Obviously, he had a bad premonition.

And sure enough... the next second……


Continue in video——

【Thunder roared continuously, and the lightning bird, the god of thunder, descended from the thundercloud in the sky.】

【At this moment, a flying ship suddenly appeared and attacked the Lightning Bird God.】

【The cold freezing missile was launched, with a blue freezing effect in the sky, and directly hit the Thunder God Lightning Bird, whose reaction was not so fast.】

【The moment it hit the lightning bird, cold frost spread out.】

【In just a moment, the golden wings of the lightning bird were frozen.】

"Quack quack——"

【The lightning bird was angry for a moment, and tried to flap its wings, but after being completely frozen, it seemed to have temporarily lost the ability to fly.】

【Afterwards, the mysterious capture ring was thrown out again, directly capturing the Thunder God Lightning Bird. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Even if it is a lightning bird that gathers a powerful electric current to attack the capture ring】

【But since the high-tech airship can prepare freezing missiles, it must have prepared an immune (dbdd) electric current rubber capture ring for the Thunder God Lightning Bird.】

【Even if the lightning bird used all its strength to release the electric current... it was useless!!!】



"This, this, this...what's going on?……"

"Lightning Bird, it seems like something bad has happened to it too"

"Oh my god, aren't two legendary Pokémon captured now? ?"

"Who on earth... has this ability?!"

"These high-tech products are not simple."

"It must be Team Rocket who did it."

After the Fire God Moltres, the Thunder God Zapdos was captured again!!

The audience was furious.


Kanto region, Team Rocket headquarters

""They are really blaming us for everything," said Apollo, the leader of Team Rocket.

Recently, Team Rocket... has no plan to capture the legendary Pokémon.

Because they already look down on these weak Pokémon.

That guy who surpassed the original Pokémon is more powerful than these three stupid birds combined!

"But then again, which guy or which force can capture the legendary Moltres and Zapdos? ?"

Athena asked curiously.

In the Kanto region... ordinary Pokémon hunters are not qualified to capture Pokémon of this level. Who is it? ? Athena was curious. Even Boss Sakaki began to think without hesitation. Which guy... is interested in these three legendary Pokémon? ?


Champion Guest Seat——

"The God of Thunder and the God of Fire have both met with misfortune, so I am afraid that even the God of Ice... will be in danger."

Damaranchi finished speaking.

The camera began to switch


Things... are indeed worse than I imagined!!——

【Two legendary Pokémon, Zapdos and Moltres, were captured by a mysterious airship】

【Then the camera switched to the ice island where a cold wind was blowing.】

【There are icebergs hundreds of meters high scattered around. Those knife-like peaks reach straight into the sky. It is estimated that they have been frozen for thousands of years. They are densely packed and extend to the vanishing point of sight.】

【In the Ice Island, the frozen chicken god Articuno is also having a fierce battle with the airship.】

This time... to deal with Articuno, the airship no longer uses freezing missiles, but high-temperature thermal energy missiles!!

【The blazing flames bake the entire ice island】

【The flame missile landed on the ice, melting it instantly, and the cold sea water was instantly filled with steam.】


【Articuno was unwilling to see its territory invaded like this, so it began to gather the power of ice and snow, launching a tortuous and cold freezing beam!!】

【The airship chose a head-on collision and launched a blazing thermal energy missile.】

【The missile, with its brilliant flame tail, came into contact with the freezing light of Articuno.】

【When Articuno's freezing ray collides with the thermal energy missile, the scorching heat directly dissolves Articuno's moves.】

【The terrifying high-temperature missile immediately hit the ice-blue body of Articuno accurately.】

【After fighting for dozens of rounds, Articuno was hit by a thermal energy missile, and his physical strength declined, and his movement speed decreased significantly.】

【The airship seized the opportunity and launched a capture ring with a strong electric current, and was captured instantly.】


Gongmen Arena VIP Seat——

"How could this happen!! The three legendary guardian Pokémon of the Orange Islands... were all captured!!!"

President Damaranchi was stunned.

If this is the case... then the Orange Islands... will be in great danger!!



PS: I wonder if you have any impression of this theatrical version.

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