Nagato quietly looked at the continuous rain outside the window, recalling all the previous videos.

He discovered that these powerful people undoubtedly had inhuman physiques.

This is true whether it is Saitama, Boros, Sun Wukong, Cell, Sun Gohan, or even the Saints and Ultraman.

And the same is true for Thanos, who was extremely powerful in the video.

"If you want to be stronger, do you have to keep up with your physical fitness?"

Nagato thought quietly. While watching the video, his attention was not on the terrifying abilities displayed by those infinite stones, but on Thanos' shockingly powerful physique.

What kind of terrifying physical strength is that?

Nagato didn't know, but he was envious.

Even now, although his body has returned to that of an ordinary person as a gift from the last video Mankai Video Network, his physical strength is only at the genin level.

To put it bluntly, he is still a crispy mage now.

"That's all... let's continue watching the video."

Nagato shook his head. He believed that not only him, but everyone would be deeply shocked when they saw the terrifying strength of Thanos' body.

Don't mention those infinite rough stones...

Every one must have the power to destroy the world! .

Chapter 89 A shocking confrontation! Humanity will win! Let’s start a war across the universe (please customize)

Boom, boom! ! !

Boom, boom! ! !

Boom, boom! ! !

In front of Wakanda's barrier, Thanos' army has been waiting outside the barrier for a long time.

Inside the barrier, the Wakanda army and the rest of the Avengers were also waiting to watch the enemies in the distance.

They have to protect the last rough stone! ! !

All over the world, people who watched the video watched the video gradually turn from black to bright, and saw this majestic battlefield as soon as they saw it.

Everyone was shocked...

What's happening here? ?

As the camera panned over Wakanda, everyone in the Marvel world was stunned.

Captain America was sitting in the conference room of the Iron Man Building watching the video with several others, but when he saw the figure flashing through the camera, he subconsciously widened his eyes and stood up.


Captain America exclaimed with a shocked look on his face.

"What's wrong??"

Hawkeye turned around and looked at Captain America in confusion.


Captain America spoke incoherently, but his eyes were still fixed on the screen.

He couldn’t be wrong about it, absolutely not! !

In that team just now, the one who flashed past was definitely Bucky! ! !

But...didn’t Bucky fall off a cliff?

He's not dead?

Bucky is still alive?

Countless questions emerged in Captain America's mind.

"Oh my God, will there be such a mighty war in the future? But who are these guys? Where are they here?"

The corner of Black Widow's mouth twitched slightly. The scene in front of her was too shocking. The huge spaceship and the mighty Thanos army rushing towards the defensive barrier.

At the same time, Black Widow also appeared in the picture.

"It seems we made her anxious."

The Black Widow in the picture said with a solemn expression.

At this time, the camera gave a close-up of the Thanos Legion soldiers who were attacking the barrier.

The 'monsters' with ferocious gazes launched a suicidal charge towards the barrier.

Countless broken limbs that had broken through a small part of the barrier and then been quickly severed by the barrier were scattered inside the barrier.

"Are they desperate for their lives?"

The captain of the Royal Guard next to Black Panther looked at this scene in shock. She never imagined that these 'monsters' would launch such a desperate charge.

Night Proxima was standing outside the barrier, looking at the troops on the other side of the barrier with a sneer. Around her, one after another, 'monsters' rushed forward to fill the vacancy after the death of their companions in front.

Although the barrier defended the vast majority of 'monsters', many still took the opportunity to break through the barrier, came to the internal battlefield, and launched attacks against the Avengers and the Wakanda army.

"Lock the formation!!"

When the captain of the Royal Guard next to Black Panther saw this, he immediately shouted!

The first row of the Wakandan army quickly crouched down, their cloaks immediately forming a solid defensive wall.

Facing the attacking army, the Black Panther gave orders with a cold face.


The words just fell! ! !

Countless cannonballs were shot from the spears of the Wakanda army! !

Those monsters that broke through the barrier were directly blown to pieces by this extremely powerful cannonball.

War Machine and Sam launched attacks in the air against the 'monsters' that broke through the barrier, and fireworks shot into the sky! !

At this time, Captain America and others saw the 'monsters' on the outside of the barrier begin to move around the barrier. They seemed to have discovered that the front was not a very good choice for a breakthrough.

At this time, Sam in the air also discovered this phenomenon and quickly said:

"Captain, if these monsters get behind us, Vision will be in danger."

Captain America narrowed his eyes and said softly: "So we must control them in front."

The captain of the Royal Guard heard Captain America's words from the communicator, turned his head and looked at Black Panther, and asked: "What are we going to do?"

Black Panther bit his lip.

This is a conspiracy. If the protective shield is not opened, then they will be attacked from both sides. But if the protective shield is opened and the protective shield is lost to weaken the opponent's effective strength, they may not be able to defeat them in the front.

After all, the difference in numbers is too big.

Black Panther took a long breath and said, "Let's open the protective shield!"

As he spoke, he said to the command center: "Listen to my instructions and prepare to open the protective shield in the northwest area of ​​​​No. 17."

‘Please confirm the order, Your Majesty the King, are you sure you want to open the protective shield? ’

The Black Panther listened to the command center's response and nodded: "Follow my instructions."

Wakanda Defense Commander and Minister of Military Affairs Wakabi looked at the scene in front of him and sighed softly:

"This will be the end of Wakanda..."

The captain of the Royal Guard also said solemnly: "This will also be the most tragic ending in human history."

All of them knew very well that this was a war in which Wakanda could never win.


For the sake of all mankind, they must participate in this war! ! !

There is no other reason...

Because they are human beings! !

Everyone stood ready, Captain America equipped the vibranium gauntlet specially made for him by Wakanda, and Black Widow also grasped her best weapon.

This is the most high-tech weapon they have ever used...

Te N has never fought such a rich battle in his life! ! (Lao Li.jpg)

The Black Panther also said loudly: "Disarm the formation!!"

With that said, Black Panther walked to the front of the army. He is the leader of Wakanda. In battle, he will never retreat behind! !

"Wakanda Forever!!!"

With the Black Panther's extremely powerful roar, he took the lead in putting on the Black Panther uniform and leading the charge! !

When the warriors of Wakanda heard the command from their king, they all followed their king and charged fiercely! !

Captain America, Black Widow, Banner, Bucky and all other former Avengers members rushed towards the monsters not to be outdone! !

war! ! !

here we go! ! !

At the same time, with Black Panther's command, the protective shield was opened, and countless Thanos army 'monsters' rushed into the protective shield and charged towards the Wakanda army.

Black Panther and Captain America, two leader-level figures, rushed to the front of the team, and they were also the first to face these 'monsters'.

However, neither of them had any fear! !


Uh-huh! !

The two jumped up suddenly and fell into the group of 'monsters'! ! !

And the armies of both sides collided with each other a few seconds later! !

Naruto world.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep drag of his cigarette.

He was shocked by the picture in front of him...

In the face of such a war with a huge disparity in numbers, if it were him, he would never issue an order like the Black Panther.

What he will do is just let all the soldiers hold on to their positions tenaciously.

However, precisely because of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen was extremely shocked when he saw the order issued by Black Panther.

Too hard, this order is no different from sending your own soldiers to death! ! !

This is an instruction that blocks the future destiny of a country! !


However, the attitude of the Wakanda warrior made Sarutobi Hiruzen, an old man in his fifties and sixties, unable to hold back tears in his eyes.

Because none of the Wakanda warriors questioned their leader's orders, and their eyes showed the determination to sacrifice their lives for the country! !

What kind of army is this? ? ?

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know, but he knew that as a leader, Black Panther was definitely qualified.

Because he has such an army...

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked himself, with such an army, if it were him, would he make the same order as Black Panther?


Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, he found that he couldn't.

So he doesn't deserve to have such an army...

"Wakanda...I remember this country."

Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes, feeling a high respect for this country in his heart.

Pirate world.

"What kind of army is this..."

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