She didn't expect that she could actually see the power of telekinesis in the video, and...

It seemed that the woman's telekinesis was more powerful than mine.

Not only that……


Tatsumaki looked at the Scarlet Witch's figure in the video angrily! ! !

They are all also capable of telekinesis! !

Why are yours so big! ! ! !

Tatsumaki lowered his head and could see his ankle directly.

My heart became even more unbalanced.

Why is this woman so turbulent! ! !

And I can only be as clean as a sheet? ? ?

Saitama saw the furious look of Tatsumaki, who had been blaming him, with a smile on his face and said to Genos next to him:

"Genos, look at the woman with the red light in the video. Wow, she has a good figure... Her ability must be telekinesis, right? Do all users with this ability have good figures?"

Then Saitama's eyes fell on Tatsumaki, and he covered his mouth in surprise: "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot about you, a little dwarf."

The tornado exploded! ! !

She swept away the terrible tornado in anger! ! !

Saitama covered his mouth and looked at Tatsumaki, with no fear on his face.

after all…………

The tornado couldn't beat him.

Tatsumaki looked at Saitama angrily, but in the end he tried to calm down his emotions and said with a cold face: "Get out! Baldy!!"

Saitama immediately felt unhappy. After receiving the reward from Bankai Video Network, he had grown hair, although only a little!

But this has nothing to do with the bald man! !

Genos looked helplessly at the two people who were starting to compete again, sighed, and looked at the video again.

This woman...

And that man...

They are all so powerful...

Genos was extremely shocked.

Sure enough, there are many strong people in other worlds...

I am still too weak! .

Chapter 90 Snap your fingers and destroy everything! Cosmic crisis! A decisive battle between the Ultra Ten Warriors! ! (Please customize)

Just when everyone was wondering why the powerful woman in the video took action so late, Captain America's words in the video answered their doubts.

Sam saw the command center in the air. Vision suddenly jumped out of the window with General Deathblade and said quickly:

"Everyone, there is danger over there with Vision!!"

Captain America heard what Sam said and quickly called out on the communicator: "Whoever goes is Vision!!!"

As he said that, he wanted to rush to support, but those monster soldiers surrounded him and blocked his way forward.

"I go!!"

"I'm coming!!"

Dr. Banner immediately operated the Hulkbuster armor and flew in the direction of Vision.

The Scarlet Witch did not expect that she would come out to rescue him, but her boyfriend would be kidnapped. She answered with an extremely anxious tone, and was ready to fly up to rescue him the next moment.


boom! ! !

Proxima Darkness suddenly appeared next to Scarlet Witch and punched her away.

The Scarlet Witch was stunned by the sudden attack. She struggled to get up, but was caught by Proxima Centauri who followed closely.

"He will die alone, and so will you."

With that said, Proxima Centauri was ready to raise her weapon to kill the Scarlet Witch, the biggest obstacle to their actions.

"She's not alone!"

Suddenly, the figure of Black Widow came from behind Proxima Centauri.

Before Proxima Centauri could react, Black Widow and the captain of the Royal Guard knocked Proxima Centauri away.

Seeing this, the Scarlet Witch quickly got up.

Black Widow glanced at Scarlet Witch: "You go support Vision, leave this guy to us."

Scarlet Witch struggled, but she was a fragile mage after all, and the attack from Proxima Centauri just now made her unable to stand up for a while.

Here, Proxima Centauri has already fought against Black Widow and the captain of the Royal Guard.

Although the two Black Widows' fighting skills are among the best among ordinary people, they still gradually fell into a disadvantage in front of Proxima Centauri.

Rolling battleships were raging all around, harvesting lives regardless of the enemy or friend. But here, Black Widow was accidentally distracted by the rolling battleship passing by, and she was kicked away by Proxima Centauri, and she was kicked hard. Fell to the ground.

"Now, you can die."

Night Proxima sneered, and a sharp knife suddenly appeared on her wrist, and she stabbed the Black Widow in the neck! ! !


Black Widow quickly tried her best to block with her weapon, but...

Her strength was no match for Proxima Centauri, and the tip of the knife gradually moved closer to Black Widow's aorta.

Black Widow gritted her teeth, her struggle seemed so weak at this moment.

boom! ! !


Sudden! !

Dark Night Proxima's face suddenly changed, and a scarlet light appeared on her body.

She was completely unable to resist and flew towards the sky.


It was crushed to pieces by the rolling battleship.

Blue blood splashed on Black Widow's face. She got up with difficulty and looked at the panting Scarlet Witch beside her.

At the critical moment, it was the Scarlet Witch who saved her.

"Oh, this guy is really disgusting."

Black Widow took a breath and pretended to be relaxed. Their eyes all fell in the direction of Vision's current location.

"It's time for you to go."

Black Widow said to Scarlet Witch.

Scarlet Witch nodded, and she immediately flew up, flying towards the direction of Vision.

She has to save her man! ! !

As for Vision...

Banner looked at the black dwarf he had just eliminated and sighed.

Hulk was too scared to come out after being beaten by Thanos, which made him very passive during the battle.

But fortunately, this black dwarf's brain was not very good, and he was killed by him.

"Captain, how are you doing over there?"

The scene turned, and Captain America supported Vision. After Vision was stabbed by General Deathblade, the leader of the five obsidian generals, he collapsed on the ground, completely losing his ability to resist.

And just when General Deathblade was about to squat down and pick off the Mind Stone from his opponent's forehead, Captain America appeared like a savior! ! !

Captain America swooped and knocked General Deathblade away. He shouted to Vision: "Get out of here quickly!!!"

In his desperation, Captain America didn't even see the wounds on Vision's body. His attention was entirely on the difficult guy in front of him.

However, General Deathblade is the most powerful being under Thanos after all. Although Captain America is 50-50 against anyone, his physical fitness is no longer a match for General Deathblade.

Within a few moments, he was stepped on by the Deathblade General.

The angry General Deathblade strangled Captain America's neck with one hand, staring at this ant who was overestimating his own abilities with ferocious eyes.

"You are so anxious to die, then I can help you!"

Captain America's face turned red, and he kept struggling, but the lack of oxygen in his brain made it impossible for him to exert any strength at all.

Sudden! ! !

Phew! ! !

The Deathblade General looked at the tip of the knife that appeared on his chest in shock.

He was very familiar with the appearance of this knife tip.

Because this is his knife.

This is the knife that killed Heimdall!


This time, the tip of the knife pierced his chest...

His body hung down weakly, and his life was passing by rapidly.

And the person holding the weapon of General Deathblade...

But it was the Vision he wanted to kill before! ! !

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief, he was almost strangled to death just now.

Looking at the weak and fallen Vision, Captain America quickly got up and helped him up.

"Didn't I tell you to run away just now?"

Captain America complained, but his tone was extremely grateful.

If it weren't for him, he would definitely die.

Vision looked at Captain America weakly: "We won't trade our lives, Captain."

At this time, Scarlet Witch Wanda also arrived, and she came to Vision with a distressed look on her face.

But Vision looked horrified.

As the owner of the Mind Stone, he sensed the breath of other rough stones.

"he came!"

Vision looked at Scarlet Witch weakly, Thanos was about to travel through time and space to Earth! !

Strong winds began to blow all around, and leaves slowly fell, just like the scene before a war.

Captain America frowned and said quickly:

"Everyone meet me here and prepare to meet the enemy!"

The terrible sense of depression spread to everyone through the video, and everyone's emotions seemed to be brought into the scene in the video.

Dead silence...


Huge pressure instantly fell on everyone watching the video, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

in the video screen.

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