The views of the father of Ultra were strongly agreed upon by all the Ultra warriors present, especially Severn. He wished that his domineering and arrogant Zero would suffer more, so that he could learn a lesson.

All Ultraman's eyes fell on the virtual screen in front of them again, and they continued to watch the video.

The video screen gradually brightened.

In the picture, Alena, who had appeared before, was fighting one against four, and she casually knocked four humans to the ground.

Just when Alena was about to use the mirror in her hand to deal with the people in the auditorium in front of her, a figure in a blue uniform appeared between the two.

"That mirror is not for killing people!!!"

It's Haruno Musashi! !

Because he and Ultraman Gauss disintegrated, he stayed in the time and space city, and followed the time and space city to the time and space where the auditorium light and the others were.

The appearance of Haruno Musashi caused a puzzled expression on Auditorium Hikaru's face.

"Who are you?"

Auditorium Light asked, but the next second, the ground began to shake violently! !

boom! !

boom! !

boom! ! !

The earth slowly shattered, and a huge figure emerged from the ground.

This is the culprit who has been using the Time and Space City to travel through time and space to seal various parallel worlds Ultraman.

Etarga! ! !

A huge space-time city appeared in the sky, and everyone looked at the extremely majestic aerial castle in the sky in shock.

"This is!?"

Auditorium Guang's face was full of shock, and everything that happened now made him a little confused.

"I am the space-time warrior who pursues and seals the Ultra Warriors, Etarga!!"

Etalga introduced himself, looking like a gentleman in both his tone and actions. His eyes fell on Alena below, and he said gently and kindly:

"Lady Alena, leave these humans to me!"

After saying that, Etarga's whole body glowed with light, and he rushed towards the auditorium light and others below!

Etarga hellfire! ! !

This was a move that Etarga had used before in the battle with Ultraman Gauss. At that time, he directly knocked Gauss from the corona form back to the moon god form.

And Etarga's attack carried an extremely terrifying momentum, and the faces of the people in the auditorium below showed panic expressions.

Auditorium Light wanted to take out the Galaxy Transformer and transform, but Etarga's attack was too fast and he couldn't make it in time! !

Just then! !


boom! ! !

A figure suddenly appeared and knocked back Etalga.

It's Ultraman Victory! ! !

Seeing Victory in the auditorium, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Etalga didn't expect that a guy would suddenly come out to disturb the situation. He took a closer look and found that it was Oldman who was disturbing the situation, and he became even more angry.

Dozens of flames condensed from behind Etarga and rushed towards Victory! !

Victory slashes! ! !

Seeing Etarga's attack, Victory was not afraid at all. He raised his legs twice in succession and slashed out two crescent-shaped light blades to neutralize Etarga's attack.

Etarga took two steps back and sneered twice. He did not expect that Ultraman Victory had some abilities.

"Sorry, I'm late! It's really lively here!"

Ultraman Victory's human body said, and he and Victory rushed towards Etarga again.

The light in the auditorium below saw Ultraman Victory's arrival, and said with a joyful expression on his face: "Xiang, why did you come here! It's too slow!"

Etarga, on the other hand, looked at Ultraman Victory quietly, his tone still maintaining the elegance of a gentleman.

"Ultraman Victory, you are just another Ultra Warrior in this world."

As soon as he finished speaking, Victory took action, and Etalga stepped forward without hesitation.

He was very confident that Ultraman Victory could never be his opponent.

The current opponent does not have this kind of strength! !

And the result was just as Etarga judged in his mind. Although he exchanged blows at the beginning, Victory was still able to seize the opportunity to attack.

But soon, after a few exchanges of moves, Victory was knocked away by a sudden punch from Etarga.

Before Ultraman Victory could stand up, Etarga came behind him and locked his neck.

Then with a sudden force, he fell towards the ground! ! !

boom! ! !

Ultraman Victory has no resistance. In terms of strength, Etarga will completely crush him.

However, Ultraman Victorious did not give up. The moment he fell to the ground, he kicked Etal with a sweeping kick.

Of course, this sweeping kick was easily dodged by Etalga, and then...

Etalga seized the opportunity and stepped on Ultraman Victory's leg! !


Victory screamed in pain, and the entire Ultraman collapsed to the ground instantly.

The light in the auditorium watching the battle below saw that Ultraman Victory was at a disadvantage, and quickly took out the Galaxy Spark Transformer from his arms, and quickly transformed into Ultraman Galaxy and went to help Ultraman Victory. Fight the enemy together.

As soon as Yinhe appeared, he immediately flew towards Etalga, but unexpectedly, the extremely fast Yinghe was easily caught by Etalga with one hand.

Upon seeing this, Victory quickly stood up and wanted to step forward to help, but saw Etarga raising his other hand, and powerful laser cannons were shot out from his palm.

Rumble, rumble! ! ! !

Countless laser cannons hit Victory's chest, and Victory flew backwards completely uncontrollably, knocking down two or three mountains.

boom! ! !

Victory fell heavily to the ground and temporarily lost his ability to fight!

When Auditorium Light saw Ultraman Victory being knocked down, he grabbed Etarga angrily.

“Solve it in one go!!!”

Inside Ultraman Galaxy, Auditorium Light shouted angrily! !

Galaxy flame ball! ! ! !

Ultraman Ginga held Etarga's arm with one hand, raised his other hand high, and summoned a dozen flame balls.

The flame ball soared into the sky, then turned 180 degrees and fell towards Etarga below.

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The power of each Galaxy Flame Ball is extremely huge! ! !

When Etarga's body and surroundings fell, extremely terrifying energy burst out! ! !

For a time, a huge cloud of smoke and dust was set off!


The smoke and dust dissipated. According to the law of smoke and no harm, Etalga stood straight on the spot, with no scars on his body!

The people in the auditorium were also stunned and shouted subconsciously:

"It doesn't work!?"

However, the most important thing to remember during the battle is not to be stunned. Auditorium Light obviously made a huge mistake.

He was stunned, but Etalga did not distract him in the slightest.

At this moment, Etalga took action! !

He grabbed Ultraman Ginga's neck with one hand, as if he was going to strangle Ultraman Ginga to death.

Behind Etarga, Ultraman Victory struggled to stand up.

"Xiaoguang!! Get out of the way!!"

Victory said to the Galaxy, but his words also attracted Etarga's attention.

"Only a direct attack can destroy that armor!!"

With that said, Victory summoned his Ultra Arms! !

Shepparton's Holy Sword! ! !

"Just use this sword to defeat him!!!"

Etarga sneered disdainfully as he listened to Ultraman Victory's words.

He casually threw the Ultraman Galaxy that he was holding in his hand to the side, and without seeing Ultraman Galaxy, which fell to his feet in the distance, Etarga slowly turned around and looked at him. Your show' look.

Victory was angered by Etarga's extremely contemptuous action, and he raised his Shepparton Holy Sword angrily.

In the air, Victory waved Shepparton's Holy Sword and slashed out a huge 'V' of energy.

The next second, Victory launched an attack! ! !

His speed was unprecedentedly fast, and before Etalga could react, Victory had already rushed in front of him! ! !

The next second, there was a close fight! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Terrible energy burst out from the two of them! ! !

The terrifying aftermath set off a huge updraft, causing tragic damage to the surrounding environment! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The ground was shaking constantly, like a magnitude 10 earthquake! !

However, and a huge explosion of smoke and dust...

The Law of Smoke and No Harm was activated again. Etalga remained standing, but Wittekli was severely pushed away by Etalga.

"how so!?"

Ultraman Witcliffe said with a look of disbelief, and Galaxy also took this opportunity to come to his side.

At this time, Haruno Musashi below shouted: "You two have to work together to attack him. If you don't do this, you will never win against Etarga!!"

When Etarga heard Haruno Musashi's words, he sneered, crossed his hands on his chest, and then...

Etarga hellfire! ! ! !

This time, more fireballs than before rushed towards the two Ultraman, carrying a strong aura of death! ! !

Boom! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Victory were instantly submerged in the explosion! !

Both Ultraman let out painful wails.

The fireworks dissipated, and everyone watched in shock as Ultraman Galaxy and Ultraman Victory were lifted up by Etalga.

"Lady Alena, seal the evil Ultraman Galaxy and Ultraman Victory into the magic mirror right now!!"

Alena below heard Etalga's words, a sneer appeared on her face, and she immediately raised the magic mirror in her hand high! ! !

Haruno Musashi saw the other party's movements, turned around and shouted: "Danger!!! You two run away quickly!!!"

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