Suddenly, Ultraman Zero roared in the video! !

"Ultraman Zero: Shining Zero Form!!!"

Shining Cerro Emelim Cut! ! ! !

The terrifying light carried a rich light and was launched towards Beria.

It's also because of this terrible light! ! !

Wu Mei's lower body instantly turned into ashes.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Wuhan wailed in pain, and he withdrew from the posture of a dead baby. He lost his lower body and fell to the ground in pain and weakness.

The fracture on his waist was still emitting white smoke with a strong smell of blood.

Wuhan's injuries are even more serious...

At the same time, in the entire world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, nearly 80% of the ghosts around the world disappeared instantly after seeing this video! !

Even the six waning moons among the twelve ghost moons who were replenished during this period were all killed! ! !

Poof! ! !

Wu Kuan's eyes widened. His plan for so many years...

On this day, it completely collapsed! ! !

And this day also shocked the Demon Slayer Squad.

They only felt the light was warm, and later found that their strength had actually increased a lot.

And countless black smoke rose into the sky, turning into pure white in the sky, as if it were an evolved soul.

At the same time, the reconnaissance team members of the Demon Slayer Corps around the world quickly sent back the news.

Some of the ghosts they knew had mysteriously disappeared.

According to statistics, they found that the number of ghosts that disappeared was actually more than the ghosts they had killed over the years combined.

The twelve pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad were in a trance.

What happened to this world? ? ?

Chen Shu didn't know about the changes in the Demon Slayer World, but when he saw the crazy increase in clicks in the background, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

And in the video screen...

The glow of Ultraman Zero's shining form has gradually dissipated, revealing the appearance of Ultraman Zero.

His current appearance is very gorgeous, his body color is based on gold and silver, his eyes and beam light are blue, and the color timer has been integrated with the ultimate bracelet and turned into five sides of radiant energy like diamonds. core! !

There are golden lines on his chest and shoulders, and his entire appearance has changed a lot! !

Ultraman Zero's shining Zero Emelim Cut also struck Beria at this moment.

Boom! ! ! !

The terrible light hit Beria's chest! ! !

boom! ! !

To everyone's shock, the ground behind Beria continued to crack, and the next second...

wore! ! !

The fourth floor of the Time and Space Castle was penetrated by Ultraman Zero's light! ! !

Beria was bombarded to the third floor by the shining celestial love Emelim's cutting beam! !


The ground on the third floor is still crumbling rapidly!

The next second, he scored twice! !

A huge hole also opened in the ground on the third floor, and Beria was hit by the light and rushed to the second floor...

Boom! ! !

Naturally, the second layer cannot withstand such a terrible light attack.

In the end, with everyone watching the video dumbfounded, Beria was directly blasted out of the time and space castle by Ultraman Zero's light.

The body quickly collapsed in the air, and finally there was a violent explosion, turning into a trace of dust in the sky! !

Ultraman Zero landed slowly, and with his whole body shining, he struck a pose, extremely confident! !

At this moment, he seemed to be the most handsome guy in the room, facing the explosion behind him without paying any attention! !

This is……

Shining form·Zero! ! ! .

Chapter 102 Nexus’ Knight Kick! The power of Ultraman Galaxy Victory (please customize)

At the same time, the battle on the first level has also come to an end! !

Dark Mephisto was attracted by the sudden explosion behind him, and Nexus naturally would not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He jumped up high and launched a 'Knight Kick' at Dark Mephisto! !

In the air, Nexus' body flashed red! !

He turned into a form with three colors of red, black and silver all over his body! !

Nexus Youth Form! !

This was also the form when he defeated Dark Mephisto! !

Nexus youth flying kick! ! !

boom! !

Dark Mephisto heard the movement and immediately turned around, but at this time Nexus had already arrived in front of him, and the flying kick hit him hard on the chest! !

Nexus in his youth form is much more powerful than his juvenile form, both in terms of strength and speed.

In his haste, Dark Mephisto had no time to defend himself, so he immediately flew out and fell hard to the ground.

He struggled to get up, but saw Nexus crossing his arms, and a faint white light emerged from the Nexus weapons on his arms. Then, Nexus concentrated his terrible energy.

Cascading light·storm! ! !

Nexus combined his hands into an 'L' shape and fired a super light! ! This light can destroy enemies at the molecular level! !

After all, Dark Mephisto of the Time and Space Castle is just a puppet. This layer of light and storm is an attack that even Dark Mephisto's body cannot withstand.

Therefore, at this moment when everyone's eyes were focused on Ultraman Nexus, the light also bombarded Dark Mephisto.

Boom! ! !

Dark Mephisto had no ability to resist, and he was directly blasted away by this powerful energy! ! !

The next moment, it suddenly exploded in the air! ! !

There was no violent explosion flame, but everyone could clearly see that the moment the dark Mephisto exploded, countless stars scattered in the air, and then disappeared.

This light actually disintegrated Dark Mephisto directly! ! !

Naruto world.

When the fourth generation Kazekage disguised as Orochimaru saw this scene, his eyes suddenly lit up, showing a look of great interest in this scene.

He knew very well that at that moment, the dark Mephisto was not decomposed, but directly melted into countless molecules by the terrible light.

Orochimaru, the mad scientist, was very interested in the principle behind this.

"It would be great if there was a way to analyze that light."

Orochimaru thought in his mind that he was itching to watch this video, and he wanted to catch Nexus in the video immediately, and then collect samples for research.

Although he knew that it was absolutely impossible, and he couldn't even beat the opponent.


Orochimaru's heart is still extremely hot! !

The battles in the city and on the first to fourth floors of the Time and Space City ended one after another. All the Ultra Warriors left the Time and Space City and quietly looked at the top of the Time and Space City in the air.

That's the battlefield where Ultraman Ginga Victory and Ultraman Gauss battle Etarga!

They were quietly waiting for the triumph of the two Ultra Warriors, and at this time, the main screen immediately switched to the location of Ultraman Victory and Ultraman Gauss in the Galaxy.

Ultraman Ginga Victory and Ultraman Gauss had just rushed into the top floor of the Time and Space Castle, and were greeted by hundreds of Etarga Hellfires before their eyes! !

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Caught off guard, both Ginga Victory and Ultraman Gauss were hit by Etarga's shameless sneak attack.

The power of the attack was so powerful that it knocked the two Ultra warriors back several steps, and then they fell to their knees in embarrassment.

Galaxy Victory and Gauss quickly adjusted themselves, raised their heads and stood up, looking at Etarga in front of them with great vigilance.

Etarga had obviously been waiting for the two Ultra warriors for a long time. His eyes fell on Alena below and said softly:

"Lady Alena, the hateful Ultra Warriors have appeared, and it was they who destroyed your favorite hometown!!"

Alena, who had been implanted with false memories by Etalga, naturally believed Etalga's words without hesitation. She held the magic mirror and looked at the Milky Way Victory and Gauss in front of her with great vigilance.

"Alena, please wake up quickly!!"

Inside Ultraman Victory's body, the auditorium light shouted loudly.

However, Alena had already determined that the Ultra Warriors were her enemies after all. When she heard the words from the auditorium, the hatred in Alena's eyes became even greater, and she shouted angrily:

"Ultraman Galaxy!! I must seal you this time!! Avenge my dead clansmen!!"

Hearing this, Auditorium Light sighed, but he didn't have time to think too much, because Etarga in front of him had already made a fighting stance towards the two Ultra warriors!

With Etalga taking the lead in attacking, the battle began! !

Etarga soon fought with Galaxy Victory and Ultraman Gauss! !

Although Galaxy Victory has undergone special training, he was able to successfully use the power of the fusion bracelet given by the King of Ultra.

However, compared to Etarga, who has more combat experience, Galaxy Victory still cannot gain the upper hand at the beginning!

Even though...he is assisted by Ultraman Gauss! !

I saw Etarga knocking Galaxy Victory back with a slap, then blocking Ultraman Gauss' attack and kicking him away.

However, this time in the battle, Ultraman Gauss said that he would never take advantage of it like he did in the previous battle with Hyperjackton. He quickly got up and assisted Galaxy Victory in harassing Etalga.

They are two against one, which is an advantage! ! !


The two Ultramans in the battle completely forgot that not far away, there was Princess Alena who could use the power of the magic mirror! !

At this moment, Alena raised the magic mirror in her hand and pointed it at Etarga, whose back was turned to her, and Galaxy Victory and Ultraman Gauss opposite her.

"Suffer death!!!"

Along with Alena's angry roar, an extremely terrifying light emitted from the magic mirror! ! !

Its target is two Ultra Warriors! ! !

Etalga sneered, and immediately turned sideways, giving Alena an opening to attack the Ultra Warrior! !

The light directly hit the bodies of Ultraman Gauss and Galaxy Whittle! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

A terrible explosion also erupted on the two Ultra warriors! ! !

Could it be that……

Even after special training, Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Victory are still unable to defeat this terrible enemy, Etarga! ?

"You destroyed my hometown!! This is retribution!!"

Alena's smile was filled with the joy of revenge, and this was also true. Galaxy Victory was unable to move at all under the light of this magic mirror.

But at this moment, Ultraman Gauss suddenly rolled sideways and rolled out of the attack range of the light! !

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