
It's really quiet around here...

It's so quiet that it makes people feel scared!

And the moment Chen Shu stopped, a murderous aura suddenly filled the air around Chen Shu.

"Tsk... This kind of plot is really cliché. Will readers like it?"

Chen Shu rolled his eyes. Now that the verification is over, these guys are really here to kill him.


Boom! ! !

Purple thunder suddenly fell from the sky, hitting the surrounding trees directly and the 'passerby' behind Chen Shu! !

In an instant, five charred men fell from the surrounding trees.

They were killed by Chen Shu in one blow! !

The person behind Chen Shu, although he also received a blow from Chen Shu's 100% skill, he still seemed to have breath left.

"Tell me, you guys, why do you want to trouble me when you have nothing to do?"

Chen Shu turned around and walked towards the man who was still breathing, and sighed.

"Impossible, how did you...find us..."

The man's eyes were full of disbelief. He struggled hard to stand up, but now, all the muscles in his body had been burned to charcoal by the thunder just now.

"You should be sent here by the young master of the Liang family."

Without giving him a chance to reply, Chen Shu squatted down, grabbed his hair with one hand, and pulled out his head.

"In that case..."

Chen Shu's eyes flashed coldly.

Standing up, Chen Shu called Jiang Dao.

At the same time, Jiang Dao, who was meeting at the Awakened Association, looked at Chen Shu who suddenly called him with a look of shock. He quickly stopped the meeting and answered the phone respectfully.

"Hello? Mr. Chen."

Chen Shu listened to the somewhat reserved voice on the phone and couldn't help but picture a middle-aged man groveling.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Jiang Dao:? ? ?

"It's okay, Liang Feifan, you know that, right?"

Chen Shu came to his senses and said quickly.

"Ah...this...I know."

When Jiang Dao heard this, he knew something was wrong. Chen Shu would not suddenly mention such a person to him. If he did, something must have happened.

"This guy... asked someone to kill me. It doesn't matter if I take revenge, right?"

Chen Shu looked at the head in his hand and smiled softly.

Jiang Dao felt cold when he heard Chen Shu's words, and his heart was immediately filled with anger. He said with a cold face: "Mr. Chen, you can do whatever you want, and our Awakened Association will finish it for you."

Chen Shu was a little surprised when he heard Jiang Dao's words. Although he knew that Jiang Dao had been wooing him, he did not expect that he would support him unconditionally.

"Okay, since you said so...then please go to Liang's house tonight."

When Jiang Dao heard Chen Shu's words, he was shocked and asked cautiously: "Then...Mr. Chen, do you want to..."

The corner of Chen Shu's mouth raised slightly: "It's nothing, it's just that the Liang family has been around for too long and is not peaceful. Haicheng now... shouldn't need it anymore."

Jiang Dao's face was serious. He understood what Chen Shu meant. He discussed this matter with two other people last night, but he didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

Jiang Dao took a deep breath and said:

"Mr. Chen, don't worry. The Awakened Association will assist you tonight. It's absolutely impossible for anyone in the Liang family to escape!"

Chen Shu nodded, hung up the phone, and looked at the sun in the sky.

The sun is very bright today...

The weather today……

Great for killing people.

At the same time, Jiang Dao put away the phone and sighed.

"Our meeting today ends here. Next, I want to tell you something..."

"About, Haicheng Liang family!".

Chapter 107 BOOM! Exploded to ashes! The Peak Mystery of Thunder's Dragon-Slaying Magic (please customize)

Chen Shu held a human head in his hand and flew quickly towards the Liang family's mansion.

Although he didn't know where Liang Feifan lived, almost everyone in Haicheng knew where the mansions of the Liang family and other major families were located, not far from the Awakened Association.

Chen Shu's figure flashed and he stood in the sky, looking at the Liang family below with cold eyes. The big family is indeed a big family. This mansion is like a small Forbidden City.

The next moment, Chen Shu threw the head in his hand towards the door of the Liang family's house.


The head fell at high speed and landed at the door of the Liang family's main house. In an instant, dozens of awakened people suddenly appeared in front of the main house, looking around with wary expressions.

They are the awakened bodyguards hired by the Liang family.

The movement at the door also attracted the attention of the Liang family, and several middle-aged men walked out of the main house with frowns on their faces.

"What happened!?"

Liang Huiqian, the head of the Liang family, walked out of the main house, looked at so many people gathered at the door, and asked with a frown.

"Master, look at this."

The captain of the escort turned around and made way for Liang Huiqian, revealing the head on the ground.

"Huh? This...I remember it seems like the bodyguards sent to protect Xiaofan..."

Liang Huqian was shocked when he saw the human head on the ground. He turned his head and looked at the captain of the escort team and asked.

"Yes, No. 19 is indeed the person sent to protect the second young master, and No. 19's head just fell from the sky."

The captain of the guard nodded. He was also very shocked. He must know how No. 19 was also a five-star awakened person and was actually killed.

The most important thing is that after being killed, no one knew that the other party was dead until the other party sent the head to their Liang Mansion.

"What about Xiaofan!?"

Liang Huiqian was furious. Although his second son was uneducated and incompetent, he was still his son no matter what. But now that the bodyguard who protected his son was dead, wouldn't that be true! ?

"The second young master is at his residence in the west of the city today. I have just sent someone to verify that there is nothing wrong with the second young master."

The captain of the escort team said quickly that the moment he saw the head, he immediately sent someone to see Liang Feifan's whereabouts, and he was relieved when the results came back.

"That's good...who is it!!! Who dares to kill our Liang family members!! Find out for me!! I've torn down the entire Haicheng. You must find that guy for me!"

Liang Huiqian breathed a sigh of relief, but the anger in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time. He raised his head and cursed angrily.

Even if he is just a bodyguard, he is still a member of the Liang family. To kill him like this is to slap Liang Huigan in the face! !

boom! ! !

At this moment, Chen Shu, who had finished cleaning up the area around Liang Mansion, kicked open the door of the main house and walked in with a cold face.

"No need to shout, the person you are looking for is me, right?"

Chen Shu sneered and said, in just a few minutes, he had searched Liang Mansion up and down, and did not see Liang Feifan's figure, which meant that the other party was definitely not here.

"Who are you!!"

When Liang Huiqian saw Chen Shu being so arrogant, he pointed at Chen Shu with trembling hands in anger.

"Me? I am the person you are looking for."

Chen Shu said softly, and the next second, he turned into a purple lightning and disappeared on the spot! !



Accompanied by painful wails, Chen Shu's figure suddenly appeared in front of Liang Huiqian.

"Liang Feifan is your son, right?"

Chen Shu grabbed Liang Huiqian's neck with one hand and said with a cold face.


Liang Huiqian's eyes were extremely shocked. He quickly glanced at the group of people lying on the ground. He didn't see clearly what happened just now.

I saw only a flash of purple lightning, and all the people around him fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Most importantly, even the captain of the escort team is like this! !

You must know that he is a six-star awakener! ! !

But he was actually vulnerable to the man in front of him! !

"who are you!!"

Liang Huqian firmly grabbed Chen Shu's hand that was squeezing his neck. No matter what, he was still a five-star awakened person and had some strength.

"I'm just an ordinary person. Your son wants to kill me for no reason and makes me angry, so I want to kill his whole family."

A kind smile appeared on Chen Shu's face, and he said words in an understatement that made people break out in cold sweat.

After Liang Huiqian struggled hard, he found that he was completely unable to break apart a finger of the opponent, and he also realized the difference in strength.

But after hearing Chen Shu's words, his eyes widened in surprise.

He also thought that the young man in front of him was the descendant of some rivals he had killed when he was in the business, and now he came to take revenge. But you told me that you wanted to kill my useless son because he wanted to kill you. The whole family! ? ?

MD! ! If I had known better, I should have shot my second son against the wall! !

"I'll tell you Liang Feifan's position, and you can let the Liang family go."

Liang Huiqian closed his eyes, felt the pressure on his neck, and said.

He knew very well which one was more important, the Liang family or Liang Feifan, and he also knew very well that it was completely impossible for him to offend Chen Shu in front of him.

After all, the six-star awakened ones are vulnerable to him, so what does this mean?

The opponent is at least as powerful as the Seven Star Awakener...or even stronger! !

How could this kind of existence be offended by a down-and-out family like me, who seemed to be able to dominate Haicheng, but had actually been at a disadvantage in the battles with other families over the years?

It can only be said that Liang Huqian, who has reached his current position, will naturally not be able to see the essence of things clearly like the stupid young people in those novels.

He knew very well that instead of enmity with a strong man like Chen Shu, it would be better to make friends with him, and maybe he could get a new life for the Liang family.

Chen Shu also looked at Liang Huqian with some surprise. He really didn't expect that the head of the Liang family would hand over the life of his second son so decisively.

However, this decisive and heroic approach also made Chen Shu appreciate Liang Huqian in his heart.

The other party knew exactly where he was dissatisfied and why he came to the Liang family.

In fact, if the Liang family really thinks that they are superior and cannot see the actual situation clearly, then the Liang family will be destroyed.

But if the head of the Liang family is someone who can see the true nature clearly, Chen Shu also feels that having such a power in his hands will make it easier for him to act in the future.

"Yes, then you tell me his address and I will let you go."

Chen Shu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and released his grip on Liang Huiqian's neck.

"Cough cough cough... cough cough... No. 77, Liangwan Bay Villa Area, west of the city."

Liang Huiqian knelt on the ground and coughed softly.

"In order to prevent you from lying to me, this will serve as a small guarantee for me."

Chen Shu chuckled and struck a purple lightning bolt into Liang Huiqian's heart.

"This thing will always exist in your heart. If you have any bad thoughts towards me in the future, then he will...BOOM~blow you up to ashes~"

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