The next moment, Orochimaru suddenly disappeared from where he was! !

boom! ! !

The location where Orochimaru was suddenly exploded! ! !

It was the Raikage who took action! ! !


After the Raikage took action, everyone saw clearly the true face of the fourth generation Kazekage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen called out the other person's name with a complicated expression.

It looks like...

Today’s video, I’m afraid I won’t be able to watch it well.


Death world.

"This baby is very difficult to deal with." Kuchiki Rukia frowned and said while looking at the baby in the video.

"After he parasitizes someone, will he immediately possess all the abilities of the other person... But why do I feel that he has become stronger as he continues to parasitize?"

Ishida Uryu frowned and said, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but the baby in the video seemed to be getting stronger all the time.

"It's not an illusion, it's true." Rukia Kuchiki shook her head, saying that Ishida Uryuu's feeling was not an illusion, and Baby's strength was indeed getting stronger all the time.

It's also hard to imagine, if Baby really parasitized Vegeta's body, how powerful would it be? ?

"Why are you so worried? Don't forget that in that world, Vegeta is not the only Super Saiyan, right? There is also Sun Wukong, right?? I remember the last video, Sun Wukong's strength is Better than Vegeta."

Kurosaki Ichigo had a straw in his mouth and a pair of dead fish eyes on his face. Hearing the discussion between Kuchiki Rukia and Ishida Uryu, he interrupted.

"But... this is still shocking, isn't it? You can actually improve your strength through parasitism..."

"Yes yes yes... keep watching the video!!"


in the video screen.

Baby gasped and looked at Vegeta in the sky, laughing coldly:

"As expected of Vegeta! Son Gohan is far inferior to you! That's great...that's great!!! I must get your body!!!"

Vegeta easily landed on a seaside building, looked at Baby indifferently, and laughed:

"How's it going? Zivr people. It seems we should settle it now!"

Baby controlled Son Gohan's body and sneered when Vegeta said this.

But at this moment, a voice that no one expected came from the video! !

"Uncle Vegeta!!!"

Everyone who watched the video was shocked, and then they saw in the video, along with the sound of sound, someone fell next to Vegeta! !

It is Sun Wutian who was parasitized at the beginning! !

"Uncle Vegeta! I'm here to help!!"

Everyone watching the video was shocked by the appearance of Sun Wutian, but after thinking about it, they realized that Baby was now transferred from Sun Wutian's body to Sun Wuhan's body, and they finally came to their senses.

Sun Wutian should be a good person now.

In the video, after hearing Sun Wutian's words, Vegeta said impatiently:

"Don't get in the way, Goten! This guy is my prey!"

Hearing Vegeta's words, Son Goten was stunned and said quickly: "What are you talking about, Uncle Vegeta? This person should be my brother Son Gohan no matter what!"

When Babi heard Sun Wutian's words, he sneered: "You are right, we are brothers."

But Vegeta didn't have the time to explain to Sun Wutian. He said coldly: "You, get out of my way!"

Son Wuten was probably frightened by Vegeta, so he quickly retreated behind Vegeta.


Just then! !

Everyone who watched the video exclaimed with disbelief on their faces! ! !

In the video! !

While Son Wuten retreated behind Vegeta...

A qigong wave was shot towards Vegeta's back! ! !

Sun Wutian actually attacked Vegeta! ! ! .

Chapter 113: Scared countless worlds! A transformation that surpasses Super Saiyan 3? ! (Please customize)

Everyone in the world who saw this scene was shocked. They never expected that Sun Wutian would attack Vegeta.

Isn't Baby no longer in his body?

But they couldn't help but think too much. Vegeta in the picture was very alert and immediately sensed the attack from behind. He turned around and deflected Sun Wutian's sneak attack!

However, no matter how quick Vegeta reacted, he still defended in a hurry.

Son Wuten's attack still opened a shallow wound on Vegeta's cheek.

Sun Wutian, on the other hand, looked at Vegeta coldly and mocked: "Although I told you that I was here to help, I didn't say who I wanted to help, right?"

At this time, Son Gohan also flew behind Vegeta and sneered: "Well done, Goten."

Vegeta was shocked, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Goten, even you!?"

The next moment, Vegeta ducked and prepared to distance himself.

But Son Wutian and Son Gohan were also Super Saiyans after all, and their reactions were still very quick. They immediately fired Qigong bombs at Vegeta who ducked away.

Immediately afterwards, Goten and Gohan rushed towards Vegeta.

boom! !

Facing the attacks from the Gohan brothers, Vegeta felt extremely tired for a moment and quickly dodged back to where he was.

But he didn't know that his move just fell into the trap that Baby had laid for him! !

Uh-huh! !

Uh-huh! !

The brothers Son Gohan and Son Wuten used extremely fast movements to form a red wrapping circle, tightly surrounding Vegeta inside.

Vegeta had a cold face. His dynamic vision was naturally very good, but I don't know if it was an illusion. Under Baby's control, Sun Wuhan and Sun Wutian seemed to be faster than before.

At this time, Sun Wuhan and Sun Wutian in the encirclement began to release countless Qigong bombs at Vegeta.

Seeing this, Vegeta quickly hid and defended himself in this small space.

However, there were too many attacks. Vegeta's space for movement was limited, and some wounds slowly appeared on his body.


Vegeta became angry and began to fight back against Son Gohan and Son Goten.


Whenever his dynamic vision caught the moving Gohan or Goten, and then released Qigong bombs prejudgedly, everything failed.

When Baby saw this, he laughed wildly: "It's useless, it's useless!!"

"The ki you feel now is just the shadow produced by the ki of these two brothers, Gohan and Goten."

"With your weak strength, you will never be able to catch me."

When Vegeta heard what Babe said, he was extremely angry. When had he, the noble Saiyan prince, been teased like this before? !

"So how about this!?"

With that said, Vegeta began to gather all his energy, and the rich Saiyan energy began to emanate from Vegeta's body! !

When Baby saw this scene, he was so happy. He never expected that Vegeta would jump into the pit on his own initiative!

"That's right, angry! Angry! Just when your power reaches its limit, it's time for me to win!!"

Baby said in his heart, and at this time, Vegeta had already exerted his energy to the limit! ! !

boom! ! ! !

A terrifying aura emanated from Vegeta's body, and terrifying energy dispersed in all directions! ! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The entire ground began to collapse! ! !

This terrifying energy directly broke through the blockade between the two brothers, Sun Wutian and Sun Wufan, and knocked them all away! !

"It's now!!!"

Baby sneered, and instantly emerged from Son Gohan's body, pouring in from the wounds on the surface of Vegeta's body! !

The angry Vegeta didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at this time. He was releasing the energy in his body wantonly, and the terrifying energy ruthlessly destroyed the surrounding environment.

Tsunami! !

Waterspout! !

earthquake! !

Each of these natural disasters were caused by Vegeta's anger and the energy of that angry energy.

With Vegeta at the center, the surrounding environment seemed to be at the end of the world! !

After a long time, Vegeta slowly fell from the air onto the ruins, sneering at Sun Wutian and Sun Gohan who were lying aside.

"Idiot, you overestimate your capabilities!"

Vegeta's disdain is normal. Apart from his unremitting efforts in training, neither Son Wuten nor Son Gohan have practiced much.

Now his strength can be said to be far superior to the two brothers Sun Wufan.

This is why Vegeta is very confident that he can fight one against two.

But this time...

Baby's voice came from Vegeta's body.

"Not necessarily?"

Vegeta's expression changed drastically when he heard Baby's voice.

"Where are you!? Where have you gone!"

Vegeta looked around, trying to find this guy Baby.

Baby sneered: "I'm here, I'm inside you."

Then, Baby's figure appeared in Vegeta's eyes.

Vegeta looked shocked. He could not imagine when Baby entered his body.

At this time, Baby continued: "I guess you would say that I am like a parasite, right? Then you are wrong."

"I'm not just parasitic in your body now, I can also control you. In other words, now you have become a Zivr!"

Vegeta gritted his teeth and looked at Baby's head that suddenly appeared on his cheek.

"You dominate me!? Impossible!! Do you want to dominate me, Vegeta!?"

Although Vegeta said so, the next second, his hand raised uncontrollably.

Baby said extremely arrogantly: "How is it? Your body doesn't obey your orders, right?"

"Aren't you willing to give in? This is the revenge that we Zivr people will take against you!!"

Next, Baby told Vegeta its origin, and also let everyone watching the video know about Baby's life experience.

The forum of Wanjie Video Network also started to receive messages at this time.

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