"Sun Wukong is probably angry. His current appearance and expression indicate anger."

Urahara Kisuke, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke:

"Everyone can clearly see the character of Sun Wukong in the video. Sun Wukong will definitely be angry at Bebe's behavior that regards human life so little... and his anger is his most powerful power."

After Urahara Kisuke finished speaking, several other people in the room were shocked by the meaning of his words.

The power of anger...! ? .

Chapter 128 The Earth is in Danger! Super Turtle Style Qigong! ! ! (Please customize)

In the picture, Baby was attacking the people fleeing below.

Each attack claimed dozens and hundreds of lives.

Sun Wukong looked at the extremely bloody scene in front of him with a cold expression.

"Asshole...this time, I'm really angry!"


Sun Wukong's figure flashed and came to Baby's wrist, and he quietly looked directly at the huge golden ape in front of him.

"Where are you aiming? It's just random."

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Baby's self-esteem, which had been hit because of the other party, completely collapsed at this moment. He clenched his fists with great anger, looked at Sun Wukong who looked at him like an ant, and shouted angrily. :

"Shut up!!! Shut up you bastard!!!"

"I won't allow you to look down on me!!"

Baby was extremely proud. After all, it took him less than two days to control all the people on the earth.

It also parasitized Saiyans such as Vegeta, the most powerful person on earth.

Naturally, a grand plan has already been outlined in his heart.

However, before the plan started to be implemented, he was severely beaten by Sun Wukong. How could he not be frustrated in his heart?


Baby's eyes looked in a certain direction, and there were two people standing in that direction.

When she saw those two people, a ferocious smile appeared on Baby's face.

At the same time, Sun Wukong also noticed something wrong with Baby's eyes, and instantly realized the other party's plan, and his expression suddenly changed.

However, at this time, Babi had already taken action.

He stretched out his right hand, and a huge wave of Qigong condensed on his finger, shooting towards the two people not far away!

He shouted arrogantly: "I remember, these two women are your family, right?"

As he spoke, the qigong wave in his hand was shot out, rushing towards Qiqi and Bidili not far away at an extremely fast speed.

boom! ! !

In an instant, a terrible explosion submerged the two people's original location...

And Sun Wukong, I don’t know when, disappeared in front of Baby...

The world of spiritual cages.

Xia Dou looked at Beibei's behavior in the video and cursed with great anger:

"This baby is so shameless!!! I have never seen such a shameless person! He actually used Sun Wukong's family to threaten him!! This is too much!"

Bai Yuekui looked at the picture on the screen with calm eyes. Feeling Xia Dou's gaze, he secretly thought in his heart that this child is still too innocent. He shook his head and said:

"This Babe is a person who will do anything to achieve his goals. Even if he does such a thing, it is expected. It is absolutely impossible to reason with such a person."

When Xia Dou heard Bai Yuekui's words, he looked aggrieved: "But... this is really too much..."

"this is the truth."

In response, Bai Yuekui just said a word and focused on watching the video again.

Naruto world.

Uzumaki Naruto was also cursing Baby for his despicable methods, and Uchiha Sasuke also frowned and looked at Baby in the video with disdain.

On the contrary, Jiraiya and Tsunade, who had experienced many battles, did not feel any discomfort on their faces at all. They were not even surprised that Baby would do such a thing.

After all, compared to Baby, they had encountered no less nasty things during the war than this, and they had even encountered even more uncomfortable things.

The two looked at each other and shook their heads.

Young people really have too little experience...

Whether it is the world of Death, One Punch Man, or Saint Seiya, it is basically some young people who are angry about Bebe's despicable behavior. Many adults fell silent after seeing the video.

Don't they hate this kind of thing in their hearts?

Of course not.

However, if it were them, and there was such a chance of victory, then ask yourself...

These people don't think that they will definitely not take action against Sun Wukong's family like Bebe...


Just to win.

No shame!

Back to video.

Sun Wukong's wife and daughter-in-law were instantly overwhelmed by Baby's attack, but soon, a figure appeared on the screen and rushed out of the explosion.

It's Sun Wukong!

He surpassed Baby's attack at the critical moment and protected Qiqi and Bidili in advance.

However, due to the impact of the explosion, the two of them were still unconscious even though they were not injured.

Sun Wukong flew all the way to his granddaughter Xiaofang and his in-laws Satan.

"They are in your care."

Sun Wukong said softly to Xiaofang. When he stood up again, the expression on his face was full of murderous intent!

He is angry...

Baby's behavior touched Sun Wukong's reverse scale! !

"Unforgivable!!! Baby you bastard!!"

The figure of Sun Wukong appeared in front of Baby again, one person and one giant ape floating quietly above the ruins of the devastated city.

"You actually resorted to such despicable means."

Sun Wukong looked directly at Baby, the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Hahahahahahahaha!!! You actually caught up with me, so... can you catch up this time!?"

A ferocious smile appeared on Baby's face, and he was not surprised that Monkey King would rush to save people.


Baby's hands suddenly came together, and a blue light wave appeared in the palms of his hands.

Hearing Babe's words, Sun Wukong was also stunned, with a surprised expression on his face. Then, he suddenly realized the target that Babe might attack!


I don’t know when, in the sky, the huge earth was already behind Baby...

And there are still many humans on the earth who have not been moved here by Bebe...

So! ! !

Baby's goal must be...

Earth! ! !

"Super! Super! Electricity! Light! Cannon!!!"

Before Sun Wukong could make any move, Baby, who had condensed energy qigong waves, suddenly turned around quickly and shot towards the earth behind him, not far from the Zful Star where he was! ! !

The huge energy rushed out of the atmosphere at an extremely terrifying speed, and its destination...

It is the hometown of Sun Wukong! ! !

Earth! ! !

Sun Wukong's expression changed, and he quickly used his turtle Qigong wave to interrupt Baby's attack.


"That's too late!!!"

Sun Wukong found that he still underestimated Baby's despicableness.

The speed of the turtle qigong wave is indeed very fast, but Bebe's super electric light cannon is not slow either!

Just this little time...

The super ground light cannon is already approaching the earth! ! !

The earth is in danger! ! ! ! .

Chapter 129 Saitama is serious! The reaction of the powerful men in the world! (Please customize)

In the video, whether it is Baby's super electric light cannon or Sun Wukong's turtle style Qigong, the sky becomes extremely dark the moment it is used.

one strike!

The world changes color! ?

Is this the power of Super Saiyan! ?

The terrifying momentum broke out at this moment!

However, Sun Wukong's face became extremely ugly, because his turtle style Qigong wave could not stop the super electro-optical cannon attacking the earth.

He can only...

I could only watch helplessly as the super electro-optical cannon passed through a distance of several light years and directly bombarded the earth!

Baby looked at the flash of light from the earth in the sky, with a relieved smile on his face.

However, Sun Wukong couldn't bear it anymore.

He came in front of Baby, his face was solemn, and he looked at Baby with murderous intent.

"How dare you do such a thing!"

Seeing Sun Wukong's expression, instead of feeling any fear, Baby laughed happily.

"Hahahahaha!!! That's right!! That's the expression!! Seeing you looking so anxious makes me very happy!!"

Sun Wukong said with a cold face: "The people on Earth have nothing to do with the grudges between you and me. Besides, they are all your subordinates now!"


boom! ! !

Sun Wukong's eyes suddenly widened, and a terrifying momentum burst out from his body instantly!

At the same time, a blue energy ball appeared in each of his hands and palms!

Immediately afterwards, Sun Wukong made a gesture that everyone felt extremely familiar!

"Look at me!!! Ten times... Turtle! Pie! Qi! Gong! Wave!!!"

Boom! ! !

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