"Huh~huh~~ You are indeed powerful, Wukong! But, I am much stronger than you!!"

Baby gasped and looked at Sun Wukong in front of him. At this time, its golden hair had become extremely dull, and many parts of his body were stained with scarlet blood.

Many parts of the body were injured!

The same is true for Sun Wukong, but it seems that Sun Wukong's injury is a little better than that of Baby.

"That's hard to say. Your power is indeed very strong, which makes me feel extremely excited!"

"But... with your strength, there is absolutely no way you can compete with the fourth stage of Super Saiyan!"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Baby showed an arrogant smile.

"When we finish the fight, we will know who is strong and who is weak right away!!"

With that said, Baby took the initiative and fired countless light bullets from his hands! !

"I'll knock you down!"

Facing the coming attack, Sun Wukong calmly raised his hand to attack!

In just one minute, the two of them took action hundreds of times! !

And the wounds on the two people's bodies became more and more at this time.



Suddenly, Sun Wukong and Bebe, like a tacit understanding of partners, let out an angry roar in unison, and both sides hit the other with a huge Qigong wave.

Buzz! !

Another harsh sound sounded!

Rumble, rumble! ! ! !

Two terrifying explosions instantly resounded through the sky! ! !




It seemed that the ground could no longer withstand this terrible energy impact and began to split apart.

And the battle between the two people, in this short confrontation, went from the original place to a new battlefield thousands of miles away! !

The consequence of the impact of the explosion was that when the camera switched to a distant view, when the red planet Ziffr was revealed, its surface looked as ferocious and terrifying as if it had been impacted by countless meteorites!

At this time, Baby's face was covered with sweat and her physical strength had seriously declined.

Of course, Sun Wukong wouldn't be much better, and he was already sweating profusely at this time.

However, compared to Sun Wukong, Baby's heart is more ups and downs.

"This guy's power has been fully restored... Damn it!! I just did so many attacks on him, and he can still recover..."

Yes, just for a moment...

Son Goku's panting state disappeared, and the powerful recovery power of the fourth stage of Super Saiyan has also been revealed! !

"Baby, isn't this the only level of your power?"

A sarcastic smile appeared on Sun Wukong's face. Baby's current condition looked much worse than his.

"Of course!! Of course it won't be like this!!!"

When Baby heard what Sun Wukong said, an angry look appeared on his face, and he launched an attack at Sun Wukong angrily! !


Due to the obvious strength gap, Bebe's attacks were only attacks that Sun Wukong could easily dodge.

"That's it?"

Sun Wukong fell to a flat ground, and behind him was boiling hot magma.

This is the overflow from Baby's previous attack that penetrated the ground...

The strong heat hit his face, but Sun Wukong remained calm.


But Baby couldn't bear it. He was laughed at by Sun Wukong again and again.

"Shut up!!! Shut up!!!"

"I want...I want all your skin, flesh and bones to evaporate!!!"

Uh-huh! ! !

Baby raised his hands in the air!

Throughout the Zful Star, countless qi began to gather towards his hands! !

Buzz! !

A low whistle sounded.

A small black ball appeared in Baby's hands.

But as more and more Qi gathered, this small black circle began to grow bigger and bigger! !


Sun Wukong was stunned. He looked at the huge energy ball held high in both hands by Baby.

He knew exactly what move it was.

Because he will also...

Vitality bomb!

It is the energy of all those who support him that gathers together to form a super powerful energy attack! !

And now the earthlings on the planet Zful and the earthlings still on the earth are almost all Babe's puppets.

So how powerful will this vitality bullet be?

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong felt a deep chill in his heart.


Baby will not give up attacking because of Sun Wukong's mood.

A crazy and ferocious smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Sun Wukong as if he were looking at a dead man!

"Sun Wukong!!! Go to hell!!!"

"Look at my fatal blow!!"

"Revenge!! Death Bomb!!!"

Buzz! ! !

The next moment, the condensed revenge death bomb was thrown towards Sun Wukong by Baby! !

This is a tracking gas attack! It is an attack that is absolutely impossible to dodge! ! !

Facing the extremely terrifying revenge death bomb, Sun Wukong showed a resolute and decisive expression on his face! !

I am Sun Wukong! ! !

received! ! ! !

boom! ! ! ! ! .

Chapter 139 The God of Destruction Beerus has paid attention (please customize)

Dragon Ball World.

"This... what kind of move is this!?"

Sun Wukong's eyes widened as he looked at the moves used by Baby in the video. The terrifying energy instantly hit Sun Wukong who was watching the video.

He has never felt such a powerful and terrifying qi!


As a martial arts genius, Sun Wukong quickly sensed something was wrong.

He discovered that this move seemed to directly track the target's energy and attack!

In other words, unless the person is dead, it is absolutely impossible to avoid this attack! !

"How is it possible... that there is such a move!?"

An extremely shocked expression appeared on Sun Wukong's face, but then, there was a strong excitement.


If he can also learn such a move, it will definitely be a huge improvement to his strength.

But soon, a look of helplessness appeared on Sun Wukong's face. He really wanted to learn it, but at this stage, he had no place to learn this set of moves...

As for Kaioshin in the video?

Come on, now he, the Saiyan has only seen a guy who claimed to be his brother and was killed, and Mao has not seen anyone else.

Not to mention the Kaioshin who looks like a very powerful one.

"Ah...it's so sad..."

Sun Wukong had a look of grievance on his face. He clearly saw that he could become so powerful in the future, but now he had no way to make himself stronger. This made Sun Wukong feel a little frustrated.

As a martial arts idiot, being able to become stronger is a very happy thing for him, but if his current self knows how powerful his future self is, he will definitely feel a gap and helplessness in his heart.

This is what Sun Wukong is like. He can't wait to start practicing now that he may experience in the future! That kind of training made him yearn for it in his heart.

after all……

My future self is so powerful! !

Naruto world.

The corners of Nagato's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt helpless as he looked at the chaotic scene in the Akatsuki organization's secret base.

The messy scene in front of me is also due to the battle between Monkey King and Baby in the video.

After the terrifying energy spread through the video, the dark secret room could no longer bear it, even with the seal arranged by Nagato.

Moreover, what made Nagato feel palpitated the most was that as soon as the energy burst out, the seal he laid was destroyed almost instantly. Even just a trace of this terrible energy seemed to exceed the upper limit that the seal could withstand.

Not only that, the moment the seal was broken, the entire secret base was shaken in an extremely terrifying way.

If it weren't for Nagato's sharp eyesight and quick hands, he immediately used Payne's Six Paths to resist, and it is estimated that the secret base would not only be in a mess, but also in ruins.

Therefore, looking at Sun Wukong and Baby in the video, Nagato felt helpless and fearful in his heart.

This kind of monster, as expected, the self-proclaimed god in the past was still too naive...

League of Legends World Valoran.

Inside the Shadow Island.

Soullock Warden Thresh looked at Baby in the video quietly, his face showing a strong interest in Baby.

The reason lies in the move performed by Baby.

Revenge death bomb!

Yes, in that move, Thresh could clearly feel the rich aura of death on it, which made Thresh's heart extremely hot.

If this aura of death can be swallowed by him, then his strength will inevitably break through the limits and move one step closer to the 'god' stage!

"Babe... what a funny guy."

Thresh's eyes exuded a faint cold light, and a hoarse voice came from his mouth, filled with endless greed...

And in the lantern at his feet, countless ferocious souls were struggling and wailing inside, and then...

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