Such a scene has happened in many worlds in the world, and as the UP host Chen Shu who updated the video, he seriously began to think about some issues.

The number of clicks on the video has stabilized, but the combat power of some previous videos seems to be a bit too high. It seems that it will be a little difficult to get videos of the same level of combat power in the future.

In order to ensure that data is not lost, Chen Shu thought that he might be able to do something meaningful with the help of Wanjie Video Network...

For example, bringing together some of the world's strongest players to play a game? Then the winner can get rewards or something?

"It's a bit of a head start."

Chen Shu nodded, stretched out his hand, and a pen appeared in his hand. Then, he began to write and draw on the cardboard on the table.


In the video, Hercules roared angrily at the blackened King of Dead Hair, and then he waved his sword and ax again and rushed towards the King of Dead Hair.

At this moment, all his energy and blood exploded. He activated his violent skills and rushed in front of King Da Mao at lightning speed.

In just a moment, the two of them clashed again!

Hercules, who represents unparalleled power, clashes with the fiercely slashing black-haired king!

This moment!

The world changes color!

There is no light from the sun or the moon!

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The collision of the two, the black power and the scarlet power interact with each other, merging with each other and repelling each other,

And this confrontation of energy turned into a terrifying energy aftermath that spread around!




Like the continuous impact of sound waves, the black swamp centered on the two people seemed to be buried in smoke and dust at this moment, and the raging smoke and dust continued to attack the surroundings.

Buzz! ! !

With a low cry, the entire ground collapsed instantly! ! !

Uh-huh! ! !

A sharp sword light shot into the sky.

The surrounding poor city walls were cut open again by this sharp sword light!

boom! ! !

This time, everyone watching the video saw clearly.

In the confrontation between Hercules and the blackened King of Hair, it is obvious that King King of Hair, blessed by the power of darkness, has the upper hand!


Although the attack of the Blackened Dead-haired King was still extremely sharp this time, Hercules did not repeat the same mistake and was destroyed by the sword of the Blackened Dead-haired King.

I saw the blackened Dai Mao Wang being pushed away by this powerful thrust, and the dazzling sparks where his feet constantly rubbed against the ground drew two deep and long marks.

Hercules, on the other hand, used this thrust to jump directly into the air, moving extremely flexibly among the rocks that were shattered and blown into the sky.

The next moment, Hercules came to a huge rock pillar. His scarlet eyes stared directly at the blackened stupid hairy king below, and he roared angrily at her.

Roar! ! ! !

boom! ! ! !

The next moment, Hercules kicked the rock pillar in front of him directly towards the blackened idiot king! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Immediately afterwards, it was the second kick! The third kick! !

Hercules, who was constantly moving in the air, was very flexible and kicked three nearby huge rock pillars towards the blackened stupid king.

The blackened stupid king below was not afraid at all and raised his sword!

One sword!

Two swords!

Three swords!

The dexterous sword skills and sharp slashes merged into one at this moment, easily cutting the three huge rock pillars flying into pieces.

When Heracles saw how easily the blackened idiot king neutralized his attack, he was very angry and unhappy.

He jumped directly onto a broken building on the broken city wall and pulled up a corner of the roof!

Immediately afterwards, he carried it on his back and threw it towards the blackened Daimao King at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour.

The blackened Daimao King was naturally not afraid of this seemingly powerful but powerful but powerful attack. He directly waved the long sword in his hand. Although it was a passive defense, he could still completely smash the oncoming huge rocks with ease.

But this time...

Roar! ! ! !

A shocking roar suddenly sounded! ! !


The blackened idiot Mao Wang was stunned for a moment. She was not shocked by Heracles's roar, but...

Hercules didn't know when he had appeared behind her! ! !

What! ?

The blackened idiot king turned his head, and before he could make any move, Hercules had already launched an attack! !

boom! ! ! !

A powerful punch! ! !

boom! ! !

The city wall they were on instantly collapsed and shattered! ! ! .

Chapter 147: The blackened King Da Mao is so handsome! (Please customize)

Boom, boom, boom! !

The sky is full of smoke and dust...

All accompanied by the sword of Heracles flying wantonly in the air.

Huge bombing sounds continued to sound from the crumbling city wall, and from time to time, a scarlet light or blood-red sword energy erupted from the crumbling city wall.

The camera zoomed in, and everyone watching the video discovered that Hercules and the blackened King Da Mao were still fighting on the collapsed city wall.

Both of their feet continued to emit sparks as they slid down the wall of the city wall. Similarly, the two of them also continued to use their strength to rush towards each other.

boom! ! !

The sword and ax struck the blackened Dumao King's sword again, and a brilliant spark exploded.

The powerful recoil pushed the distance between the two of them away, but Hercules and the blackened Dumbao King were like tireless fighting machines, without making any adjustment to unload force, and rushed towards each other again.




The two of them clash quickly! allow! ruthless!

Every collision erupts with extremely terrifying energy aftermath that rushes around.

Therefore, not only the wall of the city where they were located continued to collapse, but even the surrounding walls began to collapse.

However, at this moment, everyone who watched the video was somewhat surprised to discover something.

Heracles, who was originally at a disadvantage, slowly began to turn the situation around! ?

That blonde she tired?

In the video, they all clearly saw that the blackened King Da Mao was caught by Hercules just by not paying attention, and was pushed to the ground and hammered wildly.

Many people were frightened when they saw those attacks, especially the group of crispy ninjas from Naruto World, who were all panicked after seeing it.

If they were in this kind of battle, they would have been reduced to a puddle of flesh.

Naruto world.

Sand Ninja Village.

"This is too scary..."

A ninja from Sand Ninja Village's eyes widened, and he looked at the battle scene in the video with a painful look on his face.

He really couldn't imagine how terrifying that blonde girl's physique was, that she could withstand such a powerful attack.

"Hey, hey, hey... if it were us, we wouldn't be able to survive for a second in this kind of battle."

A chuunin from the Sand Ninja Village also looked desperate. He was already an uncle in his thirties. He had participated in the Ninja World War and witnessed battles between Kage levels.

But he really hasn't seen any hand-to-hand combat between movie ranks that is as terrifyingly destructive as the one in the video.

oh! right……

The Raikage of Hidden Cloud Village seems to be able to do it...

Princess Tsunade of Konoha seems to be able to do it too...

It seems that the loess jounin of Iwagakure can do it too...

It seems that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure Village can also do it...

Hmm...our Sunagakure Village...sss...fuck! It seems we don’t have any in Sunagakure Village! !

The chuunin thought for a moment. The most famous person in Sunagakure Village is the puppet master... but ordinary puppet masters are simply unable to complete such a terrifying hand-to-hand combat! !

Suddenly, Suna Ninja felt pain in his face.

At the same time, Konoha Village.

"Teacher Kai!! Does this level of physical confrontation really exist!!!"

In a forest training ground next to Konoha Village, a young man with a watermelon hairdo and green tights looked at the middle-aged man with the same look next to him with bright eyes.

They are the master-disciple duo of Xiguapi, Matt Kay and Rock Lee!

Metkai was also extremely excited. He looked at this powerful confrontation, and the powerful body made him, a training madman, extremely excited.

Hearing Locke Li's question, Metkai had tears in his eyes and gave a thumbs up: "That's right, Li!! This is the secret of physical skills!! Only a strong physical body can reflect our efforts. !!”

"Teacher Kai!!! I understand!! I will definitely make myself extremely powerful like them in the video!!"

Locke Li's eyes shed tears of emotion, and he looked at Metkai with excitement.

And Metkai also turned his head and met Rock Li's eyes.


"Teacher Kai!!!"

The next second, the two green watermelon rinds suddenly cried and hugged each other, and their background became the setting sun.

That is their lost youth! !

Back to the picture.

The blackened Da Mao King and Hercules had now moved the battlefield from the city wall to a forest.

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