Looking at Xiaomi Homura who seemed to be in some kind of emotion, Sayaka still had that meaningful smile on her lips, but she did not continue the topic.

Bang bang bang!

Sayaka ran behind Xiaomi Homura and seemed to be talking to herself: "Hey~ Isn't this matter so inappropriate? Don't compete with anyone, everyone works together to survive... Such a praying heart, Is the crime so unforgivable that it must be punished?"

Hearing Sayaka's words, Xiaomi Homura had a look of astonishment on her face.

"You...do you want to protect the witch!?"

Sayaka looked at Xiaomi Homura, with a trace of helplessness and pity in her eyes.

"After all, that is our attitude after reaching the end, so we can't help but sympathize with them."

Hearing this, Xiao Meiyan's emotions seemed to be turned on...

Her whole body suddenly began to exude a cold aura, and her eyes were filled with a hint of scarlet.

"I also remembered the most important thing just now... Tomoe Mami thought of fighting monsters, not witches..."

"Sakura Kyoko didn't reason that this might be a witch's barrier, and it wasn't because she forgot about the witch."

"But neither of them knows that witches exist... This is of course... because witches no longer exist in this universe. The souls of all magical girls were recycled by the principle of the circle before they became witches. .”

Xiao Meiyan raised her head and looked at the bright moon in the sky, and chuckled: "It was that child who reshaped the world into this. At the expense of her own sacrifice..."

When Sayaka heard Xiao Meiyan's words, she also showed a gentle look on her face: "Really... So you still remember..."

The magic power in Xiao Meiyan's body fluctuated more and more, and she looked at Sayaka with indifferent eyes: "Yes..."

"I should be the only one who still remembers it... There are three people here who simply cannot exist!"

"One is the witch who set up this barrier!!"

"The second is Beibei who is still in the form of a witch!!"

"The last one...is you who know the witch!!"

"You!! Who are you!!!"

"Are you really... Sayaka Miki!!!"

Boom! ! !

Following Xiao Meiyan's questioning, terrifying magic power fluctuations burst out from Xiao Meiyan's body! ! !

Buzz! ! !

A low roar that could only be heard by those in the world who were watching the video sounded! !

Facing Akatsuki Homura who had erupted a terrible magic power without realizing it, Sayaka's face was calm and she replied calmly:

"Of course I am the me you know~~~"

"Transfer student!!!"

boom! ! !

The terrifying cold aura immediately began to spread with Xiao Meiyan as the center! ! !


The world of Detective Conan.

"What's this!!!"

Edogawa Conan's eyes widened. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but an extremely cold aura spread out from the Bankai Video Network.

This cold breath seems to have lowered the temperature of Dr. Ali's house a lot!

Hui Yuan Ai silently picked up a small blanket and covered her body with a trace of pity on her face.

"The witch... turns out to be Akatsuki Homura herself?"

Edogawa Conan looked at Haibara Ai, and saw that she was wrapped in a small blanket, looking like a kitten that was afraid of the cold, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"What's wrong?"

Haibara Ai looked at Edogawa Conan with a confused look on his face.

"No...but I didn't expect that Xiaomi Homura, who has been pursuing the traces of the witch, is actually the witch herself...and what is this inexplicable aura...it's too scary...ah~~楸!!"

As he spoke, Edogawa Conan couldn't help but sneeze.

Dr. Agasa looked at Edogawa Conan and Haibara Ai in confusion, and asked: "Shinichi, Ai, what are you talking about? Shouldn't that witch be the guy named Miki Sayaka?"

Haibara Ai shook his head: "That's not true... Dr. Agasa, what Miki Sayaka said just now was actually hinting at Xiao Meiyan's creation of the so-called witch that covered Mitakihara's barrier. Xiao Meiyan herself."

Edogawa Conan also added: "But Xiaomi Homura seems to have misunderstood. She is not aware of the fact that she is a witch..."

Hui Yuan Ai shook his head: "It's not that I didn't realize it... I should have subconsciously tried to avoid the fact that I am a witch..."

"So, she is also a poor person...a poor person trapped in obsession..."

The corner of Edogawa Conan's mouth raised slightly. He really couldn't appreciate those previous videos of fighting and killing, but this kind of video that requires using his brain is perfect for him.

"Yeah...but I'm really looking forward to what happens next...I wonder if anything will happen that can shock us."

Saying that, Conan shrank again...

The temperature is getting colder….

Chapter 160: Madoka’s words, Xiaomi Homura finally becomes a witch! ! (Please customize)

Naruto world.


Nagato looked at the picture in the video, and he subconsciously ignored the cold aura that burst out from the video.

"Witch...this power is quite powerful."

Nagato's heart sank. This seemingly young magical girl could actually have such terrifying power after becoming a witch... It seemed that he was still too naive in the past.

"However, the witch seems to be a pitiful existence."

Konan stood beside Nagato, and there seemed to be some emotion flowing in his eyes.

"It's not her fault...it's the world."

Nagato was silent for a moment and said with incomparable indifference: "So...this twisted world must be changed, even if...my current strength is not worthy of being called a god."

Konan glanced at Nagato distressedly and asked, "Nagato, do you think she has the strength to change their twisted world?"

"I don't know...but I can feel that her strength is far from reaching its limit. Even...her strength is still in its infancy."

Nagato shook his head, his two samsara eyes staring straight at the video.

It's just the embryonic stage...

There is such a heart-stopping strength...

So what will your strength be after you become a witch?

I am looking forward! !

Death world.

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned. He felt something from the video that made their Shinigami very uncomfortable.

"Is this virtual?"

Kuchiki Rukia asked with a solemn expression.

"No...but just as annoying as Hollow."

Kurosaki Ichigo shook his head. This aura made him very uncomfortable, and he wanted to kill him with a Getsuga Tenshō sword.

"Why did magical girls become like this!!! My magical girl dream disappeared!!"

In the classroom, a female classmate wailed sadly. In their world, there are many comics and animations about magical girls. The existence of this healing system makes many girls yearn for and pursue it.

After watching this video today...

The healing magical girl turned into a depressed magical girl.

It is inevitable that many girls with beautiful fantasies will become depressed.

Looking at the wailing female voices around, Kuchiki Rukia sighed.

She just hopes that these girls will only be sad for a while...otherwise, they will be in trouble if they are taken advantage of...

"But this aura... is really scary... By the way, do you think this is her full strength?"

Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head and asked.

"No...it must be more than this strength. Otherwise, I don't think she is worthy of the title of witch."

Kuchiki Rukia shook her head, and at this moment, Ishida Uryu suddenly spoke and said:

"I feel that her current state is somewhere between a witch and a magical girl, but depending on the situation, she will probably become a witch soon."

Ishida Uryū's perception is very keen, and he can clearly feel the instability of the aura erupting in the video.

Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki glanced at Uryū Ishida curiously, but the other party seemed to have no intention of continuing. Afterwards, the two of them turned their attention to the video again.

The Riddler is indeed the most annoying!

Return to the video screen.

Sayaka suddenly lifted up her cloak, causing a splash of water below!

The next second!

Click! !

Time stands still!

Akatsuki Homura raised her pistol, pointed it in Sayaka's direction and fired a magic bullet! !

However, after Xiao Meiyan fired the shot, there was no trace of joy on her face.


Time stands still·solution!

The lifted white robe suddenly turned into a puddle of water and fell to the ground, where Sayaka's figure had already disappeared.

"Escaped too quickly."

Xiao Meiyan frowned.

She was completely unaware that a cold breath was constantly flowing out of her shadow, as if...

It's like a shadow that is constantly eroding her! !

Xiao Meiyan put away the gun and said as if talking to herself: "You should be a useless person..."

At this time, Sayaka's words suddenly came from all around.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Are you really willing to destroy this Mitakihara... Please think twice before you act... Don't let yourself regret it..."

The sound slowly disappeared, leaving only Xiao Meiyan walking slowly towards the dark passage...


When the camera turned, Xiao Meiyan was standing on the bow of a ship, but everyone watching the video could see that Xiao Meiyan's state seemed not quite right at this time.

Her face became extremely pale, but she kept saying something viciously.


She seems to have begun to degenerate into a witch...


Suddenly, Madoka's voice came from the bridge ahead.

And the person that Xiao Meiyan cares about the most is Madoka.

Her voice seemed to have magic power, pulling Xiaomi Homura back from an unstable mental state.

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