The camera keeps zooming out!





In the end, in this universe, everyone watching the video showed expressions of disbelief and horror.

That is the pressure of gods! !

No matter how powerful you are, you will still feel this pressure! !

What frightens them even more is...

In the picture, after the entire universe was covered by crystals, the colorful darkness actually condensed into a magic circle that enveloped the entire universe! !


Snapped! ! !

A brand new witch barrier covering the entire universe has taken shape! !

The original principle of the circle, at this moment, combined with Xiao Meiyan's lament...

The soul gem slowly took shape and fell into Xiao Meiyan's hands.

At this moment, she is the new god of this universe...

New...Demon! ! !

boom! ! ! !

The terrible coercion immediately rushed towards the blockade of Wanjie Video Network. However, even the will and power of the entire universe still could not shake the blockade of Wanjie Video Network even half an inch! ! !

However, the power of gods, the power of laws, and the power of new universe concepts are still spreading outward under the authority of Wanjie Video Network!

But just this...

For the vast majority of powerful people in the world watching the video, it is an extremely terrifying pressure! ! !

But all of this has nothing to do with the flame demon in the video...

She is just...

He just became the leader of one of the many worlds in the universe.

And that terrifying power completely exploded at this moment! ! !

The video ends prematurely just before the power completely explodes.

After all, no matter how small the world is, it still possesses the power of perfect laws, and this scene of rebuilding new concepts and new laws was spread through the Wanjie Video Network.

No matter how powerful the Wanjie Video Network is, the ordinary people watching the video are still unable to bear the concept of changing the laws of the world and beyond their understanding.

And the only outcome is to explode and die!

So when Chen Shu made this, he also wanted to avoid this situation from happening.

The video ends abruptly before the new world rules are constructed!


Even after the video ends.

The shock left in the hearts of all audiences in the world is still extremely huge...

After all, that was the closest they'd ever come to looking directly at the reconstruction of the Law! ! !

Looking at the big word "End" in the video screen, the world was silent for a long time, and then exploded in an instant! ! ! .

Chapter 166: Single world ranking list! The Ten-Tails Resurrection! ! (Please customize)

Looking at the big word "End" on the video, the powerful men in the world fell silent.

Pirate world.

It has to be said that the powerful pirates at this time no longer have much character.

Even the four emperors, Kaido and Big Mom, went from feeling bored at the beginning to becoming silent later on.

They were no longer arrogant and underestimated the power of this so-called magical girl.

How could they proclaim themselves kings and emperors in the Grand Line? Facing such a powerful person who could restructure the laws and even the controller of the entire universe, they were incomparable.

"Rebuilding a new concept of the universe... is really scary."

Kaido was silent for a long time and sighed.

This time, it truly refreshed his concept of strength. Perhaps this power of reconstructing the law is the pinnacle of strength, right?

Not only Kaido, but countless people in the pirate world expressed similar emotions at this moment.

Many people have become decadent because they know that no matter how hard they try, they cannot reach that point, and their strong will has been damaged.

And more people are full of desire for strength. After all, this kind of visible state gives them more motivation to pursue.

At the same time, the powerful people in the world became more curious about the owner of the video.

It would be fine if all the previous extremely powerful battle scenes could be clearly recorded.

Even this scene of re-constructing the universe can be recorded, so how powerful is this up master?

This has also caused many discussions in the world.

"Who is this author? How did he capture such a scene? And it was a recast of the universe... Wouldn't he be affected in the slightest?"

"How powerful is this author? Why do I feel like I will see more shocking videos in the future?"

"The world seems to be bigger than I imagined. This author's videos really refreshed my vision and world view again and again. I decided that I don't want to be the kind of strong person who can reshape the universe. , least I want to become a being that can be admired by thousands of people!"

There are many voices with such ambition in all the worlds.

A certain silver castle in the pirate world.

After watching the video, Hawkeye silently picked up the black knife Ye.

His strength is too weak in comparison. Sure enough... he needs to continue practicing!

Hawkeye knows very well that he is the world's greatest swordsman in the pirate world. This is an honor and a pressure.

Although he has reached the strongest swordsman level, he still desires to become stronger.

Especially now, he has seen what kind of level he can reach after reaching a certain level of strength, which has stimulated his inner fighting spirit even more.

he wants! !

Continue to hit higher limits! ! !

Naruto world.

Uzumaki Naruto stared blankly at the ceiling. He had finished watching the video. He still couldn't fully understand that kind of strength.

But he still has insomnia...

Because, he learned a shocking news tonight.


Uzumaki Naruto...

Konoha's nine-tailed demon fox...

He is the son of the Hero of Konoha, the Fourth Hokage!

This made him feel very complicated.

Most of them are puzzled.


It is obvious that he is the hero of Konoha Village, but why is the treatment he receives not like the treatment that a hero should receive?

This confused him.

Could it be...

Did he do something wrong?

Uzumaki Naruto didn't know and didn't want to think too much about it.

However, he was still very happy inside.

At least, he knows that his parents are heroes!

And his father is the fourth generation Hokage whom he has always admired so much!

What makes him happiest is that his parents can always accompany him.

Yes, stay with him!

Although it was only within his tailed beast's sealed space.

That mysterious sentence seemed to have an extremely powerful nourishing effect on the chakra his father left in his body.

It allows Minato and Kushina to stay in the sealed space without consuming any chakra.

This was extremely happy for Naruto Uzumaki, because... he could finally experience the love his parents had for him.

At this moment, Naruto Uzumaki's vision suddenly went dark, and he lost consciousness instantly...

When he woke up again, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki were standing in front of him with smiles on their faces.

"Naruto! The uploader you follow has updated his video!"

"Shall we watch it together?"

Uzumaki Naruto stared blankly at his father and mother in front of him.

He never dreamed that one day he would be able to watch TV with his parents...

Without hesitation, Uzumaki Naruto resisted the urge to cry and nodded vigorously.

Three people and one tailed beast sat together and opened a new video.

And the name of this video is different from before.

The new video is called…

[A list of world-shaking famous scenes! Ninja World·Ten Tails VS Ninja Alliance! ! ! 】

The world never expected that while they were still discussing the video they had just watched, the up owner would suddenly update the video again.

Moreover, a list appeared next to this video!

At the same time, many people have noticed the name of this video.

It's called Inventory of Famous Scenes That Shocked the World.

Does this mean that the next video review will show shocking and famous scenes from a certain world?

This also means that the strong men in each world have more chances to be on the list, and the chance of receiving rewards from Wanjie Video Network is also greater!

How can this keep people from going crazy! !

Many people immediately clicked into the video, even though the world in the video was not the world they were in.

But it was enough to get them excited.

The video screen started playing.

At the beginning of the picture, there is a figure that everyone is very familiar with.

Uchiha Madara! ! !

A blood-colored moon in the sky quietly illuminated this barren land, while Uchiha Madara sat leisurely on a certain rock pillar and looked quietly in a certain direction.

"Next, let's get started."

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