Back to the scene in the video.

Neji was held in Uzumaki Naruto's arms and he called out to the medical team.

But everyone who watched the video knew that the young man named Neji was hopeless.

Neji himself was very aware of his situation. He put his head on Naruto's arm with a weak look on his face.

"Naruto, Hinata-sama is willing to sacrifice himself for you, so your life... is not only this one, it seems that my life is also... one of them."

Naruto's face was extremely ugly, he couldn't accept that Neji died to protect him.

" could you die here!! You treat Hinata..."

Before Naruto could finish his words, he was interrupted by Hinata Neji.

"It was you who used those words to free me from the curse of fate."

Tears slowly gathered in the corners of Naruto's eyes.

"Why do you have to sacrifice for me!!! Risk your life to protect me!!!"

Hinata Neji tried his best to smile, but his consciousness was getting blurry.

"Because you... said I was a genius... Father, I finally understand the... feeling of freedom when you chose to sacrifice yourself to protect your companions..."

After Neji said this, he became completely silent. He fell limply into Naruto's arms, and then fell to the ground.

At this time, Uchiha Obito on the head of the Ten-Tails sneered: "Naruto, didn't you say you wouldn't let your companions be killed? You didn't forget what you said yourself, right?"

"Come, look around you."

Uchiha Obito looked indifferently at the ruined scene in front of him, with corpses pierced by wooden thorns lying around.

His move caused the death of hundreds of people in the entire ninja coalition.

Uchiha Obito's words hit people's hearts directly. He looked at the lost Naruto and continued to say coldly: "I'll let you say it again, come on! Touch the body of your companion that is slowly getting cold, and experience death!!"

Listening to Uchiha Obito's words, most of the people watching the video fell silent.

They recalled their past experiences, and more or less, they all experienced the death of friends, companions, and relatives.

Uchiha Obito's words were like a sharp thorn, tearing their wounds once again.

In an instant, most of the powerful men in the world had a favorable impression of Uchiha Obito -999.

In the video, Uchiha Obito is still continuing to talk.

"Death will continue, and your rash remarks and ideas will become lies. This is the result of stating your ideals and hopes! This is reality!!! Naruto, what is there in such a reality? There are no parents, no Jiraiya Teacher, as long as you continue to be my enemy, your companions will die one by one like them!"

"A world where no one recognizes you, and what is waiting for you at the end is what you are most familiar with! What you are most afraid of! Endless loneliness!!!"

Killing people and punishing the heart is nothing more than that. Uchiha Madara looked at Obito. At this time, the other person seemed to see his former self. He knew that Uzumaki Naruto was about to fall under Uchiha Obito's remarks. .

And Uchiha Obito's sharp words continued.

"Why is there any need to stay in reality? Come to me quickly! Naruto!!"

Uchiha Obito said, he stretched out his hand towards Naruto, as if 'my side is your final destination'.

Uzumaki Naruto slowly raised his head. He looked at Uchiha Obito in front of him with dull eyes, and seemed to be in some kind of struggle in his heart.

Just then...

Snapped! !

A crisp sound sounded!

Naruto's eyes widened!

It's Hinata...

She gritted her teeth and gave Naruto a slap, and this slap completely woke him up from his confusion!

"Brother Neji said just now that Naruto-kun has more than one life. Do you understand what he means?"

Facing Hinata Hinata's question, Naruto looked at the other party blankly.

"Never let your companions be killed. This sentence! This belief! It is absolutely not false!! Brother Neji has kept this sentence in mind! And... he did it!"

"I wonder if you are alone, Naruto, but everyone is the same! We all carry this sentence and this belief in our hearts! We are closely connected to each other's lives, so... we are companions!"

"If...if we all give up on these words and this concept, and abandon them, everything Brother Neji has done will be in vain!"

"That way!! It's really like killing your companion!!"

After hearing Hinata Hinata's words, Uzumaki Naruto's eyes regained their brightness, and he figured it out.

Uchiha Obito's expression became extremely embarrassed. He never expected that he was finally ready to seduce Naruto, but a little girl actually cracked it! !

At this moment, Obito Uchiha angrily controlled the Ten-Tails and prepared to use the Tailed Beast Jade to eliminate all these guys who overestimated their capabilities! !

At this moment, Naruto stretched out his right hand and held Hinata's hand tightly, and he woke up.

A sincere smile appeared on Hinata's face, and she stood up with Naruto.

"Thanks for being by my side."

A trace of tenderness flashed across Naruto Uzumaki's face, and he looked at Hinata Hinata.

He looked at Hinata Neji who was lying lifeless on the ground again, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.

"Thank you...Neji!"


A golden flame emerged from around Uzumaki Naruto's body, and then slowly disappeared into the air.

Uzumaki Naruto raised his left hand.

make a fist! !

Nine-tails chakra mode is on! ! !

"It's about to happen!! Hinata!!!"

Naruto's eyes changed instantly, and terrifying chakra suddenly erupted all over his body, and a golden chakra coat wrapped him tightly!

As for Hinata, her eyes were firm, and her body was covered with a scarlet tailed beast chakra coat!

This is Kyuubi Chakra's shared WiFi mode! ! !

fighting! !

It hasn’t stopped yet! ! .

Chapter 171: The outbreak of the Ten-Tails! ! (Please customize)

Heart to heart, hand in hand! Naruto holds hands with big hands!

After the Nine-Tails Chakra mode was turned on, even Hinata put on the Nine-Tails Chakra coat.

This sudden change surprised both Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito.

The ninjas around also looked at the changes in Naruto and Hinata with shocked expressions.

A confident smile appeared on Naruto's face. He formed a shadow clone seal that was different from before, and three distractions instantly appeared behind him.

Without saying a word, these distracted people immediately started to take action, running quickly towards the ninjas around them!

Three golden figures quickly shuttled around these still alive ninjas!

High five!

Then move on to the next goal! !

Soon, the blood-red Nine-Tails Chakra coat appeared on every ninja's body like a spark that started a prairie fire.

"This is!?"

Some ninjas looked at the Nine-Tails Chakra coat wrapped around them in surprise.

The wounds on their bodies healed quickly with the help of Nine-Tails Chakra.

Moreover, the nine-tailed chakra has strengthened them far more than that. Now they feel that their own strength has made a qualitative leap! !

This is the method that Shikaku Nara, Chief of Staff of the Ninja Alliance, came up with before his death to fight against the Ten-Tails and the two powerful Uchiha! !

After this step was completed, Nara Shikamaru, who was entrusted with the next command task by Nara Shikaku, immediately conveyed the next attack strategy to the entire ninja coalition through Ino!

"Secret Technique·Shadow Imitation Technique!!"

At this moment, all the ninjas united as one, and the Nara clan quickly used the secret technique of shadow. Countless shadows gathered together, forming a huge shadow and rushed directly towards the Ten-Tails!

The Earth Release Ninja firmly input chakra, and the rock walls suddenly rose up on both sides, firmly fixing the Ten-Tails in place!

Uchiha Obito's face turned ugly as he rushed into the attack, and he immediately controlled the Ten-Tails to attack all the ninjas below with his tail! !

"Secret Technique: The Technique of Super Doubling!!"

Bang bang bang! !

A series of angry shouts sounded from the ninja coalition!

They are the ninjas of the Akimichi clan!

Wearing the coats of tailed beast chakra, they suddenly surged tens of meters, blocking the ten tails attacking from the ten tails.


Nara Shikamaru shouted with difficulty, and Ino instantly flew into the sky with the help of Sai's ninjutsu, aiming at Uchiha Obito!

"Secret Technique: Heart-to-Heart Transformation Technique!!"

Snapped! !

Uchiha Obito's expression changed. The next second, because he wanted to control the Ten-Tails, he couldn't avoid it. Ino used a secret technique to enter his body!

"Get out!!!"

However, the strength gap between Uchiha Obito and Ino was still too big, and Ino's control only lasted less than three seconds.

Uchiha Madara's face was gloomy. Although it was only controlled for three seconds, during the time Obito was controlled, all the pressure of controlling the Ten-Tails was on Uchiha Madara.

As a being who is not completely resurrected, Uchiha Madara can barely control the Ten-Tails, let alone order the Ten-Tails to attack!

On this one, Naruto and others launched an attack!

All the ninjas followed Naruto Uzumaki's footsteps and jumped up high. Their formation formed a blood-red scimitar, directly cutting off the tail of the ten tails blocking the way!

He rushed towards Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito who were above the Ten-Tails' heads with undiminished momentum!

At this time, Uchiha Obito broke free from the control, but looking at the attack so close at hand, he had no way to save it!

"Rasen Shuriken!!!"

"Eight Gate Dunjia!!"

In the ninja team, Naruto and Xiao Li, who were the main attackers, launched an attack on Uchiha Obito without hesitation.

Of course, their target has never been these two.

But to interrupt the control between them and the Ten-Tails!

That's right!

It's the wooden tentacle that grows from the cells of Senju Hashirama on the chests of Obito and Uchiha!

The tentacle that pierced the Ten-Tails' head was the reason why Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara were able to control the Ten-Tails! ! !

Uh-huh! !

Uh-huh! !

The two people standing on the head of the Ten-Tails were like immovable puppet masters. Although they understood what the other party wanted to do, they were unable to make effective resistance at all!


Two tearing sounds sounded!

The wooden escape pipes on their chests split into two instantly!

And the two of them were also hit from the head of the Ten-Tails by the impact of the ninja coalition! ! !

"Cough cough cough!!"

Uchiha Obito fell to the ground wastefully, while Uchiha Madara remained expressionless, as if being released from control of the Ten-Tails didn't matter to him at all.

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