
Boom! ! !

At this moment, Uchiha Madara was kicked away by the powerful impact and hit the rock wall in the distance.

In an instant, the rock wall collapsed into rubble! !

The earth shook! ! !

Then, Metkai's figure fell from the sky!

After the Red Dragon, there will be no more Ye Kai...

Many people stared blankly at the word "End" in the video screen, still immersed in this huge shock.

I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time...


Become famous in one battle! ! .

Chapter 185, Battle of the Valley of the End! Uzumaki Naruto VS Uchiha Sasuke! ! (Please customize)

"This Metkai is really a good strong man!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I really didn't expect that someone as strong as Madara Uchiha would actually become a backdrop. This person named Metkai, I, Mihawk, will remember."

"But it's such a pity that the video ends here. I still want to see the next scene. The sequelae of this Eight Gate Dunjia Formation seem to be very big. I really want to know what the sequelae are like."

"After the Death Door of the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation opened, it must have been at the expense of life. It is estimated that after this battle, the man named Metkai died."

"I see... It's such a pity that such a strong man shouldn't have passed away like this. Alas... I feel a little sad for no reason."

The strong men from all over the world came back to their senses and were full of praise for Metkai in this video. They all regretted the possible death of Metkai after the battle.

At the same time, the thought of whether Metkai really fell still lingers in the minds of people in the world like an itch.

After all, there is no ending, and no one is sure whether Metkai is really dead.

Many strong men in the world recognized Metkai's strength.

Not because of anything else, just because he challenged Six Paths Madara in a mortal body, and also showed an extremely shocking performance.

The world of spiritual cages.

"Ah! Has Uncle Uchiha Madara been killed? That thick-browed Uncle Metkai is really awesome."

Bai Yuekui listened to Xia Dou's innocent words and shook his head, but did not shock the other person's imagination.

But in her heart, she was very sure that the six-spotted spot was definitely not dead yet, because she could see that although Metkai's final blow was used, it was not completely completed.

This half-finished attack can hurt the Six Paths Madara, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat it.

However, these were just Bai Yuekui's own opinions, so she did not refute Xia Dou's words, but quietly looked at the forum of Wanjie Video Network.

The world of One Punch Man.

The shock in Genos's eyes was extremely strong, and he couldn't wait to share the news with Teacher Saitama.

However, at this time, Saitama was confronting Boros, and neither of them took the lead.

But even so, the terrifying pressure released by the two people still made it difficult for people like them to get close.

The battle took place on an uninhabited island.

This was specifically requested by Saitama.

After all, if he doesn't fight, Boros will destroy the earth.

Saitama will never allow the other party to do this.

"Teacher...well, I can only wait until the two of them decide the winner before telling the teacher about this matter."

Genos felt the terrible pressure from a distance, sighed, and said to himself.

He never thought about the possibility of Saitama's defeat. From the beginning to the end, he was extremely convinced that Saitama would definitely bring about the final victory.

After all, after being together for so long, he had more or less figured out Saitama's temperament.

Saitama is actually a very militant person, but his strength far exceeds that of any species on earth.

That's why he feels lonely.

If Saitama's enemy is not strong enough, it will even make Saitama angry.

Although it seemed that Saitama himself was forced to fight against Boros, Genos knew very well that Saitama still wanted to fight Boros in his heart.

After all, Boros also received a reward from Wanjie Video Network.

I just don’t know who of the two people who have also received awards from Wanjie Video Network will have a greater improvement...

Just as Genos was thinking, suddenly, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from where Saitama and Boros were, and then...


Boros's eyes widened. He stared blankly at a space crack that suddenly appeared in the sky. A hand stretched out from inside, grabbed Saitama and Boros, and then... brought them both in. into the cracks.

The whole earth...

There is no more Saitama's scent! !

"What the hell happened!!"

At the same time, a message suddenly popped up on Wanjie Video Network.

[The battle live broadcast room of All Worlds and Worlds has been opened. The content of this live broadcast is: Boros VS Saitama. Both are rewarded strengtheners by the All Worlds Video Network. The countdown to the start of the live broadcast is 1 hour. 】

"live streaming!?"

Genos's eyes widened and he looked at the message that popped up in front of him in disbelief.

This Wanjie Video Network can actually span the world! ! !

Just the next second, a pop-up window appeared.

[The UP master you are following has been updated! 】

[Inventory of world-shaking famous scenes (Ninja World): The fateful battle, the final battle in the Valley of the End! ! ! (NO.2)]

Genos was shocked!

Another... updated video again! ! !

Naruto world.

Jiraiya was confused. Looking at the words on the title, he knew exactly where the Valley of the End was.

That was the place where the First Hokage Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara fought.

After that battle, Senju Hashirama passed away not long after, which was mentioned in the Konoha history class at the ninja school.

Could it be that the next battle will be between the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara! ? ?

Uchiha Madara is on the list again! ?

Jiraiya felt a little sore in his balls.

If it were true, Uchiha Madara would have made the list three times.

You must know that every time the person on the list is listed, Wanjie Video Network will give a reward to the person on the list. This Uchiha Madara has been on the list three times. How terrible will his strength be when the other party is resurrected in the future? ?

Not only Jiraiya, but Tsunade on the side also realized this instantly when he saw the title, and his face became extremely embarrassed.

Before Uchiha Madara received the reward, his strength was enough to defeat the shadows of the five major ninja villages who had joined forces.

And how terrifyingly will Uchiha Madara, who has been rewarded twice, improve in strength in the future? ?

Tsunade didn't dare to think about it.

Not to mention that this video of Uchiha Madara may continue to be on the list.

At this moment, all the ninjas in the ninja world couldn't help but take a breath when they thought of this.

Feeling anxious, everyone in the ninja world clicked on the video to watch.

As soon as the video screen appeared...

Boom! ! ! !

A terrifying and powerful shock wave suddenly erupted, and the terrifying momentum instantly rushed out of the video screen!

A 'buzz' sound!

Everyone who watched the video was shocked by the sudden momentum.

Even...some of them froze in place with their brains blank.

what's going on? ? ?

Didn't this just start playing the video? ?

This video is so exciting from the beginning! ?

So how shocking will this battle be? ? ?

Among all the worlds, people in the low-level martial arts world were stunned after clicking on the video.

The most shocking thing about the appearance of the video footage was all the ninjas in Konoha Village in the ninja world.

Jiraiya's eyes widened and he pointed at the two people on the screen with a look of disbelief.

Tsunade was also stunned, the terrifying giant thing on her chest kept rising and falling.

Shizune also looked confused and in disbelief, as if she was dreaming.

In the Leaf Village, Hiruzen Sarutobi opened his mouth in shock, and he didn't even notice that the pipe in his mouth fell to the ground.

Because the two people who appeared in the video were so unexpected!

Uzumaki Naruto...

Sasuke Uchiha……

How could it be them! ? ? ?

At this moment, everyone's expressions looked like they had seen a ghost.

All I can say is...

Confused! .

Chapter 186, Konoha Genin? ? ? You're telling me this is a genin! ? ? (Please customize)

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth wide. He was already a little confused. Even as a well-informed Hokage, he still couldn't accept the scene in front of him.

On the other side of the root tissue, Shimura Danzo squeezed the crutch in his hand tightly. He gritted his teeth hard to prevent himself from yelling.

What the hell is this! ?

Tell me what the hell is this! ?

Uzumaki Naruto! ?

Sasuke Uchiha? ?

This explosion of terrifying momentum, which made him tremble and want to kneel down, was actually caused by the future Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke! ! !

This is impossible! !

This is unreasonable! !

Shimura Danzo roared in his heart, subconsciously disrupting the chakra in his body. He would rather believe that the scene in front of him was an illusion.


Even if he disrupted the chakra, the scene in front of him still didn't change at all.

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke faced each other, standing face to face on the lake.

And underneath them.

The huge statues of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are facing each other with the Seal of Opposition.

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