As a result, another Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto popped out.

This made Xiaonan confused.

The beings on this list seem to be stronger than the last! ?


The weakest one is infinitely stronger than Nagato...

This is very embarrassing.

Of course, it wasn't just Nagato who was embarrassed.

There is also Uchiha Obito on the other side.

At this moment, he felt like he was going to vomit blood out of anger.

He couldn't believe the scene before him.

What the hell is this? ?

Isn't this Uzumaki Naruto-sensei Minato's son? ? He should be twelve years old this year, right? Three-year plan... No matter what happens in the future Ninja World War, Uzumaki Naruto is only about sixteen years old, right?

But tell me, this kind of strength can be possessed by a sixteen-year-old boy? ?

Let’s cheat! ?

Moreover, Obito soon realized something.

Uchiha Madara has obtained the power of six paths, does that mean that his future self has failed or is dead? ?


What is going on in this future?

It took so long to plan, so why did it fail in the end? What went wrong? ?

At this moment, Obito suddenly realized...

"It must be because of these two guys!! We must get rid of them first!! Before they grow up!!"

At this moment, in the video screen, Uchiha Sasuke suddenly moved.

Everyone stared directly at the video screen, watching Sasuke Uchiha forming a seal with one hand!


Rumble, rumble! ! !

Behind Uzumaki Naruto's Nine Tails, several huge stone balls suddenly appeared and flew up, landing behind Uchiha Sasuke.

And when Nagato saw this scene, he seemed to be hit again, his eyes widened with disbelief.

Because he recognized the moves Sasuke used...

Earth explodes and stars explode! !

That's the exclusive move of the Samsara Eye! !

In fact, this was not what shocked Nagato.

It's okay for Uchiha Sasuke to use the Earth Blast Stars, but the number of Earth Blast Stars is too exaggerated! !

One, two, three...eight, nine! ! !

A total of nine stone balls! ! !

This means that Uchiha Sasuke summoned nine Earth Explosion Stars with just one hand seal! !

Is there any heavenly principle? ? ?

Is there any royal method? ? ? ?

Moreover, Earth Blast Star is a sealing ninjutsu, so what is sealed in these nine stone balls? ? ?

Is it possible...

Is it a special tailed beast? ? ?

Nagato was completely silent at this moment, and he felt that his heart was being penetrated back and forth by a kunai.

It breaks my heart...

After all, he himself can only use Ninjutsu of the level of Earth Blast Star twice at most.

It is absolutely impossible for Uchiha Sasuke to summon nine with one hand.

It was precisely because of this that Nagato felt frustrated.

After all, he has had the Samsara Eye for twenty or thirty years...

And what about Sasuke?

how did you do that?

Nagato was really puzzled, and his heart was deeply shocked by this scene.

Even, some are autistic...

At the same time, most of the powerful people in the world were also stunned.

In their eyes, Sasuke's behavior suddenly took on the shadow of Uchiha Madara before.

In front of me, Madara Uchiha summoned a meteorite with one hand!

Later, Uchiha Sasuke summoned nine Earth Explosion Stars with one hand! ?

In terms of scale alone, the Earth Blast Star summoned by Uchiha Sasuke is already comparable to the meteorite summoned by Uchiha Madara.

What's more, he summoned nine of the same size at once! ! !

This person named Uchiha Sasuke...

How terrifying the strength must be! ! ? .

Chapter 188, New gameplay of Wanjie Video Network Forum! ? (Please customize)


Konan looked at Nagato with a shocked expression. Her heart was turbulent and she was so shocked that she could not speak.

That expression was like seeing a ghost.

Nagato also swallowed deeply and turned his head to look at Konan.

so amazing!

The strength of this Uchiha Sasuke.

In front of him, Nagato realized how insignificant the strength he had always been proud of was.

+1 for the number of guys you can't beat.

Moreover, Nagato felt that he was under a lot of pressure, because he knew very well that the Uchiha Sasuke in the video would never seal the tailed beasts one by one. The kind of strength that made him feel huge pressure would inevitably It's nine tailed beasts sealed together!


Nagato looked at Uzumaki Naruto.

The Kyuubi is clearly still in Uzumaki Naruto!

So what are the nine Earth Blast Stars sealed by Sasuke Uchiha? ?

Nagato was silent. He looked at the arrogant Uchiha Sasuke in the video with great fear.


He is the real god! ?

Nagato looked at his skinny limbs and fell into deep thought.

On the other side, Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression changed. Seeing the shocking explosion of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke in the video, he quickly put on his combat uniforms and led his ANBU towards Konoha Village.

What the hell!

Sarutobi Hiruzen really didn't expect that the future Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke could actually grow to that point.

And now, the video has been exposed, which means that the entire ninja world will begin to investigate Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto.


It might also lead to death for both of them.

Although Jiraiya and Tsunade are powerful, it does not mean that they will be able to protect the two children...


Sarutobi Hiruzen is a little bit pained, he has to quickly get Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke back!


There is also a Metkai!

The land of bliss.

Uchiha Madara frowned. He looked at the video and there seemed to be some familiar power, which made him feel a little uneasy.

" clansman?? But when did this happen? Why does the other party also have the Samsara Eye? And then..."

Uchiha Madara looked shocked, that aura was actually more powerful than him.

Well, better than him in Six Paths Madara mode!

This made Uchiha Madara a little hard to accept for a while. After all, his last video had become the background board inexplicably. As a result, in this new video, two guys who were more powerful than him even appeared.

Uchiha Madara's mentality suddenly became a little unbalanced.

But soon, Uchiha Madara noticed Uchiha Sasuke's nine Earth Blast Stars, and he immediately guessed that the nine tailed beasts sealed in the Earth Blast Stars were.

But this made him even more confused.

Nine tailed beasts? ?

its not right!

The guy opposite clearly has a Nine-Tails on him!

What the hell is going on?

Could it be that in the ten or twenty years since his death, the outside world had developed the technology to replicate tailed beasts? ? ?

Uchiha Madara was lost in thought with a confused look on his face.

At this moment, in the short book street.

Uchiha Sasuke clenched his fists in excitement as he looked at himself in the video screen.

I lost it! ?

Am I so awesome in the future? ?

Seeing himself in the video, that huge Susanoo, and every move he made carried the supreme aura of a king, which made Uchiha Sasuke very excited and yearned for him.

What kind of force is that... Bah, what kind of power is that!

Is this the true power of the Uchiha clan? ?

On the other side, Uzumaki Naruto, who was in the Kyuubi seal space, laughed and turned around to look at Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, and said with a stinking look on his face:

"Look, look! Mom and Dad! I will be so powerful in the future! Big fox! I can actually cooperate with you in the future! It seems you are not that bad after all!"

Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina looked at each other with smiles on their faces, and looked at Naruto quietly, with endless tenderness in their eyes.

Kyuubi was lying in the sealed space. When he heard Uzumaki Naruto's words, he said "cut" with disdain, but his eyes remained on the video.

It felt the power of the old man of Six Paths...

In the video, the person named Uzumaki Naruto...

wrong! !

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