With that kind of strength...

As expected of his son!

I'm really looking forward to it...

The meeting with his son in the future...the kind of meeting in reality.

I wonder if at that time, when the main body saw Naruto, he would be frightened by Naruto's changes?

In the sealed space, Kyuubi watched the video, but its peripheral vision kept glancing at Uzumaki Naruto who was being scolded.

This guy……

Is he really his future partner? ?

Why would I choose such an unreliable guy as my partner? ?


That's all, maybe he has some merits that I haven't discovered yet...

In this case, I don't need chakra to influence his cultivation.

Thinking in his mind, Kyuubi silently took back the chakra he had revealed from the seal to interfere with Naruto.

And its gaze fell on the picture in the video again.

Sasuke Uchiha……


Uzumaki Naruto and I in the future will not be defeated by this kind of attack! ! .

Chapter 190: Nazuo’s shocking blow shook the heavens! ! (Please customize)

in the video screen.

Uzumaki Naruto quietly looked at the Indra Arrow condensed on Uchiha Sasuke's huge Susanoo. He did not have any fear.

This attitude shocked everyone who watched the video.

Why is this Uzumaki Naruto so calm in the face of this level of attack! ?

Could it be that he also has some killer move! ?

Thinking of this, people from all over the world began to look forward to it, wanting to see how Uzumaki Naruto would respond to Uchiha Sasuke's attack.

Uzumaki Naruto in the video also spoke at this time.

"Nine Lama, are you okay?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the camera immediately shifted to Kyuubi.

He is gathering the power of nature! !

This made many powerful people's eyes light up, and they could clearly sense the rich power that seemed to be overflowing from the picture.

This kind of power has not been seen by many powerful people in the world.

After the Nine Tails transferred all the condensed natural power to Uzumaki Naruto.

The chakra of the three incomplete tailed beasts poured directly into Naruto's body!

Asura! ! !

At this scene, everyone's eyes widened.

They never expected that Uzumaki Naruto could have such a terrifying killing move! !

That's a huge Yin-Yang Release Spiral Shuriken! !

Appearing in the hands of the golden nine-tails! !

"Then!! What kind of power is that!?"

"Yin Yang and Five Elements!? This is the power of Yin and Yang!?"

"Oh my god, you can actually master such power!? Does their cultivation system actually include the power of yin and yang?"

"The scariest thing about this is that I actually feel that if I go up to take this move, I will definitely die!! How powerful is this!?"

Many powerful people in the world were stunned, and the shock on their faces was not concealed at all. They stared at the big screen in front of them, as if they wanted to comprehend the overflowing power.

And in the world of Naruto.

The Immortal of Six Paths guarding the realms of Yin and Yang opened his eyes.

He looked at the video screen in shock.

"Is this... the power of Asura? So that's it, the reincarnation of Asura's chakra??"

The Sage of Six Paths took a deep look at Uzumaki Naruto in the video, and then he felt the power of Indra emanating from Uchiha Sasuke's body.

"Indra...sigh...can't we avoid fighting even after being reincarnated?"

The Immortal of Six Paths sighed, looked at the two people in the video with complicated expressions, and closed his eyes again.

"That's it...their grudges should be over..."

And the land of bliss.

Namikaze Minato looked at Uzumaki Naruto in the video with a surprised look on his face, a look of relief on his face.

"Is this... an improved ninjutsu based on the Rasengan? Naruto... you did a really good job."

Namikaze Minato was very moved in his heart. After all, his son learned the ninjutsu he developed, and based on this, he developed the ninjutsu to the point where he could do it.

How could Minato not feel happy watching his child grow up like this?

On the other side, Uchiha Madara sat quietly, looking at the video screen with a cold face. At this time, he was no longer as excited as when he saw himself gaining the power of six paths.

Because he found that his strength seemed to be no match for the two people in the video.

This made him feel a little sore, but he was also very unconvinced.

When had he, Uchiha Long Aotian, ever suffered such injustice! ?

"Strong enough young man, I look forward to fighting with you."

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly. Although he was still not sure whether he could defeat him, he was so arrogant that he could not give in to the two juniors.

in the video screen.

Uzumaki Naruto's Yin-Yang Release Spiral Shuriken and Uchiha Sasuke's Indra Arrow were thrown out in an instant.

At this moment, the camera suddenly slowed down.

Everyone stared at the video screen, and some even held their breath nervously.

They all knew that the most shocking scene of the collision of these two moves was about to come.

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The shock wave that destroyed the world was the moment the two moves collided! !

Appear with a bang! !

A gang of pirates.

Luffy's eyes widened and he didn't dare to take a breath.

Zoro's whole body stiffened and he looked at the scene in the video with dull eyes.

Usopp, who loved to brag, collapsed to the ground in fear.

Because they were deeply shocked by the scene before them.

What a terrifying power that is! ?

That must be close to the power of a god! !

This made Luffy and others feel their scalps numb for a while.

It can be seen from their reactions that at this moment, their inner excitement and shock are vividly displayed.

And in the video screen...

The picture freezes!

One second later!

A huge, strange light ball containing extremely terrifying energy was formed quickly after the collision of the two moves.

And the scope of this light ball is still spreading towards the surroundings.

It was a huge ball of light that would make many people’s legs weak when they saw it!

It takes up two-thirds of the screen, and everyone can tell it from the video.

This ball of light has covered hundreds of miles in radius! !

What a terrifying explosion shock wave this is! ?

Rumble, rumble! ! !

With a huge noise!

A devastating red light wave shot into the sky! !

No! !

Not only that! !

In the shock wave containing destructive power, there are purple and orange lights that are constantly intertwined! !

The terrifying energy was completely released at this moment.

It was an extremely terrifying and terrifying explosion! !

People from all over the world felt this extremely shocking explosion, and the destructive energy that rushed out of the screen made many people subconsciously fall to the ground.

An extremely heart-pounding sense of oppression! !

At this time, a voice came from the screen!

It belongs to Sasuke Uchiha!


His voice was extremely cold, as if he was sure of victory.

Accompanied by Uchiha Sasuke's words.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A more violent explosion rose! !

The ball of light that seemed to destroy the world was detonated at this moment! !

In an instant, the sky turned gloomy and thunderclouds gathered!

Countless thunders fell from the sky! !

Boom! !

Boom! !

Every tear is like beating the heart of the earth!

Click! !

The earth is tearing apart! !

The earth is shaking! !

Everyone who watched the video gulped at this moment, and the eyes of those who were far more powerful than Naruto and Sasuke were even brighter.

All the worlds have different emotions!

Some people were extremely excited by the shocking scene in front of them, and even wished they could go up and try the power of this move.

Some people's mouths were dry and their eyes were dull. They were so shocked by the scene before them that they could not speak.

Some people have already prepared themselves in their hearts. They have already expected that this blow will be extremely terrifying.

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