Afraid of moving...

He will die for unknown reasons in the next second! !

Everyone's eyes changed.

Looking at Saitama, he was extremely shocked.

This is……

What is the true strength of Saitama? ?

"Teacher Saitama, even more powerful!"

Genos spoke with a look of admiration on his face.

The setting of the live broadcast room is very interesting. If the people entering the live broadcast room know each other, then the 'mosaic' on each other will disappear.

After Genos came in, he realized that all the S-class heroes had come in.

Tatsumaki kept swallowing his saliva on the side.

She naturally heard what Genos said, and the corners of her mouth twitched crazily as she looked down at the bald man she had been mocking.

This was the first time she truly saw Saitama using his power unscrupulously.

This power made her, who had always been proud, feel a burst of despair.

This kind of monster...

How do you practice? ?

Can anyone really defeat him? ? ?

For a moment, Tatsumaki was confused. She once thought that Saitama should not appear in their world, but should appear in the world where Saint Seiya or Sun Wukong's group of Saiyans are.

The strength of Saitama and Boros is like four-dimensional beings coming to the three-dimensional world to carry out dimensionality reduction strikes.

the other side.

Frieza naturally also entered the live broadcast room.

He wanted to take a good look at whether this ant who claimed to be the overlord of the universe was worthy of it.


When I felt the momentum of Boros and Saitama.

Frieza's face became extremely ugly, as if he had eaten more than a dozen tons of Ollie.

"Impossible!!! Absolutely impossible!!! How could their strength reach such a level!!!"

Frieza's face was ferocious and full of disbelief.

Feeling the huge pressure falling on him, he never expected that Boros' strength would actually catch up with him! ! !

And Saitama's strength... he couldn't figure it out! ! !

"Impossible!!! It must be an illusion!! An illusion!! Such rubbish!! How is it possible!!!"

For a moment, Frieza was furiously denying what he felt.

He couldn't tolerate someone who looked like an ant in his eyes and suddenly became his equal! !

"Could it be that... it's the reward for being listed on the Wanjie Video Network!?"

Frieza's expression changed, and a look of desire and greed flashed in his eyes.

Wanjie Video Network's ranking reward can actually make an ant who is far less powerful than him become so powerful, so what if he uses it himself? ?

Then how powerful will he be! ? ?

Frieza licked his lips, a hint of resentment flashing in his eyes.

"Damn!! This kind of thing can be on the list, why can't Frieza be on the list!?"

Thinking this, Frieza looked at Boros and Saitama with extremely resentful eyes.



In the battle space, feeling Saitama's seemingly weak aura, Boros grinned: "Saitama...Is this all you have to offer!?"

Saitama looked calm and said indifferently: "Well~ if you want to fight, then fight, if not, forget it!"

"Stop talking nonsense!! Take your life!!!"

Boros's expression changed, and in an instant, terrifying energy gathered in his hands!

The next second, a large amount of energy in Boros' body turned into a huge energy beam attack! !

Energy cannon! ! ! .

Chapter 214: Warming up? ? Horrible warm-up! ! ! ! (Please customize)

Boros gave everyone who watched the live broadcast a very shocking scene at the beginning.

The fully powered energy cannon was given directly to Saitama, who was thousands of meters away, as a meeting gift! !

The energy cannon rushed towards Saitama at an extremely terrifying speed, devouring everything that blocked its progress on the way! !

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed!

The terrible energy aftermath ruthlessly causes terrible damage to the surroundings! !

Boom, boom, boom! ! ! !

The earth trembles! ! !

The energy aftermath actually cut off the waterfall in the distance!

Facing this blow, Saitama looked calm.

The next second, everyone saw Saitama leaning down slightly on the spot very calmly!

"Serious Series·Serious Continuous Punches!!"

Saitama's voice was not loud, and was covered by the roar of the energy cannon, but it was transmitted very clearly to the ears of every spectator!

The next moment, Saitama moved!

A dazzling afterimage appeared on Saitama! !

No one present clearly saw the path of each punch of Saitama! !

The energy cannon roared!

In an instant, he encountered the afterimage of Saitama's punch! !

boom! ! ! !

Strong energy swept through at this moment! ! !

Saitama's body kept retreating! !

But his complexion remained calm and his eyes were sharp! !

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! !

Every punch hits this energy cannon!

Every punch releases terrifying power! ! !

The power of each punch spreads around! !

boom! ! !

The ground collapsed! !

boom! ! !

The mountains collapsed! !

boom! ! !

The forest turned into ashes! !

boom! ! !

Energy cannon...

Dissipated! ! !


Saitama punched him to pieces! ! !

"Hahahahahahahaha!!! That's right!! Saitama!! That's it!! That's the feeling!! Let me be more excited!! Saitama!!!"

Seeing his attack being defeated by Saitama, Boros didn't panic at all, but his face was full of excitement! !

Eyes scarlet!

Boros felt that every cell in his body was restless! ! !

This is the fight he has always dreamed of! ! !


Saitama didn't speak, and his figure suddenly disappeared!

quick! !

quick! !

quick! ! !

This speed is so fast that many people can only see an afterimage! !

Many powerful people in the world watching the live broadcast were stunned, their mouths opened in shock, and their jaws seemed to be dislocated!

What kind of speed is this! ?

Why does this speed appear on this ordinary bald man! ! !

Poros laughed, and his figure disappeared on the spot! !

Bang bang bang bang! ! ! !

In an instant!

The sound of collision between fists suddenly sounded!

Saitama and Boros are already fighting at close quarters!

Every punch from the two of them burst out with extremely terrifying power!

The energy aftermath of each punch will destroy the surrounding environment to the point of being unsightly! !

in a blink!

A whole forest!

They all turned into pieces in the blows from each other.

The punching wind is fierce!

The punch speed is terrifying! !

In just a few seconds, before many people could react, Napolos and Saitama had already exchanged hundreds of punches! !

Boros' recovery ability after being strengthened is very terrifying!

Everyone could clearly see that during the confrontation...

Boros' power is at a disadvantage! !

Fight hundreds of punches!

Boros's arm was blown out by Saitama no less than ten times! !


His recovery ability is too terrifying!

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