His figure disappeared!

boom! ! !

Many strong men’s eyes widened! !

They looked in disbelief at Boros who exploded into blood mist in front of them! !

Saitama, on the other hand, stood behind Boros with an expressionless face! ! !

Just one punch! !

A punch that they didn't even react to! !

Boros, who had just been reborn, was beaten to pieces! !

Seeing this scene, Genos suddenly felt something was wrong, and he frowned.

"what happened??"

"What's wrong?" Tatsumaki heard Genos's words and turned to look at him.

"Teacher Saitama...it seems that something is not right?"

Genos looked at the expressionless Saitama with a heavy expression. The feeling Saitama gave him...

So strange!

He looked like he was keeping strangers away...

It's like...

Saitama is a high-ranking god...

No emotions whatsoever!

No emotions whatsoever!

Like a machine!


what is going on?

In the battle space.

Saitama looked at Boros who exploded into blood mist expressionlessly.

Boros's regeneration ability was still strong, and in the blink of an eye, the blasted upper body grew back.


Boros finished regenerating and just turned around and roared.

boom! ! !

again! !

Boros' body exploded into blood mist again! ! !

This time, many people noticed something was wrong with Saitama.

"Is this guy... deified?" Hestia frowned and looked at Saitama.

"Hestia, what is deification?" Bell looked at Hestia curiously. She had always called herself a goddess.

"Deification means becoming a god!" Hestia looked at Bell.

"Becoming a god!?" Bell's eyes widened and he looked at Saitama in disbelief.

"This is not a good thing... He must have unintentionally unlocked the restriction lock. This situation is very dangerous for an ordinary person!" Hestia explained.

"If a guy like him who unintentionally unlocks the restriction cannot find himself during the process of deification, then he will become a god without any feelings or emotions!" Hestia continued.

"There is no god with seven emotions and six desires. Everything is based on absolute rationality. In this way... he will no longer be him... and this kind of god... may destroy the world, because he may think that this world is wrong. of."

Hestia had a sad look on her face, and she looked quietly at Saitama below.

"I hope he...can find himself..."

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Everyone looked at Saitama below who was beating Boros to pieces with one punch after another.

This was their unknown number of punches.

They only see.

Boros regenerates—explodes into blood mist—regenerates—explodes again—regenerates—explodes again.

Looking at the expressionless Saitama who was covered in Boros' blood, many people shuddered inexplicably.

What's going on with Saitama? ? Doesn't it...don't he feel that his behavior is terrible? ?

Everyone watched as the blasted Boros took longer and longer to regenerate.

What started out as a blink of an eye turned into minutes or tens of minutes before regeneration was complete.

And when he regenerated, without exception, he was beaten to death by Saitama again before he could even say a word.

All over the world, most people feel a biting chill...

Suddenly it clung to their bodies! .

Chapter 217: The end, the final winner! ! (Please customize)

boom! ! !

Half an hour later, Boros's regeneration was completed. His expression became extremely frightened, but before he could speak, a blood-red fist greeted him again.

His vision went dark, and it exploded into a blood mist again!

This is the 683rd time he has exploded blood mist!

Everyone watching felt chilled to the bone.

Saitama was like a terrifying god of death, punching... one punch! !

Turn this Boros into nothingness.

No one knows when Saitama will stop, and no one dares to think whether Saitama will continue to do this.


Extremely scary! !

At this moment, the regeneration ability that most people envy seems to be a shackles! !

You can't die, you can't live!

"What the hell is going on?"

Tatsumaki was trembling all over, looking at Saitama below in horror.

This familiar bald man, even though he was naked now, made her feel so strange.

"Teacher Saitama...the state is so strange!!"

Genos couldn't help but tremble all over. Teacher Saitama seemed to have no emotions at all.

After all, anyone who has been beaten more than six hundred times will feel a pity in his heart and feel that the other person is pitiful.


Saitama didn’t…

Every time Boros regenerates, he will turn into blood mist again in less than a second!

This is simply a prison that is even more torturous than the punishment in hell!

On the other side, Beerus was also silent.

His face no longer had that look of disregard for everything.

Now, his expression was solemn.

Because he couldn't see how far Saitama's strength had reached...


He was keen on destruction, and when facing Saitama, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

What exactly is going on? ? ?

"Let me go!!! I was wrong!!!"

Another hour has passed!

Boros is resurrected again! !

This time, he seized the opportunity and begged Saitama for mercy in agony.

He panicked!

He is afraid!

In his eyes, Saitama is no longer an opponent worth fighting!

Rather, he is an out-and-out devil! ! !

A demon king who kills people without blinking an eye and makes people feel chilled all over! ! !

He panicked! !

But his retreat and begging for mercy did not earn Saitama's mercy.

Still a punch!

He exploded into a bloody mist again.

this moment.

All the people in the world were silent.

They looked at Saitama who was covered in blood below.

Just like Shura crawling out of hell.

It's just that he is more terrifying than Shura! !

At least Shura still has feelings...

he! ! !

No! ! !

Two long hours passed...

Boros' cells slowly regenerate...

"Saita!! I was wrong!! Kill me!!"

Boros collapsed, he really collapsed this time.

The regeneration ability he had always been proud of was like a chain imprisoning him at this moment.

He had never felt as eager to die as he did now.


Saitama didn't give him a chance to die! !

He is torturing himself! !

Boros is very sure! !

Saitama is definitely torturing himself! ! !


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